If You Are Thinking the GOP Will Deliver You to Freedom – Think Again!

GOP leadership in Michigan has said for months “our hands are tied” regarding the governor’s executive orders that drove the Michigan economy into the ground, placed people in house arrest and placed Covid-19 positive patients in nursing homes causing economic, emotional and physical death to reign in all directions since March 2020.

Well, all it takes is for the Democratic governor to have a slight 4-3 Michigan Supreme Court setback for the GOP to reward and encourage the people with the hope of freedom they have so missed in the days and weeks to come … BUT NO!

The GOP in Michigan is not about to “grant” the people freedoms, they were only upset that the Democratic governor was getting all the  credit for the epic tyranny to descend on the physically beautiful state of Michigan which is now being turned into an economic dumpster fire that will require tons of assistance from a bankrupt federal government, further enslaving the people of Michigan not only to the local tyranny from state and local leaders (not to mention big businesses that have joined in this action, looking right at you Menards), but also federal tyranny for years and decades to come.

Becky Akers, a Michigan resident and frequent writer provides this from Lew Rockwell’s LRC Blog:

In a landmark ruling with far-reaching implications, the Michigan Supreme Court decided Friday that [Democratic] Gov. Gretchen Whitmer violated her constitutional authority by continuing to issue orders to combat COVID-19 without the approval of state lawmakers.

Sounds promising, right?

Ah, but listen to those “state lawmakers,” particularly the Rethuglican ones. They prattle like power-hungry despots grasping after the authority ol’ Gretch stole from them:

“The governor had no right to extend the state of emergency over the Legislature’s objection. Our constitution matters, and this was a big win for our democratic process,” [House Speaker Lee] Chatfield [R-Levering] said.

That’s not as objectionable, except for slandering a republic as a democracy.

But words matter, and the GOP, the chief killer of the republic is at it again. In throwing blacks off southern plantations in 1866, they inadvertently placed all Americans on the government plantation, and Americans today are finally waking up to that fact. As with slavery, not only are we to provide for the common good (plantation economics) with government taking a portion of our earnings.

Our bodies are no longer our own as governments can dictate we wear masks (that do NOTHING against a 120nm coruna-virus), but that we also submit to house arrest (loss of freedom to travel) and to forced vaccinations (what happened to “my body, my choice?).

Government is NOT our friend, neither is the GOP, and obviously neither are the extremely evil Democrats.

In just the past twenty years, under BI-PARTISAN laws, this happened to our Bill of Rights:

Becky then showcases how stupid the GOP in Michigan is:

.. then Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey [R-Clarklake] opened his big mouth. He opined that

the ruling ensured “a system of checks and balances” but also warned residents against dropping their guard in defending themselves against the virus.

“This ruling does not alter our collective responsibility to protect ourselves and others by wearing masks, social distancing, and washing our hands,” Shirkey said. “The virus still presents a threat to our health and we must be vigilant in our actions.”

How does that differ from Gretch the Witch? Compare Shirkey’s quote with this drivel from Her Wickedness:

I will never stop fighting to keep you and your families safe from this deadly virus.”

The people of Michigan are slaves under this DEMOCRACY –> SOCIALIST STATE –. MARXIST STATE .. prove me wrong!

Consider this threat from the latter [GOP POS]:

The Legislature stands ready to deliberate in a bipartisan way on pandemic response [sic for “totalitarianism”], Chatfield and Shirkey said.

That “bipartisan … response” boasts a less than stellar record:

Early on in the pandemic, the GOP-led Legislature submitted some suggestions to Whitmer that were eventually adopted within the executive orders

(Ahem: said “orders” closed and bankrupted businesses while imprisoning citizens at home.)

and, since then, lawmakers have passed some laws that supported her executive orders, such as those pertaining to school reopening protocol.

Rethugs [Republicans] doing what they do best: cooperating with and egging on Demonrats [Democrats].

Most concerning of all,

“Now is the time for bipartisan action to transition from government operating in fear of the virus to government managing life in the presence of the virus,” Shirkey said.

“Managing  life.” Do any two words more accurately describe political slavery?

The government of Michigan is here from this day forward to manage your life. Michigan politicians are now your massa ..

Peace out
