Is Israel 2.0 Anything Like Israel 1.0 was Supposed to Be?

From The Electronic Intifada

No surprise .. from supporting ISIS to supporting neo-Nazis .. they ain’t anything like Israel 1.0 .. or at least what God intended for Israel 1.0.

Azov Battalion online propaganda shows Israeli-licensed Tavor rifles in the fascist group’s hands

Neo-Nazis supported by Israel 2.0? No, get out, I thought they only supported ISIS …

The rifles are produced under licence from Israel Weapon Industries, and as such would have been authorized by the Israeli government.

OK, so what would be the motive?

When the civil war began in eastern Ukraine against Russian-backed separatists, the new western-backed government began to arm Azov. The militia soon fell under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian interior ministry, and saw some of the most intense frontline combat against the separatists.

The group stands accused in United Nations and Human Rights Watch reports of committing war crimes against pro-Russian separatists during the ongoing civil war in the eastern Donbass region, including torture, sexual violence and targeting of civilian homes.

Today, Azov is run by Arsen Avakov, Ukraine’s interior minister. According to the BBC, he pays its fighters, and has appointed one of its military commanders, Vadym Troyan, as his deputy – with control over the police.

Avakov last year met with the Israeli interior minister Aryeh Deri to discuss “fruitful cooperation.”

Azov’s young founder and first military commander Andriy Biletsky is today a lawmaker in the Ukrainian parliament.

As journalist Max Blumenthal explained on The Real News in February, Biletsky has “pledged to restore the honor of the white race” and has advanced laws forbidding “race mixing.”

There it is … Israel HEARTS this …

Israel’s military aid to Ukraine and its neo-Nazis emulates similar programs by the United States and other NATO countries including the UK and Canada.

So obsessed are they with defeating a perceived threat from Russia that they seem happy to aid even openly Nazi militias – as long as they fight on their side.

This is also a throwback to the early Cold War, when the CIA supported fascists and Hitlerites to infiltrate from Austria into Hungary in 1956, where they began slaughtering Hungarian communist Jews and Hungarian Jews as “communists.”

.. and when the US supported Bin Laden as a freedom fighter in the late 1970s .. what can go wrong when you chose sides like your “enemy’s enemy is your friend” mantra.

Israel has historically acted as a useful route through which US presidents and the CIA can circumvent congressional restrictions on aid to various unsavory groups and governments around the world.

In 1980s Latin America, these included the Contras, who were fighting a war against the left-wing revolutionary government of Nicaragua, as well as a host of other Latin American fascist death squads and military dictatorships.

The US and Israel, a couple that overtly or covertly bring their violence to the world at large .. while all the time claiming to either being the world’s policeman or the nation that God favors yet again.


When Russia (Not the USA) Fights for Peace

From Russia Insider

Russian intervention on behalf of Mideast Christians has pricked the conscience of many American evangelicals. Long conditioned to Cold War enmity, the question is entertained: Are they the good guys in the cradle of Christianity? Or are persecuted Christians just a handy excuse for political interests?

“The news tells us Russian troops are bringing peace to the region, said Vitaly Vlasenko, ambassador-at-large for the Russian Evangelical Alliance. “Maybe this is propaganda, but we don’t hear anything else.”

Yes, the Middle East Christians have been more than patient, waiting decades for the US to bring peace. However, there are millions less Christians in the Middle East since the USA convinced other countries to topple Saddam in Gulf War I and II and spread this regime change to other countries as well.

Thanks to Russia we have a model of what really works for all people including Christians. Being INVITED into a country to fight rebels that have an evil worldview (either intentionally or misguided). Peace is being realized in Syria and the tears of appreciation flow!

One example is Sergei Riakhovskii, lead bishop of the Pentecostal Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith.

A member of several governmental councils to help convey the concerns of religious citizens, his church has forged strong connections with Syrian Protestants and organized several food convoys to aid the displaced.

I still don’t understand the actions and statements of some American politicians,” said Riakhovskii. “If it were not for Russia, Christians in Syria might not have survived at all.”

Vlasenko cited local polls which show two-thirds of Russians view the United States as their enemy. Evangelicals are more open, believing Americans want peace.

But the US, viewed widely as an evangelical country, leaves them very confused.

“American policy has created chaos, giving oil to the fire of Islamic terrorism,” he said. “It is hard for Russian evangelicals to understand this.”

Rightly so. There is NO understanding of US foreign policy in light of a policy of peace that is desired by all REAL Christians!

Russia, in many Christian eyes, is a balancing power to Israel-focused American interests, Munayer said. But local believers should not align too closely with either.

