Crap – From Covid-19 to Black Lives Matter: What Is Missing from Any Remaining Dialog

From the great political philosopher Ringo Starr (Beatles):

Everything government touches turns to crap.

If you can think of a worse way to handle a “novel” virus, please tell me. Apparently, government leaders at all levels were duped into believing the worse from entities that have the s**tiest track records .. the WHO, CDC and Bill Gates.

Who allowed them to make those decisions? (No pun intended) No one stood in their way, not the constitutions (state or federal), not the legislatures (state or federal), not corporations (thanks corporatism/crap-italism), not the medical/science sectors (thanks for not sharing the truth, except for the few whose You Tube and Facebook comms got yanked) and not the people, except for the few that dared tell truth to power and were labeled conspiracy theorists or right-wing gun toting thugs (who NEVER resorted to violence).

On the heels of the Covid-19 debacle comes sparked civil unrest, again used to make the people heel and to cause further damage to the grassroots economy. The government (state and federal) loves being the “middleman” in this matrix of division, their own political agenda gets traction (whether it is the police state / military totalitarianism effort OR the welfare state (individual/corporate) that will serve to secure a permanent slave class that will be happy for food and social security in exchange for them wearing masks, getting vaccines (marginally tested) and bowing down to the state).

Either way, totalitarianism seems to be the way of the future, not only in the US but also in every country that were exposed to be prime slave-class material for bowing down to the Covid-19 lock-downs. That’s a fact jack, the Marxist/Socialist/Communist agenda in the US is alive and well. However, there is hope!

By far the best antidote to this totalitarian virus is a combination of critical thinking, a liberty/freedom mindset that will refuse to initiate violence (but is more than willing to actively protect self, family and property as well as the pursuit of happiness) and finally a trust in a loving Creator that weeps for this broken word whose Love can make a HUGE different in the middle of a totalitarian empire. The 1st century Jesus followers were BIG on caring for the hurting, helping families bury their dead and loving on them, encouraging others with hope in a hopeless world and making other curious as to “what made them tick”. Understanding God’s Love INDIVIDUALLY towards each of them (individuals, not groups) actually fueled them to love on others in a selfless way.

Wolfgang Simson in “Houses That Changed the World” shared:

Being brought up in ”Christian” Germany with churches everywhere, I have always felt that there must be something exciting about the Church which Jesus started and about which I read in the New Testament – but somehow I have yet to discover what it is. I dreamed – together with many friends and colleagues, of a church, that is as simple as One-Two-Three, yet is dynamic; an explosive thing, able to turn the world and a neighborhood upside down. The church as a supernatural invention; endowed with God’s gift of immortality; the way to disciple each other, and to transfer the life of Jesus to each other. An experience of grace and grapes, love and laughter, joy and jellybeans, forgiveness and fun, power and – yes, why not, paper. A church, which does not need much finances, rhetoric, control and manipulation, which can do without powerful and charismatic heroes, which is non-religious at heart, which can thrill people to the core, make them loose their head for joy, and simply teach us The Way to live. The church which not only has a message, but is the message; which spreads like an unstoppable virus, infects whatever it touches, and ultimately covers the Earth with the glory and knowledge of God. It’s power stems from it’s inventor,who has equipped it with the most genius spiritual genetical code – a sort of heavenly DNA, which allows it to transfer and reproduce Kingdom values from Heaven to Earth, and transform not only water into wine, but atheists into fascinated apostles,policewomen into prophetesses, terrorists into teachers, plumbers into pastors, and dignified village elders into beaming evangelists in the process. It is like a spiritual family – organic, not organized, relational, not formal; it has a persecution-proof structure, matures under tears, multiplies under pressure, grows under the carpet,flourishes in the desert, sees in the dark, and thrives on chaos. A church that can multiply like two fish and five breads in the Hands of Jesus, were the fathers turn their hearts to the sons and the sons their hearts to the fathers, were it’s people are t’s resources, and which has only one name to brag about, the Lamb of God.

You may wonder why I bring this up. I think it is something that a politician said in the past week that will be used to drive fear deep into the heart of many American, even some or many “Christian” Americans when he said: “There is nothing worse than death”.

