The Term Capitalism Has Been Tainted by the Big Business / Big Government Partnership

There is no wonder why capitalism gets a bad name. Ever since the dawn of time, governments have been used by large business ventures to secure their market and guarantee their revenue.

Back in colonial days, the East India Company had a monopoly supported by the British Empire, and in more recent times the canal/railroad building and steel industry in the United States were given favored treatment to drive away competition.

In the past decade and especially during the plan-demic, it is obvious that most large businesses and their owners have benefited (top 0.1% elite’s wealth increased dramatically) from the government connection as they were exempt from the strict and arbitrary rules that government handed down to small businesses, in effect scaring them out of business.

There is a name that is appropriate for this arrangement, crony-capitalism.

Understanding this, it is easier to ready articles that criticize capitalism, because one know that the target is not free market capitalism, but capitalism achieved by exploiting a government connection to get favored treatment.

In the United States, there is no one who better understood this connection and profited from it than Abraham Lincoln, a railroad lawyer who made land purchases based on the insider knowledge he had of the railroad-industrial complexes intentions. Once president, he would further intertwine private corporations to enter into partnership with federal government to set the stage for all the fraud that the Grant administration had to face. Truth comes out eventually, and that is a treat that the political establishment has to live with every day. The corrupt US government/big corp/big tech web of deceit of 2021 is only the natural progression of what has happened over the past 200+ years here in America.

Now that we have this knowledge, there is an article by Caitlin Johnstone that helps us all understand the mental harm we are being subjected to in and around the Covid-19 overreaction.

How many of people’s mental health diagnoses are really just them struggling to function in a capitalist system that is amoral, destructive, overwhelming, overbearing, unsatisfying, and bereft of meaning?

It’s surely one of the most under-examined questions in the field of modern psychology. People in general and researchers in particular all too rarely think to take a step back from the data they are looking at and consider the large-scale framework within which that data is materializing, and to consider whether there’s anything about that particular framework which is giving rise to the particular data sets they are seeing.


How many people end up consulting with mental health professionals because they find themselves psychologically unable to keep up with the frenetic corporate pace that’s demanded of them in order to “earn a living”? Or earlier on as children because they are unable to successfully navigate the capitalism boot camp known as school? How many people are given diagnoses, and corresponding bottles of pills, simply because they can’t march to the beat of the capitalist drum?

Know anybody? Know yourself?

I know that listening to my company’s CEO makes me ticked that he feels he can impose HIS political agenda on the sheep in his company. Especially this past year it seems that this occasional ramp-up of subtlety saying that BLM is inherently good and Trump was 100% bad. The Kool-Aid has been moved from favored beverage almost to a point of being a mandatory IV in the past year.

But I digress.

While the sheep will always be with us, I believe there are some critical thinkers that may have been tricked by a slick marketing campaign as well as Covid-19 narrative has given hope to the climate change cult that their agenda is not dead. No doubt that the evil high priests that believe man can totally shape his world into the perfect utopia that has failed in the past, that Marxism 15.0 accomplished by an exceptional USA can give everyone equality and no hurt feelings. The marketing of this “new normal” is obvious to those that look and are not afraid of questioning the various cult’s claims:

How many of these stressors are exacerbated by being psychologically pummelled with mass media propaganda day in and day out, artificially twisting your mind into the belief that this is all normal, and that if you can’t keep up, you’re the problem? Telling you that it’s fine and normal for there to be billionaires and empty investment properties while you struggle to keep a roof over your head? Telling you it’s fine and normal for wealth and resources to go toward murdering strangers overseas while you’re forced to choose between medicine and groceries?

Apparently, the elites believe that they have too many people to manage in this world (right Bill Gates?) and the case-demic/plan-demic is intended to be version 1.0 of an annual ritual where select sections of society can be culled so that future people management attempts may be easier to carry out with less insurrection, revolt or rebellion.

And by the capitalism propaganda known as advertising? How is our psychological health affected by a nonstop barrage of corporate messaging informing us that we are deficient, and that there are things we lack which we must obtain in order to become whole? That we’re not beautiful enough, not skinny enough, not fashionable enough, not affluent enough, that we don’t own enough of the top-line items which only the well-off can afford?

Expanded areas of deficits might be some are too white, too racist and not doing enough good to keep our neighbors safe.

If you don’t know this is slavery, then you might want to research things for yourself.

The antidote to all this is to connect with others on similar paths and talk openly about your own fears for the future as society blindly follows the diktats of the ruling elite and all those who “only are following orders”. Simple actions like walking into a store sans masks as a group and watch others embolden by your actions remove their masks as well. Plan for the future in strategic ways so you are prepared for what our government might have in store for us as this twisted and demented decade rolls on, squashing freedoms and liberties. Make a hobby out of learning and training to be able to live in a much different world that is more like East Germany of the 1970s or Venezuela of the 2010s.

