When You Think You are Going Crazy, But it is Just the World

Words mean something, and yet, for a long time they have meant the opposite and only now are some people becoming aware of this. That is very much okay, as the “truth will set you free” John 8:32 (The Bible)

In my lifetime I heard of the War on Poverty, that made people poorer and more dependent on the government. I have heard of the War on Drugs, which was actually a War OF Drugs on the people which was a shot in the arm to the emerging police state in the USA. Of course there is also The War on Terror (say it like GW Bush said it and you get an extra 10 points), which was the US’s War OF Terror on all countries that would not bow their knee to the American Empire (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc)

In the last two years we have heard more words like “masks will stop the virus”, “lockdowns will flatten the curve”, “vaccines will end Covid-19” and of course “follow the science”. Sorry, those phrases are all theater as the world evidence continues to roll in ..

Seinfeld quote: “This is gold Jerry, gold!”

Like I said in my last post .. three strikes and you are out Fauci (masks, lockdowns, vax/jab) .. but he ain’t listening.

Then we have this:

Practically banned in the USA .. looks like the horse-drug kicks the mRNA’s butt … but facts are not what the US’s medical establishment runs on.

One last one for all to see the writing on the wall:

So very nice of Israel to provide its people (descended from the Jews in Germany who were experimented on during the 1930s/1940s) as guinea pigs for the PFE jab .. sure does suck when the entity that was designed to protect citizens, uses them for their own sick agendas.

So what will it take for all this madness to end? Well, here are two opinions:

Here is a clip from another article “Conscious and Non-Compliance: The Case of the Covid-19 Vaccine” that shows the fork in the road pretty clearly:

The sinister nature of what is unfolding before our very eyes in real time is betrayed in part by the fact that citizens are being ordered to submit to vaccination despite the immunity from legal prosecution of the product companies in the event of negative or even deadly side effects. (This is because of the PREP [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness] act.) If the populace agrees to this pharmaceutical takeover of their very own bodies, then they will no longer have any rights, not even the right to life. They will have become, in effect, slaves. Any pharma good deemed necessary by the powers that be in the future will, following this precedent, become a condition on the exercise of what were formerly considered citizens’ God-given rights to conduct themselves as they please, within the limits of the law. The hitch here is that the laws are being rewritten so as to criminalize medical choice, in a stunning denial of human rights which, lest we forget, resulted only from centuries of hard-fought battles against tyranny, now rearing its ugly head all over again.

Standing up for what is right is never easy in the face of angry mobs fueled by fear. But holding the line is indeed what we must now do. Whatever our personal medical choice happens to be, we should support the healthcare workers losing their jobs, the dissenting doctors who bravely speak out, and all of the people attempting to abide by their conscience in these difficult times. We must defend the perimeters of our own bodies and reject the obnoxious idea that anyone else should be able to decree that we be injected with whatever they happen to believe we should be forced to accept. This is a very slippery slope on which we must refuse to step. If we surrender our bodily autonomy to the government, then we will have nothing left. Wrong is wrong. Do not comply.

Easier said than done .. risks in 360 degree directions ..

.. another article “Why Smart People are Stupid” gives a little darker path for a time:

“What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part.”

  • Hannah Arendt

Why is it that when you offer facts, even the most intelligent will look at you with a blank stare….

.. and ..

The mass requires an enemy.           First it was the virus; now it is those who don’t buy into the entire narrative – from the virus, to the masks, to the jab. This bonds the mass further, adding to their newfound meaning in life.

This, says Desmet, gives rise to a ‘mental intoxication’, providing a ‘new deeply fundamental type of satisfaction for a human being’. Under mass formation, people become ‘radically intolerant of dissonant voices’, while at the same time being ‘radically tolerant’ of their lying leaders.

This usually only stops after much destruction – crowds are always “intrinsically delf-destructive.”           The only way this comes to a positive end is if those in the mass discover the underlying reasons for their dissatisfactions and find a new, positive, meaning. But once the mass emerges, people are not easily moved to take on such a search.

When a society reaches the point of transgressing all ethical limits, there are no longer any guarantees. We must not be in any doubt as to the suggestibility of our neighbours. If we doubt that it could go much further, he warns, we should consider how far it has gone already.

