If You Are Thinking the GOP Will Deliver You to Freedom – Think Again!

GOP leadership in Michigan has said for months “our hands are tied” regarding the governor’s executive orders that drove the Michigan economy into the ground, placed people in house arrest and placed Covid-19 positive patients in nursing homes causing economic, emotional and physical death to reign in all directions since March 2020.

Well, all it takes is for the Democratic governor to have a slight 4-3 Michigan Supreme Court setback for the GOP to reward and encourage the people with the hope of freedom they have so missed in the days and weeks to come … BUT NO!

The GOP in Michigan is not about to “grant” the people freedoms, they were only upset that the Democratic governor was getting all the  credit for the epic tyranny to descend on the physically beautiful state of Michigan which is now being turned into an economic dumpster fire that will require tons of assistance from a bankrupt federal government, further enslaving the people of Michigan not only to the local tyranny from state and local leaders (not to mention big businesses that have joined in this action, looking right at you Menards), but also federal tyranny for years and decades to come.

Becky Akers, a Michigan resident and frequent writer provides this from Lew Rockwell’s LRC Blog:

In a landmark ruling with far-reaching implications, the Michigan Supreme Court decided Friday that [Democratic] Gov. Gretchen Whitmer violated her constitutional authority by continuing to issue orders to combat COVID-19 without the approval of state lawmakers.

Sounds promising, right?

Ah, but listen to those “state lawmakers,” particularly the Rethuglican ones. They prattle like power-hungry despots grasping after the authority ol’ Gretch stole from them:

“The governor had no right to extend the state of emergency over the Legislature’s objection. Our constitution matters, and this was a big win for our democratic process,” [House Speaker Lee] Chatfield [R-Levering] said.

That’s not as objectionable, except for slandering a republic as a democracy.

But words matter, and the GOP, the chief killer of the republic is at it again. In throwing blacks off southern plantations in 1866, they inadvertently placed all Americans on the government plantation, and Americans today are finally waking up to that fact. As with slavery, not only are we to provide for the common good (plantation economics) with government taking a portion of our earnings.

Our bodies are no longer our own as governments can dictate we wear masks (that do NOTHING against a 120nm coruna-virus), but that we also submit to house arrest (loss of freedom to travel) and to forced vaccinations (what happened to “my body, my choice?).

Government is NOT our friend, neither is the GOP, and obviously neither are the extremely evil Democrats.

In just the past twenty years, under BI-PARTISAN laws, this happened to our Bill of Rights:

Becky then showcases how stupid the GOP in Michigan is:

.. then Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey [R-Clarklake] opened his big mouth. He opined that

the ruling ensured “a system of checks and balances” but also warned residents against dropping their guard in defending themselves against the virus.

“This ruling does not alter our collective responsibility to protect ourselves and others by wearing masks, social distancing, and washing our hands,” Shirkey said. “The virus still presents a threat to our health and we must be vigilant in our actions.”

How does that differ from Gretch the Witch? Compare Shirkey’s quote with this drivel from Her Wickedness:

I will never stop fighting to keep you and your families safe from this deadly virus.”

The people of Michigan are slaves under this DEMOCRACY –> SOCIALIST STATE –. MARXIST STATE .. prove me wrong!

Consider this threat from the latter [GOP POS]:

The Legislature stands ready to deliberate in a bipartisan way on pandemic response [sic for “totalitarianism”], Chatfield and Shirkey said.

That “bipartisan … response” boasts a less than stellar record:

Early on in the pandemic, the GOP-led Legislature submitted some suggestions to Whitmer that were eventually adopted within the executive orders

(Ahem: said “orders” closed and bankrupted businesses while imprisoning citizens at home.)

and, since then, lawmakers have passed some laws that supported her executive orders, such as those pertaining to school reopening protocol.

Rethugs [Republicans] doing what they do best: cooperating with and egging on Demonrats [Democrats].

Most concerning of all,

“Now is the time for bipartisan action to transition from government operating in fear of the virus to government managing life in the presence of the virus,” Shirkey said.

“Managing  life.” Do any two words more accurately describe political slavery?

The government of Michigan is here from this day forward to manage your life. Michigan politicians are now your massa ..

Peace out


Are There Only Two Choices? Nationalism and Globalism?

To kickoff this post, try Ingraham Angle, 16 Sep 2020:

At about 3:30m mark, Laura points out Biden’s NATIONALISM binge as he wants national standards for return to school, mask mandating and rolling lockdowns all controlled by the US federal government.

