There was a time when “consent of the governed” meant something:
That to secure these [God-given] rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consentofthe governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ..
Even Abraham Lincoln, in a moment of clarity (i.e. when he and his Illinois could BENEFIT from something other than a government about to go to war with Mexico for Texas) said:
Quote from 1846, NOT from 1861.
By 1861, with Lincoln wanting those seven states that had left under Buchanan’s watch BACK in the UNION for REVENUE, he changed his mind.
Now think on that a bit. If you reflect on a marriage where one spouse not only takes most of your money, but also abuses you verbally, you have every right to seek a just divorce. So too did these seven southern states.
Post 2020 election, if President Trump loses, those “deplorables” who have been ripped off by democracy morphing into socialism, which Karl Marx said was only a stage before communism (REIMAGINE THIS), are once again going to think about this “consent”. Most deplorables are ardent nationalists that would still invade states that attempt to leave the union.
Secession is THE answer, whether it be the fly-over country or the east and Left coasts, it be time for a divorce!
To be honest, the deplorables will not only have to look at the evil Democratic political party, but also the stupid GOP political party that did nothing to stop the spread of socialism (Bush’s “No Child Left Behind”, Corporate Welfare State, etc). The GOP is secretly in bed with the Democrats and predictably vote in lockstep on the major shifts in this once federated republic:
The Patriot Act
The Invasion of Iraq
Obamacare (and keeping it even when the GOP had control of Prez / Congress)
Illegal Immoral Wars and Interventions: Ukraine, Syria, Libya
So just to be clear, our US political choices include plan 1.1 and plan 1.2, because they are only a little different (tough to see that these are radically different, as both cause more deaths and keeps removing our God-given freedoms):
It is time to learn the differences, but more importantly, to understand what is not talked about in political circles, that of freedom, individuality, consent of the governed and being left alone!
If Trump is re-elected, you will have a little more time to come up to speed on how politics or voting will never fix this. The “Great Reset” is here, so it will be time to:
Empires and collectives will never want freedom as they promise you various utopias. Get smart, recognize a PsyOp, and blend into the woodwork locally while connecting with like minded-people for the road ahead.
“Respect without fear may come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective.” – John Wooden
Perspective, critical thinking, knowing your options are all essential skill sets to have in this 2020 environment not just in the USA, but also in most countries in the world as the political chess players are making their moves.
The USA itself is forever in a huge debt cycle compliments of the FED, and most European countries are in the same state of affairs. The socialist moves (thanks to BOTH Democrats and Republicans in the USA) over the past 100 years have eroded the ability for people to rise up themselves and be innovators in their business adventures. When technologies would afford people to become true entrepreneurs, this 2020 Crisis has crippled startups and other businesses to seemingly force government loans/grants to ensure continued corporate welfare dependency on a new generation of small businesses and the bailout of large corporate entities as well.
In an effort to mask the underlying financial hole that consumes a large part of the world, Covid-19 followed by accusations of racism and white supremacy have been followed by … Covid-19 again. Take 3.
A hundred years ago, back in the early 1900s, most people in the USA were farmers who had to understand free markets, investments in capital, saving for a rainy day as well as the science behind making their farms profitable. Most were a principled people who knew their individual connection to society. These people had perspective, they were critical thinkers as their lives depended on it and their efforts in farming with nature’s storms and droughts meant they feared men less and respected God more.
Since those days we have lost so much of our principles in our society as government has become daddy, nanny, our god and/or a safety net and more recently an entity that can be called on to make us all FEEL better. It seems that the longer people are in government schools, the more they conform to the government’s mold. This sadly is by design of course.
Today, everyone is offended, monuments, books and movies all can trigger a bad feeling so they must all go away. The US political party called Democrats have generally encouraged this temper tantrum behavior.
Well, y’all enjoy your moment in the sun because there is a day coming where reality will hit you like one of Aunt Minnie’s pies from the movie “The Help”
Some day when the government runs out of other people’s money, those who have been on the government dole will find out what was really in that government “pie”. There ain’t no way you can easily recover from the revelation that you have been a pawn in their game all your life or for many families, for generations.
There are also other political forces (known as the GOP) that are now upset with all the destruction of (their) things that are so very important to them .. like monuments, buildings and the like. They too are being triggered as this is all somehow ending Western Civilization. Well, if it was only these monuments, books or movies that was keeping it going, it was indeed a hollow shell.