The objective for those who are outside of this mass hypnosis is to find a way for the story to survive and to find a way to survive outside the system “for a few years.”  At some point, the masses will wake up. Then what?

“Then they kill their leaders.”

I think they will also want to kill those who, all along, have been telling them that the narrative is bogus – that they lived a deadly lie. They won’t want to be reminded of this, and every time they see you – even if you never say “I told you so” – you will be a reminder to them of this.

Yes, it has come to this .. a point in history that parallels the plight of the Christians in the Roman Empire in the 1st-3rd centuries OR the American Colonies in 1773-1775 .. but it is for such a time as this that God placed us here .. IMHO 🙂

Stay the course all you like-minded liberty lovers!


From ‘War on Terror’ to ‘War on Covid’ – Lessons to be Learned

01MAY2003 – GWB declares victory in the War on Terror (too soon Bush II, too soon as Kabul, Afghanistan experiences a Saigon, Vietnam moment here in 2021)

I know this is extremely OLD news, but remember when the US Deep State accused Bin Laden and his gang (of 50-200) in Afghanistan of orchestrating 9/11? Remember when GW Bush accused Saddam Hussein of possessing WMDs (WMDs that we gave Iraq during the Iraq-Iran War 1984-1988)?

The RESPONSE to these two lies was excessively over the top. The response COULD have been a strategic targeted CIA/SpecialForces mission that involved 50 men in both countries to CSI. But no, the US decides to sacrifice our troops (both physical and mental death/PTSD) in both of these countries over the next two decades, sacrifice the innocent people in these counties (their life, their livelihood making many refugees while eradicating Christianity) while spending trillions of US taxpayer’s money.

What do we have to show for all that sacrifice here in 2021? Nothing!

The greater good was never achieved. Bringing “democracy” to the Middle East only brought death, heartache, pain and poverty.

So the US elite says: “Let’s bring this to the homeland”

Now consider the War on Covid.

Headlines read: “15 Days to Flatten the Curve”, “Hospitals are Overwhelmed” and “Vaccines are Totally Safe”

The RESPONSE domestically has again been over the top. Beginning with masks which Tony Fauci rightfully said initially as being a “comfort” mechanism before he went political and suggested 2x, this crowd submission method was a placeholder until the mRNA vaccines could be delivered less than a year later (thanks “Father of the Vaccine” Trump SARCASM).

When we think of the phases toward mandating the “vaccine”, I can’t help but think of the pressure the US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan accomplished when freedom fighters in those countries were hard pressed, they became ever increasingly resistant and resilient. “Terror” groups morphed overnight sporting names like Al Qaeda, Taliban and more. Geographic boundaries meant nothing as ISIS spread from Iraq to Syria. The result was opposite the stated goals of the US Empire’s CIA/Pentagon/MIC complex.

But no one remembers years later.

So too with this latest war. Fighting an obscure enemy (COVID is ONLY a set of ever evolving symptoms that can come from SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory viruses like the flu), allows the fighters to shift their efforts while propping up their narrative, the “noble lie” (think Plato) that validates their forced mandates.

Consider the 1984 statement in the DHHS Federal Register, Vol 49 No 107 from June 1, 1984 in reference to the final rules concerning polio vaccination campaigns in the U.S.:

…any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s public health objectives.

This is why the following narrative (propaganda) is enforced on the public by government, media, big tech, big pharma and large US corporations:

  • Herd immunity is required to enable economic and social recovery
  • Vaccines are the only route to achieving herd immunity
  • COVID-19 vaccines are perfectly safe
  • COVID-19 vaccines provide protective, durable immunity

This excessive push of mandatory vaccines is counter-intuitive and has some scary long-term effects not even thinking about the vaccine’s adverse effects themselves.

Vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche explains:

As of the early days of the mass vaccination campaigns, at least a few experts have been warning against the catastrophic impact such a program could have on global and individual health. Mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants that are featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccinees and threatening the unvaccinated

The “hard press” on the virus is fueling the variants.

The “hard press” on the ‘terrorists’ fueled the variants.

I guess when you have a hammer like government .. everything is a nail.

George Washington knew this first hand when he led 15,000 troops into Pennsylvania to put down the “Whiskey Rebellion” which he and Alexander Hamilton caused due to the heavy tax (8x higher than King George’s taxes on the American colonies) on whiskey that they themselves had authorized.

