The Hand-off Between Generations – More Important than You Think!

There are a lot of important decisions made in life, but none more important than the legacy that is handed to the next generation. Looking back is 20/20 or so, and we can see major drops of the batons between generations, even during a generation when it came to the American Revolution. Many of the founding generation flipped to the controlling side once they were in power, no more was liberty and freedom numero uno but it became safety.

So in the late 1800s when the state made even more inroads into raising children under the state’s control. Big business saw the opportunity to make great factory workers who could be trained in the collective and then could work well in the obedient collective. As John Taylor Gatto said in his book The Underground History of American Education :

Government schooling is the most radical adventure in history. It kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents.

State control means everyone learns at the same pace, but look at the COST that places on the very treasures (our kids) have to endure, the unintended consequences of good intentions:

David learns to read at age four; Rachel, at age nine: In normal development, when both are 13, you can’t tell which one learned first—the five-year spread means nothing at all. But in school I label Rachel “learning disabled” and slow David down a bit, too. For a paycheck, I adjust David to depend on me to tell him when to go and stop. He won’t outgrow that dependency. I identify Rachel as discount merchandise, “special education” fodder. She’ll be locked in her place forever.

These words were all written well before the 2020 entrance of an effort to mask the healthy, and especially the kids. Below are excerpts from Allan Stevo’s article “Allan Stevo’s Blatant Lie” from Lew Rockwell’s site.

What a blessing a father like that is in a child’s life. So few are like that. A daughter of a father like that will have a head start over nearly any peer, a head start that no amount of treasure left as inheritance can match. There are haves and have nots in this world. The greatest haves of the next generation will come from those children whose parents were not cowardly after the Ides of March 2020, but who were diligent about their values, rather than flexible or apathetic.

Not everyone gets to be born into a family like that. Those who do will have an advantage that money simply can’t buy.

A full-court press is on by the state and the mask is the gateway drug towards other mechanisms of state and ruling elite control measures. While it sounds hopeless, do know that regimes can fall overnight .. but it might take 4 weeks, 4 years or 40 years to get to that night!

.. in the institution of family, we have parents who have relied on the same truths they knew five years ago. A media narrative doesn’t change the truth. The cowardly deserve so little attention. The brave deserve our full attention, our praise, and our emulation, not our denial of the important battle they wage on the behalf of their family, their crew, their community, but also, whether they realize it or not, a battle they wage on the behalf of all humanity.

The brave have gotten us through this tough time and the brave will secure us victory. Anyone on the sidelines, anyone who puts on a mask accomplishes the very opposite.

Be wise as serpents in this. Do your own research into the psychologically, sociologically and so biologically harmful effects of masks to the wearer. The jury is still out on the harmful effects of the so-called vaccines.

We, as individuals, cause a great burden upon others around us when we do not stand up for what is right.

And it’s not just about saying no to a mask every chance you can. It’s about saying no to everything that does not edify and to do it every chance you can. The mask is a gateway, the mask is training ground, and the mask is a symbol for so much more.

If society cannot support the raising of strong, independent, moral, and capable children, then society sabotages itself and calls into question why man even has reason to interact with society, at least if his highest aim, as is the aim for most righteous adults, is to create a home, build a family, and raise a child into adulthood. Hardly are there more important pursuits in life. All else is mere hedonism, argues one contemporary Greek philosopher.

Any pursuit that chips away at family or makes it harder for a parent to protect family brings us closer to the awful abyss where the Faucis of the world seek to lead us.

How many people are obediently following the Faucis, how many people who claim to stand for liberty are following the greatest enemies of liberty?

I do not expect liberals to recognize this. Nor do I expect sheeplike people to recognize this.

I contend that it is the family (and the invisible part of the church that has not bowed down to Caesar) that is the last hope alive for the next season of this nation’s path through totalitarian waters.

Hang on to God, hang on to each other .. the surf’s up dude!