Now, let me be very clear, I do contend that destruction of property is a crime no doubt. But I do wish that instead of “public” monuments that these would have been private monuments so that private citizens could defend them on private land without government interference or arrests! You see, having the government own land is not a good thing. The common square can be trashed and government workers are told to defend themselves instead of protecting people or property. It is never government’s fault for anything.
But I digress.
We in 2020 tend to think in terms of either/or. We are for BLM/Antifa or for Trump/GOP/Neo-cons. Well this is BS as there are other ways.
There is indeed another road or two that most people have not found yet. Many might know it in their head but it ain’t in their heart. Religion and politics have inoculated many of these from these alternate roads where one can really respect all as being made in God’s image while fearing no man.
Historically, the Enlightenment from the 1700s on brought some great things but also sought to elevate man and his political governments above God and so now the republics have turned towards socialism which can lead to fascism, Marxism and communism who all see in their minds:
This life is all there is
A most beautiful future where everyone is equal
A future place where no one gets their feelings hurt
A core benefit that Global Warming is stopped so Mother Earth is saved thanks to man’s efforts
Those who know their history know that Marxism/Communism has been tried before time and again with millions killed by their own governments only to see the whole s**tshow collapse time and again. Just ask Russia! Is it no wonder that Russia learned from its pre-1990 times and therefore keeps Rothschild, Soros and Bill Gates from having influence in their republic?
While that side-show is in progress, the elites are now looking to utilize this turbulence to exert more control on the population while reducing it to a size that they can “manage” in a generation or two. Yes, there are evil people thinking about this day and night for their whole lives. They are not like you and me, on the outside they look normal, but inside they are pure evil. (again, think Rothschild, Soros and Gates) They all dream of a sequel to the American Empire.
So, what are the alternatives?
One way has been a hidden road that is revealed with some history of what happened a couple of thousand years ago another empire was falling as well. From what I understand, Jesus and his followers had it right on many levels as how to approach this life in this broken world, in their case, inside the Roman Empire:
This all is not about flesh and blood but about good and evil powers and principalities
‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.‘ The Bible – Ephesians 6:12
This is not about church buildings, monuments, etc.
“believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.” The Bible – John 4:21
It is not the things of this world that sustains us in times of crisis, but what is written on our heart
“ show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” The Bible – 2 Corinthians 3:3
The followers of Jesus, were made free by His love, even when 50% of them were still slaves in the Roman Empire. They were all an inspiration to others in the midst of the empire’s fall. Their oral histories were carried on for generations! This was mainly an underground movement for many years.
It does seem that all it takes is small numbers of people (a remnant) in every country, where it seems that the “safety” governments promised is eroding in the face of violence, that can make a difference one person at a time, spontaneously. We shall see if Jesus-followers make a difference this time.
As to another road or way to live, I look for those with a more libertarian bent that may or may not be Jesus-followers. I for one believe that this other “remnant” and true Jesus followers are not that much different. Both believe in the non-aggression principle BUT still believe in self-defense. Both have a concern for others as INDIVIDUALS and do not play into group definitions. Both also allow others the space to figure things out on their own and will not intrude into their space in an effort to change them. Both allow others to observe their lives, their course that is based on their own principles of life, their North Star, to influence others by their actions.
These roads do not take the top-down attempt to MAKE society worthy of the principles of freedom and liberty. Both of these are grassroots efforts, ignoring political quagmires, in an effort to positively impact others one person or one home at a time from the ground up.
Just as the liberty minded of the 1770s who risked all to exit their security, the British Empire, were actually “formed and molded” by the events of the 1760s where many grew up in their critical thinking and formed a foundation for themselves of principles, either on God and/or on freedom.
These are indeed most interesting times!
So may it be in the midst of this 2020 crisis, we can see clearly a small but encouraging uprising not only in the back-country, but also in the inner-city and suburbs from those that know God as well as those who don’t yet.
Don’t look for this on the news, as any underground movement will remain hidden for some time. Maybe in the next 10-15 years we will begin to see amazing things from small beginnings, a society that changes from the inside out, taking on the Golden Rule (below) as a way to live.
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you”
From the great political philosopher Ringo Starr (Beatles):
Everything government touches turns to crap.
If you can think of a worse way to handle a “novel” virus, please tell me. Apparently, government leaders at all levels were duped into believing the worse from entities that have the s**tiest track records .. the WHO, CDC and Bill Gates.
