Nero looks at the burning Rome. The Great Fire of Rome was an urban fire that started on the night between 18 and 19 July in the year 64 AD. It is believed that Emperor Nero ordered the fire. He made the Christians responsible for it. Woodcut engraving from the book “Rom – Anfang, Fortgang, Ausbreitung und Verfall des Weltreichs der Römer , 3. Band (Rome – Beginning, progress, expansion, and decadence of the World Empire from the Romans, Volume 3”) by Dr. Wilhelm Waegner. Published by Otto Spamer, Leipzig in 1864.
The environment for the 1st century Jesus-followers in the Roman Empire was most interesting. How their love and their lives set themselves apart from those most broken … yet, they would not hate the broken, for most realized they had been most broken before Jesus’ love changed them from the inside out over time and were still “in process”.
Even when they were hated, blamed for everything and even killed they had a heart for others while taking up the sword as needed to protect self, family and property.
This all proved to positively impact the empire for generations to come.
“Some [pagan priests] would work themselves up in a lather of prophecy, indulging in “spectacular orgiastic rites.”
But copulation was not possible for the most celebrated of these:
“The Galli, men dressed as women, were servants of Cybele, the Mother Goddess who sat enthroned amid the highest peaks of Galatia….”
Next time someone claims to be transgendered, ask them if they take their belief this seriously:
“…and the mark of their submission to this most powerful and venerable of all the region’s gods was the severing with a knife or a sharp stone of their testicles.”
This is how Holland introduces the chapter entitled AD 19: Galatia.
But wait, there’s more!
… Then we come to Rome. Paul did not found this church, but perhaps his most influential letter was written to it. It was the Rome of Nero – who killed his mother, kicked his pregnant wife to death. Dressed as a woman, he married a man.
“In the summer of AD 64, a great street party was thrown to celebrate the new order of things…
..A lake filled with sea monsters, brothels lined along the edge – staffed with a wide array of whores, ranging from the cheapest streetwalkers to the most blue-blooded of aristocrats. For just one night, all were fair game – open to both the slave and the free man.”
According to Dio, Roman statesman and historian:
‘Now a minion would take his mistress in the presence of his master; now a gladiator would take a girl of noble family before the gaze of her father.’
Why was this so? How was this possible? In the words of Holland, “…the potency of a Roman penis.”
“..Sex was nothing if not an exercise of power. …to be penetrated, male or female, was to be branded as inferior….”
Can this be celebrated?
Look around you here in 2021 … you can’t say this is not celebrated as being the new normal.
Paul in his letter to his friends in Corinth back in the first century reminds Jesus-followers how they are different …
Demonstrating the clear distinction of Roman and Greek identity from that of the Christian (and from our sense of morality), Paul would offer, instead, that our bodies are members of Christ Himself. This is taken from 1 Corinthians 6, where Paul writes:
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
In the summer of 64, a few weeks after Nero’s notorious street party, a deadly fire broke out in Rome. For days it raged.
Perhaps a third of the city was reduced to rubble. The Christians were blamed. Some, dressed in animal skins, were torn apart by animals; others lashed to crosses and used as torches.
Among those put to death, so later tradition would record, were two famous names. One was Peter. The other – beheaded, as befitted a Roman citizen – was Paul.
Shortly thereafter, the second temple was destroyed. ..”
We in 2021 are in similar times …
Four-Star Admiral Rachel Levine, U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
.. be prepared!
Quite the mission field .. a dangerous one as well.
It does seem that the world is seriously out of balance having so many evil, so many sheep and not enough lions. It is disheartening, but only to those who critically think. The masses are oblivious and always will be in their search for a leader to inspire them even if it leads to a boxcar or a yellow star on their coat.