A reasonable approach to this “War on Covid” would be as mRNA inventor Robert W. Malone suggests:

  • Full and complete disclosure on the vaccines
  • Comprehension of risks that the vaccines bring
  • Full voluntary participation with no coercion and no enticement

A healthy approach would follow more like Sweden’s strategy that has resulted in ZERO deaths there from COVID in the past weeks. A balanced response that allows the virus to move through the healthy younger population while protecting the older more frail population.

  • Provide personal risk assessment tools/apps
  • Provide clear and complete data on vaccine trials
  • Offer vaccination to high risk individuals
  • Understand that COVID is complex with different stages which means that allowing physicians to practice evidence-based medicine guided by laboratory testing
  • Use sequence-independent stage-appropriate medicines like Ivermectin, Famotidine/Celecoxib, Fluvoxamine, Apixaban, Vitamin D, etc.
  • Emphasize treating patients as soon as they develop disease in outpatient stage
  • Stop censoring and blocking repurposed drug development

Only when a healthier medical-industrial complex emerges will public confidence in healthcare rebound:

  • Public campaigns should be positive, ethical, truthful and empathic
  • People should feel empowered when making health choices
  • In both actions and words it is important to steer clear of fear, coercion and questionable ethics
  • Obey the law and be transparent about risks while not circumventing time tested processes and ethics
  • Trust, educate and respect citizens right to choose
  • Avoid authoritarian demands, information censorship and psychological manipulation via big media and big tech

I am not holding my breath. It took 20 years to unravel the “War on Terror”, so how long will it be for the truth to emerge around the “War on Covid”?


The Mask and Vax Angle – For What Purpose Elites?

The forced mask compliance and forced “vaccination” of ALL people in the US agenda by our government AND corporations (corporatism/fascism) indicate a final push towards … something.

The tyrannical and immoral attributes of this whole effort on behalf of the Trump and now Biden administrations, the medical-industrial complex and especially the progressives in the US seems to have shocked some, while others who know the history of governments, have been warning us for years.

None other than Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA effort, has outlined the immoral trajectory of this nation’s pharmaceutical industry:

I have intimate knowledge of not only the emergency use authorization legislation, the FDA policies behind it, I even know the people that wrote it, ..

.. So, we dove in, refreshed our memories on the whole history of the modern bioethics construct that briefly runs from Nuremberg Trials to the Nuremberg Code, to Helsinki Accord, to the Belmont Report in the United States, and to the common rule that exists in the code of federal regulations.

If the Nuremberg Trials does not ring a bell in your head like the Tuskegee Experiments, Thalidomide and the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine, then your government high school history teacher didn’t do you any favors.

More specifically, the path that the medical-industrial complex has come to this point in their sordid history (here is looking at you billionaires Rockefeller and Gates) where parallels between 1918’s “Spanish-Flu” and 2020’s “Covid-19” abound. (yes, if your high school history teacher did not mention the Rockefeller Institute’s meningitis vaccination program at Fort Riley adopted by the millions of fresh recruits in the US military, it was your loss) Today, we have quite the scenario playing out with calling the “vaccines” SAFE .. again a quote from Malone:

So, it’s a clear federal policy going back to 1984,” Malone says. “This is the way they’re going to handle things. And they’re going to handle it with the noble lie of saying, ‘No, there are no risks and what we’re doing is fully justified’ …

I don’t think we have to go to imagining some grand conspiracy at Davos between certain individuals. I think this is an emergent phenomena of the intersection of old-school thinking about information management and new-school capabilities and technologies.

I think the CDC, HHS, WHO, and Wellcome Trust or Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, etcetera, have just grossly misread the population, certainly in the United States. And so now we’re in a position where before, according to Del Bigtree, there was about 1% to 2% of people that self-identified as anti-vaxxers, and we’re now [above] 40%. Clearly, about 40 to 50% of the population are just dug in. They’re not going to accept these vaccines.

The White House now finds it necessary to have a special group to identify and target 12 American citizens for what they believe to be vaccine disinformation, and to make a big public press announcement about it. Don’t they have anything else to do? It seems like the world has got bigger problems than Dr. Mercola, but what do I know?