“Otherwise, we will bind ourselves in the trap of political interests, getting manipulated by one side or the other,” he said.

Very wise insight, and yes, the US Empire’s sole interests in the ME seems to align directly with Israel’s.

Without Russia, Syria would have been yet another nation overrun by rebel groups that would kill all Christians if they had the opportunity.

What is Up With the UK and Brexit?

From Armstrong Economics, some truth!

I have to say that Boris Johnson’s comment that Britain is headed for the status of a “colony” is absolutely correct. There are “remainers” who have simply ignored ALL the economic data and will seriously end Britain as any sort of viable economy. Britain has ALWAYS been treated as a second-class European culture and it will end up subservient to that of the EU. It may simply be too much to expect rational political leadership any more from Britain.

Exactly, first there were people with vision and reality that continued allegiance to the EU was not a healthy thing for the UK in any way shape or form, but again, fear of the unknown terrifies people and politicians. Sheep and sociopaths love safety over freedom every time.

The forecast is that the pressure in the system reaches a state of change. The PM simply has been afraid to leave Europe listening to all the propaganda and the pleas from European politicians who will lose their jobs if the EU collapses.

There are people now calling for Nigel Farage to return. Quite frankly, Nigel is probably the ONLY hope for Britain. Unless they cut the umbilical cord to the EU, Britain cannot possibly survive. Its economy has been sucked dry. Much of continental Europe secretly resents the UK and the USA for having to save them in two wars.

Yes, UK moving to a colony status is commensurate to their level of leadership .. a path most empires take in their last days. The US is not far behind!

Martin then goes into depth on the history of the Tories and Labour parties in the UK and laments that London, a city he lived in for five years, is dying along with the country.

Why I Appreciate (and Support($)) True Researchers

Holding the UN accountable is _____? Yeah, no official body of any government really holds anyone accountable for the numbers they generate .. out of thin air.

This is where Moon of Alabama and others like this website are willing to spend hours to get down in the weeds and validate (or invalidate) the claims of these bureaucracies:

Neither the OCHA map nor the UN report explain how, when or why 164,000-171,000 people are supposed to have moved the few miles towards the Israel occupied Golan Heights. There is no evidence that this claimed movement of IDPs, who may or may not exist, happened at all.

Where does the OCHA claim come from?

The nearly unreadable fine-print of the OCHA map says about the “Map Data Source(s)”:

The data of this map has a limited number of sources, including parties of the conflict. The data has not been independently verified and is subject to error or omission, deliberate or otherwise, by the various sources.

There is the explanation for the unbelievable high refugee numbers the UN is peddling around. They are based on claims made by the Islamic State, the al-Qaeda offshoot Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and various other sectarian “rebel” groups and their propaganda outlets. These claims have not be verified at all. Whoever made up that map did not even ask if the numbers were plausible or made any sense. They obviously don’t.

It is irresponsible that UN spokespersons come out and make claims of an extreme refugee flow when only some dubious ‘rebel’ sources say that these happened and no reasonable explanation exists why such a movement might have taken place at all.

There has so far only been moderate fighting during the three weeks of the Daraa campaign. Most of the affected towns reconciled with the  Syrian army without any fight. The real recent refugee flow in the whole Daraa governorate is thus more likely in the order of ten-thousands than in the order of hundred-thousands.

The UN must stop to distribute such alarming numbers that evidently can not be backed up at all. Otherwise its credibility and long term efficiency will be severely damaged.

Yeah, it has come to the point where EVER government and/or international organization is going to give data that supports their agenda but never gives the people the truth. You probably already support a government (and UN indirectly) with your tax money .. why not search out true researchers and support them as well?

After the Unintended Consequences, It is Hard to Reverse Good Intentions

30 years into this policy there are finally some politicians that are stating the obvious. Immigration is one thing, an invasion is something entirely different.

Kasselstrand believes this is the only way to solve Sweden’s problems:

“It’s not enough for a restrictive immigration policy. It is not enough to want to stop immigration. In order to solve the major societal problems in Sweden, one has to dare to talk about re-immigration. And not on a small one, but on a large-scale,” he said.

The AfS leader wants all residence permits since the year 2000 to be re-examined. According to him the much larger right-wing Social Democrats do not dare to address this subject.

For Kasselstrand integration has been a total failure.

When sustainability depends on the “immigrants” to add value to society, one has to be able to predict that at the “interview” stage.

It was much easier in the 1600s – 1800s when immigrants had to produce value or die … these days it is the attraction of “free stuff” that is predominant. Eventually, users outnumber producers of value and everyone suffers.

On has to be able to project into the long-term, how would your children or grand-children deal with the fallout of your decisions today?

From Voice of Europe