Trade, Peace Promote Prosperity – However Empires and Their Puppets Promote Corruption

So seven years ago, China decided to divert from the standard Empire model and pursue relationships with other nations that centered on trade vs. command and control. These national relationships would be win-win, almost Golden Rule as Ron Paul always preached, where the end result is peace and prosperity for all involved.

From Asia Times article by Pepe Escobar we learn:

The relentless paranoia about China’s New Silk Roads “threat” has much to do with the exit ramp offered by Beijing to a Global South permanently indebted to IMF-World Bank exploitation.

In the old order, politico-military elites were routinely bribed in exchange for unfettered corporate access to their nations’ resources, coupled with go-go privatization schemes and outright austerity (“structural adjustment”).

This went on for decades until Belt and Road became the new game in town in terms of infrastructure building, offering an alternative to the imperial footprint.

Yes, the US Empire is nervous, which is why it has ramped up calling China a threat not long after years of blaming Russia of the same thing.

BRI’s overall strategic focus on infrastructure development not only across Eurasia but also Africa encompasses a major geopolitical game-changer. BRI is positioning vast swathes of the Global South to become completely independent from the Western-imposed debt trap. For scores of nations, this is a matter of national interest. In this sense BRI should be regarded as the ultimate post-colonialist mechanism.

BRI in fact bristles with Sun Tzu simplicity applied to geoeconomics. Never interrupt the enemy when he’s making a mistake – in this case enslaving the Global South via perpetual debt. Then use his own weapons – in this case financial “help” – to destabilize his preeminence.

There have been various phases of imperialism from the overt British style of the 1700s to the covert US style of the last part of the 20th century. The US could have learned from its own founder’s principles that emphasized trade over military alliances that tend to trigger wars:

The Congress, in bi-partisan fashion is fully on heavy debt spending to retain whatever control the US seems to entitle itself to in that region, in desperation. The just passed 4,517-page, $740.5 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2021, just approved by the House by 335 to 78 has quite the arsenal for the China fight:

  1. A so-called “Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI), code for containment of China in the Indo-Pacific by boosting the Quad.
  2. Massive counter-intel operations.
  3. An offensive against “debt diplomacy”. That’s nonsense: BRI deals are voluntary, on a win-win basis, and open to renegotiation. Global South nations privilege them because loans are low-interest and long-term.
  4. Restructuring global supply chains which lead to the US. Good luck with that. Sanctions on China will remain in place.
  5. Across the board pressure forcing nations not to use Huawei 5G.
  6. Reinforcing Hong Kong and Taiwan as Trojan Horses to destabilize China.

So while the US Empire continues with its huge strategic mistake while digging itself a a debt hole, China will continue to expand economically.

China’s industrial production will continue to grow while in the US it will continue to decline. There will be more breakthroughs by Chinese scientists such as the photonic quantum computing – which performed 2.6 billion years of computation in 4 minutes. And the 13th century Yuan dynasty spirit will keep inspiring BRI.

I guess you can’t fix stupid, here is looking at you Washington DC and your Deep State which makes you blind to economic options that would infact reduce our debt and trigger prosperity in the US. Yeah, DC doesn’t want that, they desire dependence on DC from individuals and small businesses alike.


Peace out