Who allowed them to make those decisions? (No pun intended) No one stood in their way, not the constitutions (state or federal), not the legislatures (state or federal), not corporations (thanks corporatism/crap-italism), not the medical/science sectors (thanks for not sharing the truth, except for the few whose You Tube and Facebook comms got yanked) and not the people, except for the few that dared tell truth to power and were labeled conspiracy theorists or right-wing gun toting thugs (who NEVER resorted to violence).
On the heels of the Covid-19 debacle comes sparked civil unrest, again used to make the people heel and to cause further damage to the grassroots economy. The government (state and federal) loves being the “middleman” in this matrix of division, their own political agenda gets traction (whether it is the police state / military totalitarianism effort OR the welfare state (individual/corporate) that will serve to secure a permanent slave class that will be happy for food and social security in exchange for them wearing masks, getting vaccines (marginally tested) and bowing down to the state).
Either way, totalitarianism seems to be the way of the future, not only in the US but also in every country that were exposed to be prime slave-class material for bowing down to the Covid-19 lock-downs. That’s a fact jack, the Marxist/Socialist/Communist agenda in the US is alive and well. However, there is hope!
By far the best antidote to this totalitarian virus is a combination of critical thinking, a liberty/freedom mindset that will refuse to initiate violence (but is more than willing to actively protect self, family and property as well as the pursuit of happiness) and finally a trust in a loving Creator that weeps for this broken word whose Love can make a HUGE different in the middle of a totalitarian empire. The 1st century Jesus followers were BIG on caring for the hurting, helping families bury their dead and loving on them, encouraging others with hope in a hopeless world and making other curious as to “what made them tick”. Understanding God’s Love INDIVIDUALLY towards each of them (individuals, not groups) actually fueled them to love on others in a selfless way.
Being brought up in ”Christian” Germany with churches everywhere, I have always felt that there must be something exciting about the Church which Jesus started and about which I read in the New Testament – but somehow I have yet to discover what it is. I dreamed – together with many friends and colleagues, of a church, that is as simple as One-Two-Three, yet is dynamic; an explosive thing, able to turn the world and a neighborhood upside down. The church as a supernatural invention; endowed with God’s gift of immortality; the way to disciple each other, and to transfer the life of Jesus to each other. An experience of grace and grapes, love and laughter, joy and jellybeans, forgiveness and fun, power and – yes, why not, paper. A church, which does not need much finances, rhetoric, control and manipulation, which can do without powerful and charismatic heroes, which is non-religious at heart, which can thrill people to the core, make them loose their head for joy, and simply teach us The Way to live. The church which not only has a message, but is the message; which spreads like an unstoppable virus, infects whatever it touches, and ultimately covers the Earth with the glory and knowledge of God. It’s power stems from it’s inventor,who has equipped it with the most genius spiritual genetical code – a sort of heavenly DNA, which allows it to transfer and reproduce Kingdom values from Heaven to Earth, and transform not only water into wine, but atheists into fascinated apostles,policewomen into prophetesses, terrorists into teachers, plumbers into pastors, and dignified village elders into beaming evangelists in the process. It is like a spiritual family – organic, not organized, relational, not formal; it has a persecution-proof structure, matures under tears, multiplies under pressure, grows under the carpet,flourishes in the desert, sees in the dark, and thrives on chaos. A church that can multiply like two fish and five breads in the Hands of Jesus, were the fathers turn their hearts to the sons and the sons their hearts to the fathers, were it’s people are t’s resources, and which has only one name to brag about, the Lamb of God.
You may wonder why I bring this up. I think it is something that a politician said in the past week that will be used to drive fear deep into the heart of many American, even some or many “Christian” Americans when he said: “There is nothing worse than death”.
This is true for those who see this world as all there is, as this is THEIR one shot to GET everything they can out of this experience. (no wonder so many are so self-centered in getting what they “deserve”) When one has this mindset, it is no wonder why people get desperate enough that when they are told they have not voice, that they feel a religious zeal to loot and pillage other people’s property without a second thought. They are also told that the police are the problem, placing a target on every uniformed police officer while they fail to realize that 1 in 6 “protestors” are in fact undercover police. Government police (just like any corporate entity linked tightly to government) is a recipe for disaster since all monopolies NEVER have a good “customer service side”. Others will say the rioters are the problem and the military should be brought in once and for all to institute Martial Law (I know Tom Cotton, you would LOVE to see the US become the Iraq you knew and loved when the US Empire occupied that country based on a lie).