I for one am more than happy that those in the former federated republic known originally as the united States (seen in early 1780 documents), that there is still enough federalism left to allow South Dakota to opt out of the political house arrest/lockdowns/mandatory mask reaction to Covid-19. It is GOOD, I contend, that state government judicial branches can overturn Covid-19 executive orders like they did in PA and legislatures doing their job like they did in ID. One size fits all does not work in the US, and honestly, does NOT work inside most states! States need to be aware of the regions and cultures in their own arbitrary boundaries and allow county, city or village differences.

Brion McClanahan has some ideas on this:

Episode 23: Think Locally, Act Locally

So it seems that most GOP love nationalism (flag, national anthem even though it is socialist to the core and worship of the military) and the Democrats who swore by “sanctuary cities” NOW swears by nationalism (once they are in power). I hate both .. both wings of the same party love the measles of nationalism.

I contend that if the Articles of Confederation were in force today, there would NOT be this epic power struggle to be in control of the US federal government, because it would be the weak servant of the states, which is what the founders originally wanted. Now that the STATE is not only the master of the states (on the government plantation), but is also the master of the world as the strongest empire, telling other countries what to do and dinging them with embargoes and sanctions if they don’t.

So where does that leave those of us in the US today after it has been made clear that we have closet tyrants at EVERY level of government from federal, state down to the local level? What options does the “remnant” have to deal with compliant sheep/slaves in this system, used and abused by their government masters? Can politics fix this?

Stay tuned.

Peace out


Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Unemployment Checks – The “Union/Empire” Wanes

Confederate Constitution acknowledging God!

After a month away from this blog, I looked back at my last thoughts on this attempt by politics to hijack this virus scare:

Will our existing political class figure this out? Not a chance.

Will voting help? Not a chance.

The US still has the USPS and Amtrak, if they can be trusted with little things, you can safely say they can’t be trusted with MAJOR things.

This nation will have to split into many smaller republics before any of this can be addressed.

Whoever can be trusted with small things can also be trusted with big things. Whoever is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in big things too. – Luke 16:10 (Bible)

Is there any doubt by those that can critically think that our political apparatus from DC to the state’s governors and to the large (and small) city mayors are not full of want-to-be tyrants and sociopaths? When one follows the money, it gets even more immoral as the political class (BOTH sides of the so-called aisle) want to be re-elected so bad that they were all willing to place a big old pacifier in the mouths of millions of let go workers so that 65% or more would receive more weekly income than they had prior to this crisis. This is indeed immoral since to entice people to sit on their couches in their homes in time will lead to lives without any purpose. Life on the government plantation has ruined other cultures like the American Indian and the African American groups in the USA. This is how you emasculate the male population towards a purposeless life as government becomes both nanny and daddy.

But I digress. We should be in better position today to see the federal and state governments for what they really are. This “union” has been poisoned for some time. In fits and starts one can see how the federal government opted to be the “safety net”, like somehow a “neutral” entity could care for our communities and societies better than the locals could. That this safety net could extend to big business so that there was no risk in forgoing savings and instead buy back stock shares to prop up the stock prices. So whether this is individual or corporate welfare, both are immoral as one robs some people of their money and uses it to its own agenda’s purpose picking winners and losers in the marketplace as well as in towns and cities and farms across this land.

The southern states endured the reallocation of their taxed and tariff-ed economies from at least the War of 1812 up until the so-called Civil War (War Against Southern Independence). The South attempted to be “above-board” with their last ditch effort to save themselves from economic ruin by legally seceding (at first only 7 states) from this “union” (marriage). But Lincoln would not have his cash cow as a next-door free-trade zone, so he labeled it an “insurrection” and used George Washington’s illegal put down of the Whiskey Rebellion (25% tax thanks to Alexander Hamilton, so how bad was King George for wanting 3%?) as a template for saving the union.

This HAS to sound familiar right? The whole US government (in parallel to so many other governments) is trying to “save” us from Covid-19 while actually killing society and communities in the process. From 1861-1865 the “union” lost about 800,000 lives. What will the final death count be for the Covid-19 response by 2024 when the unintended consequences of good intentions has run its course with suicides, PTSD, mental health issues from the economic fallout AFTER the unemployment checks run out (now slated for 31JUL2020 but many want this extended to 31DEC2020)?