The whole thing is mind-bending. And a lot of people, including many Europeans, are really lit up over this. They remember. European intellectuals are very aware of the dynamics that happened in Germany in the 1930s … I think this could be a turning point in a lot of things.

None of the parallels to the 1918 outbreak/deaths, 1930s-1940s Nazi medical experiments, 1950s Tuskegee syphilis experiments on Blacks ever occur to those in today’s medical-industrial complex as they all seem rather confident that the sheep will never understand as long as they are scared.

Robert Malone summarizes:

If you give that kind of liberty and power to a global multinational and absolve them of any accountability, they will serve their stockholders,” Malone says. “They are not geared to serving the rest of us, whatever they may say in their press releases.

That’s just how big pharma behaves, and we’ve chosen this model. Messaging having to do with alternative treatments and the importance of wellness, those are not consistent with the ‘Take this pill, pay your price and shut up’ kind of business model.

Personally, I think that Mr. Gates and his foundation have done enormous irreparable harm to world health community through his actions and his own personal biases. He has really distorted global public health. At some point, there will be books written about this, and I’m sure an enormous number of Ph.D. theses will be granted. But meanwhile, we all have to live with it.

I am guessing that if you can mandate pills and shots, you really do not have to worry about marketing your products.

Another writer, Brandon Smith, takes on the possible incentives that the elites and their puppet politicians have in store for us:

The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100% vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner. And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent. We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.

To control means to be able to manage the variables, and one way to do that is to reduce the number of variables. Independent free men and women, independent free small businesses both stand in the way of the elite’s total control of this world on a global basis.

We have been targeted ..


Divorce is Inevitable: Bring It!

When a spouse goes full-crazy, initial attempts to resolve differences are attempted, even with the assistance of neutral parties, but many times the only solution is divorce. The God-given positive in this world of having two stand as one against the world to help bring another generation life towards the hope of a better future is fractured by human brokenness.

While myself (SF1) has been as a child through the divorce process, I can see clearly that there are times that a positive future can emerge that would be better than the strife caused by continued struggle. However, scars will remain, not just for years or decades, but for generations as this human failure of two people no longer being able to work together takes its toll on the kids every time.

So just like the option to dabble in the mRNA experimental biological agents, one has to count the cost and compare the risks with the benefits at an individual level.

This all is a metaphorical intro to the ‘marriage’ of 50 states, federated into one republic as designed by the generation alive in the 1780s. There is no way any intelligent founding father thought that this marriage would ever be permanent let alone last over 200 years. From my post two years ago “Pre-Covid” it was very apparent that we (USA) just have to get this separation and divorce underway ASAP. Without secession, the 50 states will all suffer under tyranny and totalitarianism for decades to come, and our kids will suffer the most.

The first of two articles I would like to draw your attention to is one by James Bovard on how the fixation on the “treason” accusation leveled at those who don’t bow to the current political narrative that rips u and re-writes history while violating natural law at almost every step will actually tear up the nation at a much faster pace. One might think that the Left is trying to trigger the so-called Right in this post-Trump fog of war here in America’s fly-over country.

While the founders learned from England in their political struggles of the 1600 and 1700s and defined treason very narrowly .. :

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

These words were written in 1787 and yet within only a decade, John Adams as the second president of the US signed the Alien and Sedition Act that made it a crime to be critical of the US government. How about that! The temptation to accuse betrayal on the other party in a marriage is at the ready as a tool to undermine the character of the real victim in the relationship.

Fast forward to the 1950s where there was a Communist everywhere in the US, it was not until the Vietnam war when the masses revolted against this stupid expedition based on lies (typical off all wars since the American Revolution) that the calls for identifying traitors domestically were silenced.

Fast forward another 50 years and we find the Left attempting to label Trump a traitor with accusations of his alignment with Russia for over three years of his term until the next crisis could be launched, Covid-19. As a final nail in Trump’s political coffin arranged by the Left was the myth around the 06JAN2021 Capitol Building “insurrection” .. accomplished without weapons. Only in 2021 can feelings alone constitute an insurrection against a triggered section of society, but here we are.

To see how clearly this “treason” accusation can rip apart a nation and launch calls for secession would be the success of a propaganda campaign in 1861 to label all the states that seceded from the union as traitors.

