After the Unintended Consequences, It is Hard to Reverse Good Intentions

30 years into this policy there are finally some politicians that are stating the obvious. Immigration is one thing, an invasion is something entirely different.

Kasselstrand believes this is the only way to solve Sweden’s problems:

“It’s not enough for a restrictive immigration policy. It is not enough to want to stop immigration. In order to solve the major societal problems in Sweden, one has to dare to talk about re-immigration. And not on a small one, but on a large-scale,” he said.

The AfS leader wants all residence permits since the year 2000 to be re-examined. According to him the much larger right-wing Social Democrats do not dare to address this subject.

For Kasselstrand integration has been a total failure.

When sustainability depends on the “immigrants” to add value to society, one has to be able to predict that at the “interview” stage.

It was much easier in the 1600s – 1800s when immigrants had to produce value or die … these days it is the attraction of “free stuff” that is predominant. Eventually, users outnumber producers of value and everyone suffers.

On has to be able to project into the long-term, how would your children or grand-children deal with the fallout of your decisions today?

From Voice of Europe