Missing in all this discussion is the government(s) and their enablers (the elite, including the global elite) role in the the continued rollout of these fear-based events. The CIA’s disinformation campaign since the 1950s is working fabulously on the public school educated so-called adults that could not add 2+2. The inability to critically think and identify the root of the crisis (manufactured) we face in 2020 causes them to be willing servants to the masters who hope to remake this nation as well as the world in the image they have in their minds. These elites do not think like us, they have evil intentions but are never aware of it because sociopaths are like that, you would never understand.
Being wise as serpents and harmless as doves does not mean we fold when power from earthly kings gets applied. Jesus was wise in that he was able to demonstrate power under control, as He was meek but never weak. His M.O. included being elusive in His daily life, with a small group he would engage in dialog with just a few, or thousands in a spontaneous way. He was crafty enough to evade BOTH the religious (politically aligned) and civil authorities and Roman Empire occupiers while never hunkering down for very long. His mission was about the next generation, to impart just enough love and knowledge so that his followers would turn the Roman Empire upside-down, not with violence, but with truth and love.
At its core, “Christianity” was never created to be a religion, as Wolfgang Simson explains:
Before they where called Christians, followers of Christ have been called”The Way”. One of the reasons was, that they have literally found ”the way to live.” The nature of Church is not reflected in a constant series of religious meetings lead by professional clergy in holy rooms specially reserved to experience Jesus, but in the prophetic way followers of Christ live their everyday life in spiritual extended families as a vivid answer to the questions society faces, at the place where it counts most: in their homes
People were never his enemy, but earthly powers (government and religious) that oppressed the innocent people were. It was clear that a majority that thought he would lead an armed revolution abandoned Him the last week of his earthly life. It was only the minority, the remnant who would humbly remain faithful in working themselves out of a job in imparting Life to the next generation, a Life that can give joy in the midst of the storms of life.
Hang in there y’all, please don’t get caught up in all the fear-based stuff, it is never healthy for the body or the soul. Please take time to be with friends and family no matter what arbitrary rules these totalitarians might lay down. Jesus said:
Nolonger do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. – The Bible – John 15:15
So even if we become physical slaves in some future state here on earth, we have a Brother and a Friend who knows what it is like to be oppressed and misunderstood. May He give you peace in the middle of this government induced virus that will be used to hide all their financial, judicial and ethical sins of the past 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200+ years.
After a month away from this blog, I looked back at my last thoughts on this attempt by politics to hijack this virus scare:
Will our existing political class figure this out? Not a chance.
Will voting help? Not a chance.
The US still has the USPS and Amtrak, if they can be trusted with little things, you can safely say they can’t be trusted with MAJOR things.
This nation will have to split into many smaller republics before any of this can be addressed.
Whoever can be trusted with smallthings can also be trusted with big things. Whoever is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in big things too. – Luke 16:10 (Bible)
Is there any doubt by those that can critically think that our political apparatus from DC to the state’s governors and to the large (and small) city mayors are not full of want-to-be tyrants and sociopaths? When one follows the money, it gets even more immoral as the political class (BOTH sides of the so-called aisle) want to be re-elected so bad that they were all willing to place a big old pacifier in the mouths of millions of let go workers so that 65% or more would receive more weekly income than they had prior to this crisis. This is indeed immoral since to entice people to sit on their couches in their homes in time will lead to lives without any purpose. Life on the government plantation has ruined other cultures like the American Indian and the African American groups in the USA. This is how you emasculate the male population towards a purposeless life as government becomes both nanny and daddy.
But I digress. We should be in better position today to see the federal and state governments for what they really are. This “union” has been poisoned for some time. In fits and starts one can see how the federal government opted to be the “safety net”, like somehow a “neutral” entity could care for our communities and societies better than the locals could. That this safety net could extend to big business so that there was no risk in forgoing savings and instead buy back stock shares to prop up the stock prices. So whether this is individual or corporate welfare, both are immoral as one robs some people of their money and uses it to its own agenda’s purpose picking winners and losers in the marketplace as well as in towns and cities and farms across this land.