Good luck in all you do while seeking to really living your life in spite of the tyrannical diktats of disillusioned political types that have finally exposed their superiority complex. Small businesses and individuals need to be encouraged while big government and all their complexes who desire to group us serfs into various groups that will determine our futures needs to be frustrated by our throwing sand into the gears of their plans and programs in non-aggressive ways.

Every little bit accomplished in our communities helps. The small things do add up as there is more of us than there are of “them”.


How Does It Happen? DNA? Culture? Upbringing? Liberty Spanning Generations

So how does the ability to see things as they really are in spite of what others, the mob, the news or official history tells us to believe? What influences our ability to critically think for ourselves while we are bombarded with information that wants us to AND rewards us for conforming to some narrative that society and the elite want us all to worship?

I am still working on this.

The reflection of this was prompted by this article in RT that had some very real observations around how kids in the last year were abused:

“.. Abiding by the new age medical maxim that commands ‘everyone stop living so that you don’t die’ is no way to live. Yet that is exactly how millions of youngsters have been forced to cope with a disease that poses, in the overwhelming majority of cases, no more of a health risk to them than riding a bicycle or crossing an intersection…”

Will kids ever forgive us (actually, the political-medical complex with Gates/Fauci) for depriving them of their childhood? What we put them through has been ruinous for their mental health. Did anyone “count the cost” when they decided to lock-down and mask-up society across the globe?

The message of liberty and freedom in the face of fierce propaganda in the last year has been an uphill battle for the remnant that still believe that these principles are the healthiest for each individual personally and for societies in the long run that treasure people’s character and sense of responsibility.

Some claim that right culture and breeding is the key. In looking at my own ancestors to see which side of the tree might have passed down the desire for liberty to myself, I have a few possibilities, but they are in the extreme minority. It seems the remnant is a real thing in every generation as it most certainly not the mobs that treasure freedom. The closest I can see in my own ancestry comes from my mom, her mom and her grandmother as being the feisty if not rebellious black sheep type that can respect others, but not fear them OR base ones words and actions on the way others might think of us.

Culture is also an interesting influence.  This article from Abbeville Institute shares how a proper culture can cultivate a freedom-bent and a liberty-centric view on life itself.

These past several years, we Americans have been living in an accelerating anti-cultural vortex. Day by day the Yankee juggernaut gains steam. Once content with carpetbombing Hanoi and Baghdad, the Yankees are now taking their civilizational demolition derby back South, where it all began. Topple the Southern statues, spraypaint the Southern monuments, mock the Southern accents and folkways, and cancel Southern history and culture from Hoppin’ John soup to pine nuts. You may have heard once or twice over the past few years that everyone (except Yankees) is a racist.

Doubly so for Southerners. Even Georgia native Clarence Thomas got cancelled—during Black History Month—for being too Southern for Yankee sensibilities to handle. I have no doubt that the Yankees will cancel Booker T. Washington and sweet tea next. The former was ornery enough to reject perennial victimhood by insisting that someone could rise “up from slavery,” after all, and the latter, alas, contains neither kale nor tofu.

In conclusion, the author Jason Morgan writes from Japan:

Now, when we need culture and breeding the most—seeing so plainly that the Yankee has neither—let us give thanks that we were born and raised to live like ladies and gentlemen. I have never been so grateful as I am this very day to be a Louisianan, by way of Alabama and Tennessee. (Full disclosure: I once spent time in Wisconsin and Ohio. Please pray for me.) We are universally loathed by the Yankee as barefoot, illiterate, gap-toothed racists. God bless America! To be disdained by a Yankee is a gift from God. And bless the Yankee heart, because he just doesn’t know what it is to have a place in the world.

Let this little missive be a candlelight in the dark to my fellow Southerners. We are perfectly positioned to survive the collapse of Yankeedom, which we see accelerating day by day right before our eyes. There has never been a better time than right now to be a Southerner.

That is funny right there I don’t care who you are, bless their hearts 🙂

But reflecting on this, when one has the influence from a small like-minded group or even a wolf-pack, one can grow to further embrace the liberty-centric life with the encouragement of others.

Stay the course, respect all .. and fear NONE.


Mandatory or Voluntary Social Distancing: Flattening the Curve – Swedish Style

Sweden has been criticized quite a bit for forgoing the typical mandatory government enforced lock-downs / house arrests that a LOT of nations have chosen, even in the “land of the free” (United States), for the “common good”. These efforts we are told will flatten the curve and allow hospitals to deal with the sick in a way to avoid as many deaths as possible.

