The definition of a self-centered moron is Bill Gates .. listen to his latest adjustment from raving about the success of Vaccine 2.0 (mRNA version) toward saying that it ain’t cutting it .. (source is the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity)
We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission,” said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots significantly block transmission. “We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission,..
DUH Bill .. did you read the frickin’ trial data? Transmission blocking was not a measured endpoint .. because it DIDN’T WORK that way!
Jordan S. says:
Gates is correct about the fact that the shots aren’t blocking transmission. With record COVID numbers coming out of Europe, it’s become obvious that the mRNA shots are doing little, if nothing at all, to stop transmission. Moreover, the impact these shots have in preventing a positive COVID test appear to expire after 6-9 months.
Now Bill Gates says Vaccine 3.0 will be needed:
We need a new way of doing the vaccines.
In addition to that .. he LOVES how totalitarian Australia and New Zealand lock-downed their countries to make their subjects guinea pigs for Gates .. Gates claims:
At least Australia and New Zealand showed that competent management could keep the death rate down pretty dramatically, ..
Jordan S. says
He did not mention that both countries have been under lockdown for significant portions of COVID Mania, with citizens facing massive restrictions of their rights for almost two years. And on top of that, both countries, despite their heinous lockdowns and mRNA deployments, are currently facing massive outbreaks on an unprecedented scale.
Gates wants to play with a Vaccine 3.0 since Vaccine 2.0 (mRNA) is a failed product
Gates loves tyranny as it is easier to round up billions of people for his experiments on the human race.
The yuck-factor on this particular human is off the scales with me .. he obviously needs to get another hobby that does not kill other people.
The forced mask compliance and forced “vaccination” of ALL people in the US agenda by our government AND corporations (corporatism/fascism) indicate a final push towards … something.
The tyrannical and immoral attributes of this whole effort on behalf of the Trump and now Biden administrations, the medical-industrial complex and especially the progressives in the US seems to have shocked some, while others who know the history of governments, have been warning us for years.
None other than Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA effort, has outlined the immoral trajectory of this nation’s pharmaceutical industry:
I have intimate knowledge of not only the emergency use authorization legislation, the FDA policies behind it, I even know the people that wrote it, ..
.. So, we dove in, refreshed our memories on the whole history of the modern bioethics construct that briefly runs from Nuremberg Trials to the Nuremberg Code, to Helsinki Accord, to the Belmont Report in the United States, and to the common rule that exists in the code of federal regulations.
If the Nuremberg Trials does not ring a bell in your head like the Tuskegee Experiments, Thalidomide and the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine, then your government high school history teacher didn’t do you any favors.
More specifically, the path that the medical-industrial complex has come to this point in their sordid history (here is looking at you billionaires Rockefeller and Gates) where parallels between 1918’s “Spanish-Flu” and 2020’s “Covid-19” abound. (yes, if your high school history teacher did not mention the Rockefeller Institute’s meningitis vaccination program at Fort Riley adopted by the millions of fresh recruits in the US military, it was your loss) Today, we have quite the scenario playing out with calling the “vaccines” SAFE .. again a quote from Malone:
So, it’s a clear federal policy going back to 1984,” Malone says. “This is the way they’re going to handle things. And they’re going to handle it with the noble lie of saying, ‘No, there are no risks and what we’re doing is fully justified’ …
I don’t think we have to go to imagining some grand conspiracy at Davos between certain individuals. I think this is an emergent phenomena of the intersection of old-school thinking about information management and new-school capabilities and technologies.
I think the CDC, HHS, WHO, and Wellcome Trust or Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, etcetera, have just grossly misread the population, certainly in the United States. And so now we’re in a position where before, according to Del Bigtree, there was about 1% to 2% of people that self-identified as anti-vaxxers, and we’re now [above] 40%. Clearly, about 40 to 50% of the population are just dug in. They’re not going to accept these vaccines.
The White House now finds it necessary to have a special group to identify and target 12 American citizens for what they believe to be vaccine disinformation, and to make a big public press announcement about it. Don’t they have anything else to do? It seems like the world has got bigger problems than Dr. Mercola, but what do I know?
The whole thing is mind-bending. And a lot of people, including many Europeans, are really lit up over this. They remember. European intellectuals are very aware of the dynamics that happened in Germany in the 1930s … I think this could be a turning point in a lot of things.
None of the parallels to the 1918 outbreak/deaths, 1930s-1940s Nazi medical experiments, 1950s Tuskegee syphilis experiments on Blacks ever occur to those in today’s medical-industrial complex as they all seem rather confident that the sheep will never understand as long as they are scared.
Robert Malone summarizes:
If you give that kind of liberty and power to a global multinational and absolve them of any accountability, they will serve their stockholders,” Malone says. “They are not geared to serving the rest of us, whatever they may say in their press releases.
That’s just how big pharma behaves, and we’ve chosen this model. Messaging having to do with alternative treatments and the importance of wellness, those are not consistent with the ‘Take this pill, pay your price and shut up’ kind of business model.