This is true for those who see this world as all there is, as this is THEIR one shot to GET everything they can out of this experience. (no wonder so many are so self-centered in getting what they “deserve”) When one has this mindset, it is no wonder why people get desperate enough that when they are told they have not voice, that they feel a religious zeal to loot and pillage other people’s property without a second thought. They are also told that the police are the problem, placing a target on every uniformed police officer while they fail to realize that 1 in 6 “protestors” are in fact undercover police. Government police (just like any corporate entity linked tightly to government) is a recipe for disaster since all monopolies NEVER have a good “customer service side”. Others will say the rioters are the problem and the military should be brought in once and for all to institute Martial Law (I know Tom Cotton, you would LOVE to see the US become the Iraq you knew and loved when the US Empire occupied that country based on a lie).

Missing in all this discussion is the government(s) and their enablers (the elite, including the global elite) role in the the continued rollout of these fear-based events. The CIA’s disinformation campaign since the 1950s is working fabulously on the public school educated so-called adults that could not add 2+2. The inability to critically think and identify the root of the crisis (manufactured) we face in 2020 causes them to be willing servants to the masters who hope to remake this nation as well as the world in the image they have in their minds. These elites do not think like us, they have evil intentions but are never aware of it because sociopaths are like that, you would never understand.

Being wise as serpents and harmless as doves does not mean we fold when power from earthly kings gets applied. Jesus was wise in that he was able to demonstrate power under control, as He was meek but never weak. His M.O. included being elusive in His daily life, with a small group he would engage in dialog with just a few, or thousands in a spontaneous way. He was crafty enough to evade BOTH the religious (politically aligned) and civil authorities and Roman Empire occupiers while never hunkering down for very long. His mission was about the next generation, to impart just enough love and knowledge so that his followers would turn the Roman Empire upside-down, not with violence, but with truth and love.

At its core, “Christianity” was never created to be a religion, as Wolfgang Simson explains:

Before they where called Christians, followers of Christ have been called”The Way”. One of the reasons was, that they have literally found ”the way to live.” The nature of Church is not reflected in a constant series of religious meetings lead by professional clergy in holy rooms specially reserved to experience Jesus, but in the prophetic way followers of Christ live their everyday life in spiritual extended families as a vivid answer to the questions society faces, at the place where it counts most: in their homes

People were never his enemy, but earthly powers (government and religious) that oppressed the innocent people were. It was clear that a majority that thought he would lead an armed revolution abandoned Him the last week of his earthly life. It was only the minority, the remnant who would humbly remain faithful in working themselves out of a job in imparting Life to the next generation, a Life that can give joy in the midst of the storms of life.

Hang in there y’all, please don’t get caught up in all the fear-based stuff, it is never healthy for the body or the soul. Please take time to be with friends and family no matter what arbitrary rules these totalitarians might lay down. Jesus said:

No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. – The Bible – John 15:15

So even if we become physical slaves in some future state here on earth, we have a Brother and a Friend who knows what it is like to be oppressed and misunderstood. May He give you peace in the middle of this government induced virus that will be used to hide all their financial, judicial and ethical sins of the past 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200+ years.

Peace out


The Benefactors of the Corona-virus (COVID-19) Hype

People scanning a QR code on their phones while volunteers check their temperatures before entering a market in Kunming, in China’s southern Yunnan Province.Credit…Wong Campion/Reuters

Just curious who might benefit from all this commotion, fear and threats to the safety of the world as well as 330M Americans?

  1. International Bankers: Weekly QE (I think this is #5) of $690B [NOTE: TARP was approved as $800B but eventually came in at $16T) Republican effort to shore up big business at the expense of taxpayers.
  2. Welfare State: “Families First” bill would cost tens of billions of dollars. In addition to providing full government funding for coronavirus testing, the bill would “mandate private businesses provide additional paid sick leave; expand unemployment insurance eligibility; strengthen food security initiatives for senior citizens, children, pregnant women, and food banks; increase funding for Medicaid; and bolster unemployment benefits, among other provisions.” PLUS “Should the bill pass, businesses would be federally required to provide seven days of paid sick leave—with or without a pandemic .. should someone need to miss work due to an instance pertaining to stalking, domestic violence, or sexual assault, or should an employee need to help a friend going through such an event, a private business would be federally required to provide paid sick leave.” Democratic effort to ‘Buy Votes’ at the expense of the taxpayers.
  3. Police State: “.. Don’t go underestimating the government’s ability to lock the nation down if the coronavirus turns into a pandemic, however. After all, the government has been planning and preparing for such a crisis for years now. The building blocks are already in place for such an eventuality: the surveillance networks, fusion centers and government contractors that already share information in real time; the government’s massive biometric databases that can identify individuals based on genetic and biological markers; the militarized police, working in conjunction with federal agencies, ready and able to coordinate with the federal government when it’s time to round up the targeted individuals; the courts that will sanction the government’s methods, no matter how unlawful, as long as it’s done in the name of national security; and the detention facilities, whether private prisons or FEMA internment camps, that have been built and are waiting to be filled.” – John Whitehead in this article. Totalitarian effort toward total domestic control.