Smaller republics are the only answer that makes sense. Not existing state lines, although that would be a start, but republics that have like-minded people geographically grouped so that government reach can be minimized for liberty folks and maximized for totalitarian minded folks.

Reflecting on the course of what the southern states sailed can be very helpful. Sure they were not perfect and should have jettisoned chattel slavery at the very start (although this would have upset both white and black slaveholders) and compensating these owners with hard currency.

Consider what the Confederate government learned in the 80 years under the US Constitution.

  1. That unlike the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation which BOTH had God, our Creator, as whom we derived our natural rights from, the US Constitution written in 1787 failed to give such indication as its North Star
  2. That the US Constitution failed to protect the people from the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act that made it a crime to criticize the US Government.
  3. That the US Constitution failed to protect various regions of the land from the plundering ambitions of other region’s agenda and greed.
  4. That the US Constitution’s Supreme Court hijacked the ability of the states to determine which laws were unconstitutional.

It is the last point that is highlighted in this article from Abbeville Institite here. I do think it is the proper time to consider what real justice is these days and know how much a failure this a-political Supreme Court has been.

Although the Court would increasingly try to narrow the realm of States Rights, Madison [author of the US Constitution] denied that “the Federal judiciary” was the ultimate judge of such limits because it was the people of the states themselves who were the final authority.

It was in fact the US Government’s (called General government in those days, now labeled the Federal Government) over-reach that set-off a push back politically:

The conflict became obvious when President John Adams pushed through the 1798 Sedition Act, making it a crime to speak ill of the President or Congress. Since it was harshly enforced for some of the mildest criticisms, strict constructionists respond. Among them was future President James Madison who is known as the Father of the Constitution. He denied that the Supreme Court was the ultimate authority on States Rights. This can be seen from the 1798 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions he helped write with Thomas Jefferson condemning the Sedition Act as unconstitutional.

Jefferson’s presidential victory in 1800 guaranteed that the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act would be eliminated, but by 1833 things were simmering again. By this stage of the republic’s life the South was losing its position as being a strong entity within this federation and saw New England culture and character make huge inroads into the federal government’s choosing of winners (railroads, canals and the steel industry) over losers in the marketplace:

Calhoun would build upon the Resolutions to formulate his nullification theory that South Carolina invoked in 1833 to nullify the 1828 Tariff of Abominations. Calhoun argued that the tariff was not uniform in terms of geographic economic impact and therefore unconstitutional. When the Federal Government crossed over constitutional lines, a state could take action as the final authority of constitutionality in its borders, not the Supreme Court. All states could only be forced to conform to such a law by passing a new amendment specifically making it constitutional.

This “one-size-fits-all” approach (sound familiar?) is a recipe for disaster, for just as all individuals are different, so too are the states.

The Supreme Court early on made a huge mistake that made it necessary to add an 11th amendment in 1795 when the US Constitution was less than ten years old:

When a 1793 Supreme Court ruling held the state of Georgia at fault in a suit brought by a South Carolina resident, Georgia denied the Court’s jurisdiction. After the adverse ruling ten other states joined Georgia to ratify a new (11th) Amendment specifying that individuals outside an applicable state could not sue that state without the state’s permission. The Amendment’s prompt ratification indicates a widespread belief that the Court was unexpectedly and quickly overstepping its authority.

Now you know why the Confederate government opted NOT to have a supreme court at least initially. Lesson learned.

Now it is our turn to learn from history and push for a government that is more commensurate to the people’s desire of liberty, freedom and self responsibility .. at least in certain geographical regions of this land we call America.

Peace out.


Face Masks = Fear Masks = Psy-op Courtesy of the CDC

Disclaimer: If you feel the need to wear a face mask .. :

  1. Because you have flu symptoms and desire to keep OTHERS protected (alternatively, you could just isolate yourself)
  2. Because you on the journey towards truth and still trust the CDC over your own research .. (alternatively, you could just isolate yourself, otherwise, please order the most effective* mask on the market above)

* – your mileage may vary, I am not a doctor so this is NOT medical advice as “effective” does not related to physical health but mental health 🙂

.. then fine, go ahead. However, you should know the ramifications of going out in public with your fear, err I mean, face mask on. Allen Stevo from Lew Rockwell’s site explains:

There’s a thing about masked faces. They freak people out. People like seeing the full, healthy, relaxed faces of those around them. Reading faces is one way our primal selves avoid danger. Masked faces increase cortisol. They tell you something is wrong. There’s a reason doctors try to avoid masks during hospital rounds: a face is more comforting to a patient.