.. the Civil War illustrates the catastrophic damage that can result from broad-brush definitions of treason. Northern politicians quickly persuaded their supporters that all Southerners were traitors — a capital offense. In 1864, Gen. William Sherman wired the War Department in Washington, “There is a class of people — men, women, and children — who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order.” Union armies in Virginia, Georgia, and elsewhere late in the war intentionally devastated civilian populations who were considered collectively guilty of secession and treason.

The Left is channeling William T. Sherman in calls to exterminate a “class” of people here in the USA. The Trump-right in the meantime is calling for the summertime reinstatement of his presidency. So in my metaphor, the whole political bird (with red and blue wings) is the crazy spouse, and the more innocent party is “we the people”.

The only way to get crazy out of the equation is to reduce their sphere of influence by splitting up the USA into 15 republics like the USSR did in 1990 (or “democracies/communist countries” should those regions desire).

The fact is as James Bovard wraps up his thoughts is:

American politics is increasingly becoming toxic because presidents nowadays are elective dictators.

From federated republic to democracy to the totalitarian state, it should be clear to the casual observer that this nation is no longer a place for liberty and freedom.

For decades and possibly for centuries there has been a consistent effort for “new people” to fix all this from the inside. Elect the right people and we can turn this ship around. Sorry, that ship has sailed and the swamp is all encompassing. There is so much corruption that the foundation is gone. Consider the second of two articles in this piece from Jim Quinn:

It has been somewhat baffling to me why the masses have been unable or unwilling to acknowledge the existence of a ruling cabal/invisible government who are the true ruling power in our world. Any impartial assessment of facts, recognition of historical events confirming the observations of Bernays and Quigley, and knowledge of human nature, should unequivocally convince a critical thinking individual what they are told to believe by politicians, media and financiers is entirely false.

For decades, calling anyone who questioned the approved and sanctioned narrative about how our “democracy” supposedly operates has been called a conspiracy theorist. Of course, this term gained widespread use after the CIA used the term about anyone questioning the JFK assassination. CIA Director William Casey could not have been any clearer about the true nature of our government than his statement in 1981.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

We have arrived. Everything the media says is indeed false, just 40 years after the CIA director predicted.

Your government and the financial interests who operate the puppet strings of their politician, media and central banker puppets do constitute a malevolent Deep State, designed to enrich themselves, while subjugating, controlling, and manipulating the masses. If anyone was in doubt about this fact, what has transpired in the last fifteen months should have convinced them of their error. The criminal ruling cabal have virtually perfected Bernays’ propaganda techniques through collusion with Big Tech and the traitorous surveillance state apparatus.

They have consciously and intelligently manipulated the ignorant masses regarding a non-lethal – to healthy people under 80 years old – annual flu, in order to test how far they could push their authoritarian un-Constitutional masking and lockdown measures upon us before we pushed back. To their delight and astonishment, the vast majority of Americans proved to be cowardly, easily manipulated, fearful, and begging to be enslaved by their superiors. It has truly been a depressing display of spinelessness, supplication, and subservience.

In addition to full out lies, the expansion of the national debt secures in my mind that the evil elite desire to enslave the next generations of Americans as the political structure collapses on itself:

How can anyone believe there are reasonable methods of solving the problems of this country through democratic means, when the entire system is captured, corrupt, and concealed from visibility by a criminal cabal of sociopathic billionaires and their highly compensated lackeys? The Deep State, or whatever you want to call the ruling oligarchy controlling the levers of society, have been able to deflect responsibility for the current state of affairs by having their captured media mouthpieces deny their existence and classify those of us who call out their misdeeds as conspiracy theorists.

As this denial of reality loses credibility, and every conspiracy theory is proven to be true, these Deep State co-conspirators have stepped out of the shadows and showed their cards during this fake pandemic crisis. I am not sure whether this change in tactics is an act of hubris or desperation.

The empire’s legs can’t sustain this direction, and those in control do hope that they can capitalize on this with a world totalitarian government that US large corps (Tech, Medical, Finance, etc.) all what to be a part of.

Since I am old, I will repeat myself and use Robert E. Lee’s quote a second time in a week:

The ruin has arrived only 150 years after this honorable man’s prophecy.

Time to think local and act local to keep our sanity in these days, hug your kids and your parents and partner with the like minded in your communities.