But have you noticed how “flattening the curve” is now about “ending the curve”? While at first this was all about the capacity of each nation’s healthcare system, is now about eradicating this virus BEFORE we can return to whatever normal awaits? Talk about mission creep.

Today’s Russia Today article revisits Sweden’s battle with Covid-19 that excludes government overreach. Notice even RT ‘seems’ critical of Sweden’s efforts as the author of this article attempts to see this from the view of the 22 researches in Sweden that are pushing for the government to do more:

They are not inclined to change their recommendations, even when Sweden’s curves start to differ radically from those of neighboring countries.

As always, context matters. It seems that in the past weeks it has been necessary to place ALL stats in context. While Johns Hopkins data is displayed in red highlighting raw data that fails to place a nation’s population in proportion to the number of deaths “reported”, one has to do this exercise themselves, at least if one is a critical thinker. Others just assume that the media does it all and they can just take what media gives them as truth. Not me, not even with RT or other non-US mainstream media (MSM).

If we take the raw numbers we see:

  • Sweden has 11,445 confirmed cases of infection and a death toll of 1,033 so far
  • Denmark has recorded 6,706 confirmed cases and 299 deaths
  • Norway reports 6,623 infected and 139 deaths
  • Finland reports just 3,161 confirmed cases and only 64 deaths

So on the surface you might agree with these researchers.  Now let’s look at the total population of these countries do we can compare more apples-apples:

  • Sweden 10.23M people
  • Denmark 5.8M people
  • Norway 5.5M people
  • Finland 5.5M people

So you see that Sweden STILL has more Covid-19 deaths PROPORTIONALLY than the other Scandinavian countries ASSUMING that they all do verify Covid-19 deaths WITH testing AND that the underlying diseases were NOT a major factor. I know, this is a LOT to assume for any government, that they are presenting the data accurately. But I digress.

There is one more attribute that I believe impacts a nation’s Covid-19 numbers, the numbers of migrants. Here is Bill Sardi on what this does:

Hot spots for infection (Wuhan, Italy, NYC) have a lot of young adult migrants who harbor TB bacteria in their lungs and may experience an eruption of latent TB, which is what is occurring now. Why we have to sort this out for ourselves as the Centers for Disease Control is not providing this kind of analysis and is narrowly presenting a COVID-19 pandemic with total disregard for the seasonal flu, TB, etc. speaks for the biases and politics involved.

Let;s look to see if Sweden might have more RECENT immigrants than other Nordic countries:

This latest influx of immigrants came from the Middle East where latent TB in the adult population can have an effect on both the number of positive Covid-19 cases as well as deaths attributed to Covid-19.

But back to the whole reason for flattening the curve, the salvation of the healthcare available for those susceptible to this corona-virus. In this regard, is Sweden is STILL on the right track?

… the man behind the government’s [Sweden’s] strategy, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, [states]

“I don’t understand what they mean. The healthcare system has always been in control,” Tegnell said. “If you look at the curve, we have consistently had around 60 dead per day. We have had an unfortunate development in elderly care, and we have started to work hard on that.”

Tegnell pointed to New York, which has roughly the same population as Sweden but ten times the death toll, as an example of the apparent failure of lockdown.

In my own opinion, early in this evaluation of a reaction to a novel virus, that WE have experienced before, and like the flu, will experience again without most people’s “savior”, vaccines, Sweden has demonstrated a very healthy method in dealing with this overblown panic. In this I applaud them!

So there is one more attribute of the lock-down that could also be factored in here. In NYC, when one is locked down, one is under house arrest and remains INSIDE away from the sun which is the best and cheapest source of vitamin D around. This vitamin is essential in keeping the immune system healthy to fight viruses like this one!

I also wonder how the lock-down was implemented in Wuhan, China, if people were encouraged to stay inside and away from the sun?

Anyway, Covid-19 and the “proper” response in a world where ‘scarcity’ exists, is complicated! Choices have to be made as we do not have unlimited resources. This is a fact that most people fail to understand these days as they look to the government to keep them safe, even from the inevitable, DEATH! The fear used by government’s drives the herds toward obedience and irrational behavior:

2020 Oregon Trail

At this point it is too early to tell for sure if Sweden’s government did the right thing, but one thing is for certain, their economy and the people’s mental health are by in large intact, and that will mean that Sweden’s healthcare system will not be overrun by ‘Rona-PTSD in the months to come.

With Sweden’s economy healthy, the healthcare services can be allowed to remain healthy as well without resorting to the US approach, that of printing money and debasing it’s own currency. But I digress once more …

Peace out – stay safe.