Truth. You who proceed to don the fear mask and go into society only helps to drive UP the fear component that the CDC and US Government seems to thrive on to either ..

  1. .. hide their hideous mismanagement of the financial state of the US since 2008, since the 1970s when we went off the gold standard, the 1930s when FDR confiscated gold OR in 1913 when the Federal Reserve was established apparently to squander the value of the USD!
  2. .. or use at this point in time to double down on ensuring the masses understand their slave status on the government plantation, driving 20 million out of work and swell the unemployment roles (weren’t unemployment rates bragged about until the last few months?) and move another subset of society toward dependence on the government, sucking any remaining dignity from their life and having them resolved to just live out their remaining days with no purpose in life. Totalitarianism in general taking either the socialism or Marxism route to Communism. It is just a matter of time once you go down this path.
  3. .. or BOTH!

You see, this kind of psy-op was accomplished almost 20 years ago as well. This is the next generation surrender pose to the one we all have had to do at the airports since 9/11, you know, arms over the head as we get scanned by the TSA?

.. the pose that is drilled into you every time you pass through airport security. You must enter the naked body scanner and do the pose of submission. If you don’t you will be barked at, eye-rolled at, and huffed at until you do.

Notably, this “I surrender” pose is mere security theater. It looks like it works. It doesn’t actually work. That, alongside the dehumanizing: take off your shoes, get groped, and throw away whatever items you recently bought that happen to be more than 3.3 ounces.

Even more than this, it is the more affluent that have been morphed into sheep in the past two decades:

… it does work at is taking some of the most affluent members of society – air travelers – and bossing them around until they submit. The more affluent you are (to a degree) the more you travel by commercial air. The more you travel by commercial air, the more you get put through the compliance tester and obedience enforcer. This is a predictable way to make the most affluent in a society more compliant…

Barf right? But you can see how this first generation ‘surrender pose’ set the stage for the one we are seeing now right? Can you see this Plandemic clearly now?

Psy ops (alternately PSYOPS, Psychological Operations, or Psychological warfare) is a behavior intended to psychologically weaken a target. The US government is renowned for this.

While I don’t know what is an intentional psy op in my life and what isn’t, I know fear is psychologically harmful to me and those around me. To live in a constant state of fear is hell. It shortens life and reduces the quality of the short life you have.

The government desires a sick population so they can be society’s “savior”, whether it is managing their health, managing their fear or managing their life. Totalitarian governments desire to embed themselves in every detail of their citizen’s lives.

“When stress is prolonged,” writes Aphrodite Matsakis, “The adrenal glands and some of these helping biochemicals can become depleted. This depletion can lead to depression, panic attacks, mood swings, rage reactions, and problems responding appropriately to others.”

The government and all those entities that depend on the government (individual and corporate) do not want a healthy population with a robust immune system. If society were made up of free and responsible adults that were responsible for their own actions which respected the lives and properties of others, government would not have a place.

This is and always has been the dividing line between the masses and the remnant, as Allen Stevo wraps up using the word “gadfly” which is defined as:

A gadfly is a person who interferes with the status quo of a society or community by posing novel, potentially upsetting questions, usually directed at authorities.

The work of the gadfly is some of the most noble work that can be done in a society, for it brings others into a more accurate relationship with reality and helps them to live a life that is more effective, more in touch, aware.

That is not readily appreciated by all.

Bloated, with inaction, expert committees, legal liability, risk mitigation, the corpulent hind quarters of the ass barely responds to the gadfly’s goading toward the truth. It seeks to pass the rest of life in slumber, to paraphrase Socrates.

The best gadfly is the one who is determined to live life honoring his own boundaries, and to be as truthful as possible with others about where those boundaries are. That person is a natural gadfly. He does not exist to sting another. His mere living of his life, however, is an affront to those who refuse to respect their own boundaries and honestly state those boundaries to others.

It can be no surprise that those who abhor truth, who contort their minds to avoid reality, who want to be coddled in the myth of riskless existence, are those most bothered by the very existence of the gadfly.

Some part of them wants to kill him.

They are “triggered” by him. They build “triggering” into an axiomatic evil, and build morality around the inability to trigger, around the inability to be a gadfly.

Here, coddled society comes into conflict with the free man.

Yes, so here we are, as we will always have the coddled society that see government as its lord and savior and the free man, the remnant who respects all but fears none.