I am sure there are more as with every crisis, many are looking for legal and illegal, moral and immoral ways to use this to their advantage.

I guess being older ( #60-ish) makes one tired of the brokenness. Fear has not beaten me down as much as seeing evil win over and over again. I agree with Solomon when he said in the book of Ecclesiastes 1:9:

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Those that have faith in a loving Father and Creator do have an edge in this broken world. These people have a gift that can not be artificially prompted, but comes about naturally and spontaneously in the face of fear .. this is called courage in the middle of the storm.

Prayin’ for the American people to wake up and see that it isn’t the virus that will kill them, it may very well be the response to the virus that will ruin us for years and possibly kill even more innocent people along the way.



Immigration: Why Adding Government to the Equation Makes it Difficult

I have long had a heart for those men who risked leaving family for a season to make good money with hard work to provide their family a better life. I too had to leave one state with my wife and kids and be employed in another necessitating weekend commutes and double housing expense.

I too know that the current distribution system of taking money from those working and giving a percentage of it to others who don’t work is fundamentally flawed, and then add on to that the giving of this money also to those that cross an imaginary line called a “border”.  What most people do not understand that inside this line are other lines that reflect private property. The US footprint is not all government land, and, all government land is essentially, the people’s. But I digress.

The bottom line is that governments do not really care about people, they just want to be the middleman in all the transactions. They actually prefer that families break up so that they can be the “father” who provides for the kids. When you come to terms with the dysfunction of the government you then know why our society is getting increasingly dysfunctional. Government has become people’s god. For a good book on this, try Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s “Democracy – The God That Failed” (there may be free PDF versions available).

The following Mises article from 2006 highlights the conundrum:

  • The philosophy of individual rights and capitalism implies that foreigners have a right to come and to live and work here, i.e., to immigrate into the United States. The land of the United States is owned by individuals and voluntary associations of individuals, such as private business firms. It is not owned by the United States government or by the American people acting as a collective; indeed many of the owners of land in the United States are not Americans, but foreign nationals, including foreign investors. The private owners of land have the right to use or sell or rent their land for any peaceful purpose. This includes employing immigrants and selling them food and clothing and all other goods, and selling or renting housing to them. If individual private landowners are willing to accept the presence of immigrants on their property as employees, customers, or tenants, that should be all that is required for the immigrants to be present. Anyone else who attempts to determine the presence of absence of immigrants is simply an interfering busybody ready to use a gun or club to impose his will.
  • … the philosophy of individual rights and capitalism implies that the immigrants do not have a right to be supported at public expense, which is a violation of the rights of the taxpayers. Of course, it is no less a violation of the rights of the taxpayers when native-born individuals are supported at public expense. The immigrants are singled out for criticism based on the allegation that they in particular are making the burden intolerable.

To satisfy both of these rights, one has to undo what the US has done since the 1930s when the welfare state was brought on the scene “for the common good”

What we see today is a reflection of a principle that Mises himself proposed, as George Reisman from this Mises article points out:

This is a classic illustration of Mises’s principle that prior government intervention into the economic system breeds later intervention. Here the application of his principle is, start with the Welfare State, end with the Police State. A police state is what is required effectively to stop substantial illegal immigration that has become a major burden because of the Welfare State.

Our government loves it that people are divided along this continuum since it is viewed as an innocent bystander to this hot-button issue.

Government is 99% of the problem. Those educated, inoculated and propagandized by the state will never see it.