Personally, I think that Mr. Gates and his foundation have done enormous irreparable harm to world health community through his actions and his own personal biases. He has really distorted global public health. At some point, there will be books written about this, and I’m sure an enormous number of Ph.D. theses will be granted. But meanwhile, we all have to live with it.
I am guessing that if you can mandate pills and shots, you really do not have to worry about marketing your products.
Another writer, Brandon Smith, takes on the possible incentives that the elites and their puppet politicians have in store for us:
The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100% vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner. And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent. We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.
To control means to be able to manage the variables, and one way to do that is to reduce the number of variables. Independent free men and women, independent free small businesses both stand in the way of the elite’s total control of this world on a global basis.
Note the humble man in the back of the room studying his notes (Ron Paul)
It does seem that these days we are bombarded with all kinds of fear, hate and the like from all those in and around our government.
Throughout this time there have been some that have stood up for truth in our empire of lies.
Tom Woods shares his take which I find extremely accurate:
By my estimation, the best U.S. senator — by far — throughout this fiasco has been Rand Paul, and the best member of the House has been Rep. Thomas Massie.
Both have been excellent on lockdowns, masks, vaccines and vaccine passports. Both have pushed back against Fauci. Were it not for Rand, we probably wouldn’t know a thing about gain-of-function research and Wuhan.
Ain’t no way a product of the GOP establishment was going to come out swinging like Rand.
Mitt Romney standing up to Fauci? Don’t make me laugh.
John McCain standing up to Fauci? This is the guy who assured us he was learning about economics because he bought Alan Greenspan’s book — an indication of utter hopelessness if ever there were one.
Most Republican governors were horrendous through this ordeal.
But Rand Paul and Thomas Massie? A+ throughout.
Yup .. just two guys influencing public opinion and government a little at a time. Quite the up-hill battle.
Rand Paul challenges Tony Fauci with the truth ..Thomas Massie listening to Tony Fauci’s lies
Tom goes on to identify the source of their inspiration:
The key: both are products of the Ron Paul revolution.
Now let’s recall: when Ron Paul himself was running for president, both the media and the Republican establishment — and, to their eternal shame, some “conservatives” — ridiculed him. He’s a “crank”! We demand someone who will flatter us and speak in platitudes we recognize!
It was embarrassing.
Here was the man who, on the House floor in 2001, predicted exactly what would happen with the housing boom and bust. He said the Federal Reserve was replacing the dot-com boom with a real estate boom, which would surely unravel.
He knew Fannie and Freddie’s days were numbered.
Not one other person running for president in 2008 or 2012 had had the first clue about any of this.
And of course he was right: when the market tried to send people red lights in 2000 and 2001, the Fed turned them all green. So people persisted in the same bad investments, making the eventual crash all the worse, and perpetuating the myths that “housing prices never fall” and “a house is the best investment you can make.” (The 2001 recession is the only one on record in which housing starts actually increased.)
Dr. Paul was withering on the U.S. warfare state, and this of course turned “conservatives” against him. The idea was: we favor limited government, but exporting feminism to Afghanistan and running a world empire? Sign us up!
Not exactly the conservatism of yesteryear, that.
Now, after COVID, perhaps some conservatives are willing to entertain the idea that the whole regime is dangerous and rotten and run by liars, and that that just might also include the people who run the foreign policy.
Incidentally, has anybody been checking in on where Rick Santorum stands on lockdowns? Or the utterly forgettable Tim Pawlenty, whom Sean Hannity promoted? Or any of the other empty suits?
Ron created something lasting. Unlike the suits, he took on rather than aped the establishment. He raised issues like the Federal Reserve that no focus group told him to mention, simply because he considered it urgent for the American public to know about them.
Ron Paul weathered Washington DC and the swamp for many years, but always brought his humble attitude with his truth-bombs with him everywhere he went .. EVEN if what he said would lose him votes!
“He told a Florida audience that free trade with Cuba was the morally correct position, even though he knew that meant a lot of people would never consider voting for him.
Who else does that?
Who else just honestly tells us his views, and is consistent in those views over a 40-year period?”
Great questions. The list of people is very short in this country and this society. I remember Ron being laughed at when he suggested that merely legalizing heroin would NOT suddenly cause a lot of people to “do heroin”. Truth can’t be tolerated when certain narratives are involved sadly.
I also remember Ron saying that we should treat other nations like Jesus’ Golden Rule suggested for individuals. The GOP gathering did a big LOL .. they could not comprehend treating China and Russia and especially Cuba with respect. These days both GOP and Democrats think economic sanctions (similar to what drew Japan into WWII) are a solution. Only to the elite from their safe offices in DC can they pretend that no one is hurt by a foreign policy like this.
Here is a glimpse into what life was like in 2012 when American’s had a chance to do better ..
I was gifted (thank you Captain1776) into being able to meet Ron Paul in person in 2019 at a conference near Dulles International in northern Virginia, and I can tell you he is the genuine thing, a man who is the same in public as he is in private.
A real gentleman who can speak truth to power, whether it be US Empire foreign policy or Covid-19 response.
We need more truth-tellers .. are you up to the challenge?