Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: How SARS-CoV-2 Math Mistake Became a Global Panic

Lies are bad, trust is lost, relationships suffer.

Damned lies are worse, monarchies, nations and empires kill people over damned lies.

Statistical error about your height and weight may be one thing, but in the case of SARS-CoV-2, they too killed tens of thousands of isolated and lonely elderly in nursing homes and long term care facilities WHILE killing people via suicide and job loss for months and years going forward.

A Russia Today Op-Ed shares the timeline, summarized here:

Bottom line is that in a 28FEB2020 report:

On February 28, 2020, an editorial was released by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the editorial stated: “… the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.”

So far so good. But then ..

They added that influenza has a CFR of approximately 0.1 percent. One person in a thousand who gets it badly, dies.

But that quoted CFR for influenza was ten times too low – they meant to say the IFR, the Infection Fatality Rate, for influenza was 0.1 percent. This was their fatal – quite literally – mistake.

Whoops, one decimal point shift IS a big deal .. it is the difference between 2.2M dead in the US verses 220,000 more in line with a typical flu season.

No wonder Congress, then the world, panicked. Because they were told Covid was going to be ten times worse than influenza. They could see three million deaths in the US alone, and 70 million around the world.

So tell me why NO ONE in the medical field saw this and spoke up?

From a 12AUG2020 paper called ‘Public Health Lessons Learned from Biases in Coronavirus Mortality Overestimation‘ from Cambridge Press:

… Results of this critical appraisal reveal information bias and selection bias in coronavirus mortality overestimation, most likely caused by misclassifying an influenza infection fatality rate as a case fatality rate. Public health lessons learned for future infectious disease pandemics include: safeguarding against research biases that may underestimate or overestimate an associated risk of disease and mortality; reassessing the ethics of fear-based public health campaigns; and providing full public disclosure of adverse effects from severe mitigation measures to contain viral transmission.

CFR or IFR? “What difference does it make” – Hillary Clinton

How does anyone walk this back? Well in the political world, one NEVER does that. Never, ever walk back a lie.


.. I could continue to the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident that justified the ramp-up of the war in Vietnam ..

Do you want me to continue? I didn’t think so, you got the point.

Basically, it takes about 40 years for most political lies to get revealed by those in the know, IF they have one ounce of truth-telling in their body.

Don’t hold your breath though, to be a politician requires that you are a 100% lying machine that tells others that they can’t handle the truth:

Here is looking at you our political class who are puppets for the global elites that took advantage of this mistake for a global reset. May God have mercy on your souls ..

Peace out.
