Global Billionaire Tyrant Masquerading as a Medical Doctor – Get Ready for Vaccines 3.0

The definition of a self-centered moron is Bill Gates .. listen to his latest adjustment from raving about the success of Vaccine 2.0 (mRNA version) toward saying that it ain’t cutting it .. (source is the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity)

We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission,” said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots significantly block transmission. “We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission,..

DUH Bill .. did you read the frickin’ trial data? Transmission blocking was not a measured endpoint .. because it DIDN’T WORK that way!

Jordan S. says:

Gates is correct about the fact that the shots aren’t blocking transmission. With record COVID numbers coming out of Europe, it’s become obvious that the mRNA shots are doing little, if nothing at all, to stop transmission. Moreover, the impact these shots have in preventing a positive COVID test appear to expire after 6-9 months.

Now Bill Gates says Vaccine 3.0 will be needed:

We need a new way of doing the vaccines.

In addition to that .. he LOVES how totalitarian Australia and New Zealand lock-downed their countries to make their subjects guinea pigs for Gates .. Gates claims:

At least Australia and New Zealand showed that competent management could keep the death rate down pretty dramatically, ..

Jordan S. says

He did not mention that both countries have been under lockdown for significant portions of COVID Mania, with citizens facing massive restrictions of their rights for almost two years. And on top of that, both countries, despite their heinous lockdowns and mRNA deployments, are currently facing massive outbreaks on an unprecedented scale.


  1. Gates wants to play with a Vaccine 3.0 since Vaccine 2.0 (mRNA) is a failed product
  2. Gates loves tyranny as it is easier to round up billions of people for his experiments on the human race.

The yuck-factor on this particular human is off the scales with me .. he obviously needs to get another hobby that does not kill other people.

Peace out.


When You Think You are Going Crazy, But it is Just the World

Words mean something, and yet, for a long time they have meant the opposite and only now are some people becoming aware of this. That is very much okay, as the “truth will set you free” John 8:32 (The Bible)

In my lifetime I heard of the War on Poverty, that made people poorer and more dependent on the government. I have heard of the War on Drugs, which was actually a War OF Drugs on the people which was a shot in the arm to the emerging police state in the USA. Of course there is also The War on Terror (say it like GW Bush said it and you get an extra 10 points), which was the US’s War OF Terror on all countries that would not bow their knee to the American Empire (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc)

In the last two years we have heard more words like “masks will stop the virus”, “lockdowns will flatten the curve”, “vaccines will end Covid-19” and of course “follow the science”. Sorry, those phrases are all theater as the world evidence continues to roll in ..

Seinfeld quote: “This is gold Jerry, gold!”

Like I said in my last post .. three strikes and you are out Fauci (masks, lockdowns, vax/jab) .. but he ain’t listening.

Then we have this:

Practically banned in the USA .. looks like the horse-drug kicks the mRNA’s butt … but facts are not what the US’s medical establishment runs on.

One last one for all to see the writing on the wall:

So very nice of Israel to provide its people (descended from the Jews in Germany who were experimented on during the 1930s/1940s) as guinea pigs for the PFE jab .. sure does suck when the entity that was designed to protect citizens, uses them for their own sick agendas.

So what will it take for all this madness to end? Well, here are two opinions:

Here is a clip from another article “Conscious and Non-Compliance: The Case of the Covid-19 Vaccine” that shows the fork in the road pretty clearly:

The sinister nature of what is unfolding before our very eyes in real time is betrayed in part by the fact that citizens are being ordered to submit to vaccination despite the immunity from legal prosecution of the product companies in the event of negative or even deadly side effects. (This is because of the PREP [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness] act.) If the populace agrees to this pharmaceutical takeover of their very own bodies, then they will no longer have any rights, not even the right to life. They will have become, in effect, slaves. Any pharma good deemed necessary by the powers that be in the future will, following this precedent, become a condition on the exercise of what were formerly considered citizens’ God-given rights to conduct themselves as they please, within the limits of the law. The hitch here is that the laws are being rewritten so as to criminalize medical choice, in a stunning denial of human rights which, lest we forget, resulted only from centuries of hard-fought battles against tyranny, now rearing its ugly head all over again.

Standing up for what is right is never easy in the face of angry mobs fueled by fear. But holding the line is indeed what we must now do. Whatever our personal medical choice happens to be, we should support the healthcare workers losing their jobs, the dissenting doctors who bravely speak out, and all of the people attempting to abide by their conscience in these difficult times. We must defend the perimeters of our own bodies and reject the obnoxious idea that anyone else should be able to decree that we be injected with whatever they happen to believe we should be forced to accept. This is a very slippery slope on which we must refuse to step. If we surrender our bodily autonomy to the government, then we will have nothing left. Wrong is wrong. Do not comply.

Easier said than done .. risks in 360 degree directions ..

.. another article “Why Smart People are Stupid” gives a little darker path for a time:

“What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part.”

  • Hannah Arendt

Why is it that when you offer facts, even the most intelligent will look at you with a blank stare….

.. and ..

The mass requires an enemy.           First it was the virus; now it is those who don’t buy into the entire narrative – from the virus, to the masks, to the jab. This bonds the mass further, adding to their newfound meaning in life.

This, says Desmet, gives rise to a ‘mental intoxication’, providing a ‘new deeply fundamental type of satisfaction for a human being’. Under mass formation, people become ‘radically intolerant of dissonant voices’, while at the same time being ‘radically tolerant’ of their lying leaders.

This usually only stops after much destruction – crowds are always “intrinsically delf-destructive.”           The only way this comes to a positive end is if those in the mass discover the underlying reasons for their dissatisfactions and find a new, positive, meaning. But once the mass emerges, people are not easily moved to take on such a search.

When a society reaches the point of transgressing all ethical limits, there are no longer any guarantees. We must not be in any doubt as to the suggestibility of our neighbours. If we doubt that it could go much further, he warns, we should consider how far it has gone already.

The objective for those who are outside of this mass hypnosis is to find a way for the story to survive and to find a way to survive outside the system “for a few years.”  At some point, the masses will wake up. Then what?

“Then they kill their leaders.”

I think they will also want to kill those who, all along, have been telling them that the narrative is bogus – that they lived a deadly lie. They won’t want to be reminded of this, and every time they see you – even if you never say “I told you so” – you will be a reminder to them of this.

Yes, it has come to this .. a point in history that parallels the plight of the Christians in the Roman Empire in the 1st-3rd centuries OR the American Colonies in 1773-1775 .. but it is for such a time as this that God placed us here .. IMHO 🙂

Stay the course all you like-minded liberty lovers!