The southern states endured the reallocation of their taxed and tariff-ed economies from at least the War of 1812 up until the so-called Civil War (War Against Southern Independence). The South attempted to be “above-board” with their last ditch effort to save themselves from economic ruin by legally seceding (at first only 7 states) from this “union” (marriage). But Lincoln would not have his cash cow as a next-door free-trade zone, so he labeled it an “insurrection” and used George Washington’s illegal put down of the Whiskey Rebellion (25% tax thanks to Alexander Hamilton, so how bad was King George for wanting 3%?) as a template for saving the union.
This HAS to sound familiar right? The whole US government (in parallel to so many other governments) is trying to “save” us from Covid-19 while actually killing society and communities in the process. From 1861-1865 the “union” lost about 800,000 lives. What will the final death count be for the Covid-19 response by 2024 when the unintended consequences of good intentions has run its course with suicides, PTSD, mental health issues from the economic fallout AFTER the unemployment checks run out (now slated for 31JUL2020 but many want this extended to 31DEC2020)?
Smaller republics are the only answer that makes sense. Not existing state lines, although that would be a start, but republics that have like-minded people geographically grouped so that government reach can be minimized for liberty folks and maximized for totalitarian minded folks.
Reflecting on the course of what the southern states sailed can be very helpful. Sure they were not perfect and should have jettisoned chattel slavery at the very start (although this would have upset both white and black slaveholders) and compensating these owners with hard currency.
Consider what the Confederate government learned in the 80 years under the US Constitution.
That unlike the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation which BOTH had God, our Creator, as whom we derived our natural rights from, the US Constitution written in 1787 failed to give such indication as its North Star
That the US Constitution failed to protect the people from the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act that made it a crime to criticize the US Government.
That the US Constitution failed to protect various regions of the land from the plundering ambitions of other region’s agenda and greed.
That the US Constitution’s Supreme Court hijacked the ability of the states to determine which laws were unconstitutional.
It is the last point that is highlighted in this article from Abbeville Institite here. I do think it is the proper time to consider what real justice is these days and know how much a failure this a-political Supreme Court has been.
Although the Court would increasingly try to narrow the realm of States Rights, Madison [author of the US Constitution] denied that “the Federal judiciary” was the ultimate judge of such limits because it was the people of the states themselves who were the final authority.
It was in fact the US Government’s (called General government in those days, now labeled the Federal Government) over-reach that set-off a push back politically:
The conflict became obvious when President John Adams pushed through the 1798 Sedition Act, making it a crime to speak ill of the President or Congress. Since it was harshly enforced for some of the mildest criticisms, strict constructionists respond. Among them was future President James Madison who is known as the Father of the Constitution. He denied that the Supreme Court was the ultimate authority on States Rights. This can be seen from the 1798 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions he helped write with Thomas Jefferson condemning the Sedition Act as unconstitutional.
Jefferson’s presidential victory in 1800 guaranteed that the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act would be eliminated, but by 1833 things were simmering again. By this stage of the republic’s life the South was losing its position as being a strong entity within this federation and saw New England culture and character make huge inroads into the federal government’s choosing of winners (railroads, canals and the steel industry) over losers in the marketplace:
Calhoun would build upon the Resolutions to formulate his nullification theory that South Carolina invoked in 1833 to nullify the 1828 Tariff of Abominations. Calhoun argued that the tariff was not uniform in terms of geographic economic impact and therefore unconstitutional. When the Federal Government crossed over constitutional lines, a state could take action as the final authority of constitutionality in its borders, not the Supreme Court. All states could only be forced to conform to such a law by passing a new amendment specifically making it constitutional.
This “one-size-fits-all” approach (sound familiar?) is a recipe for disaster, for just as all individuals are different, so too are the states.
The Supreme Court early on made a huge mistake that made it necessary to add an 11th amendment in 1795 when the US Constitution was less than ten years old:
When a 1793 Supreme Court ruling held the state of Georgia at fault in a suit brought by a South Carolina resident, Georgia denied the Court’s jurisdiction. After the adverse ruling ten other states joined Georgia to ratify a new (11th) Amendment specifying that individuals outside an applicable state could not sue that state without the state’s permission. The Amendment’s prompt ratification indicates a widespread belief that the Court was unexpectedly and quickly overstepping its authority.
Now you know why the Confederate government opted NOT to have a supreme court at least initially. Lesson learned.
Now it is our turn to learn from history and push for a government that is more commensurate to the people’s desire of liberty, freedom and self responsibility .. at least in certain geographical regions of this land we call America.