This latest season towards a Great Reset needs a Greater Reset. There needs to be as Allen Stevo says in his recent piece:
What is to be obsessed over is this exactly: the steel-spined, the lions, the righteous, those who know good from evil, those who cherish that line between good and evil as boundaries and values, who seek to live a righteous life, who of course screw up from time to time, who of course make mistakes, but who will defend and advance what is right and do the important work against that which is wrong …
… I am here to wake the lions, to rouse them from their slumber, because once that’s done, I know how masterfully they will stand up and breathe freedom into the world around them through their every free breath, through their every free action. It is impossible for a roused lion to avoid rippling freedom and goodness into the world around him. They are not perfect, but they are pretty good at that ..
…All you really need to do, in order to end this all in victory, is to live life as truly free as you can…
Live life as freely as you can, and you will naturally inspire other sleeping lions to do the same. Stay the course!
Those of us that can see through the state’s BS should see the recycling of old ideas is the only thing evil has. Reflecting on the whole Iraq War I to 9/11 to Iraq Invasion (WMDs) with millions impacted, trillions USD spent and US debt/veteran suicides the end result SHOULD prompt us to see this military industrial complex’s agenda has now been hijacked by the medical industrial complex’s.
In the build up to every new war, many people who do not stand to benefit from the intervention and may even be harmed by it often succumb to the propaganda and enthusiastically take up the cause. In the current crisis, the false dichotomization into two exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories, the enlightened science lovers and the anti-vaxxers, is also a part of a propaganda campaign. The persons who have declined vaccination, either because they already survived Covid-19, or because they prefer to wait for longterm safety data and do not believe that the possible benefits outweigh the unknown risks, are dismissed as crackpots, when in fact they are simply being prudent. Yet the media persists in propagating a misleading depiction of vaccine hesitancy in this specific case as proof of hostility toward science. This sort of polarization of the populace is, needless to say, on display during wartime as well, when anyone who dares to oppose a military intervention is depicted as a supporter of a tyrant abroad or an irrational pacifist or, when all else fails, a simple traitor.
So the hunt for WMDs and all the collateral damage (innocent lives lost/adversely impacted) have now morphed into the hunt for SARS-CoV-2 origin, when in fact, in BOTH cases the USA itself was the ultimate source.
Ultimately, it is the evil sociopaths that see the $ USD as the focus of the path forward. Just like once Iraq had been invaded, this served as the pretext for sacrificing even more blood and treasure as the quagmire intensified and spread to other countries, so too when the Covid-19 virus arrived on the scene, it became the pretext for a massive and abrupt transfer of wealth.
Just as the daily suicide rates for vets are ignored by the media, so too will the fallout from the ongoing lab trial of the recent set of experimental biological agents on the millions who see their ticket back to “normal” though this act of service.
Just as the 20-30 year war on terror required a “booster shot” of a new enemy from time to time .. so too will this war on a virus require new enemies to keep the narrative alive and the people frightened. Just know that the blending of these two wars is always possible and that Iran, Russia and China are each in the evil elite’s mind as the next cash cow to sustain their wicked ways.
To again divert from the consequences of politician’s decisions in this “Covid-Season”, the state will again turn to war as mentioned by Chuck Baldwin in his recent piece:
War is always Plan A for Western globalists, especially when it comes to distracting people from the crimes the Western elite have committed against their own people and creating a shadow economy for the war profiteers.
All the talk we are now hearing from both Trump and Biden and from both Republicans and Democrats about Covid being a bio-weapon from China will make that country the next monster that Washington, D.C., must pretend to destroy.
Of course, it’s all a façade, as the globalist elite in DC, London and Tel Aviv have been propping up the communist regime from the beginning—and still are. The war with China will be as bogus as America’s War on Terror.
So remember, live life as truly free as you can … and stay the course!
Note the humble man in the back of the room studying his notes (Ron Paul)
It does seem that these days we are bombarded with all kinds of fear, hate and the like from all those in and around our government.
Throughout this time there have been some that have stood up for truth in our empire of lies.
Tom Woods shares his take which I find extremely accurate:
By my estimation, the best U.S. senator — by far — throughout this fiasco has been Rand Paul, and the best member of the House has been Rep. Thomas Massie.
Both have been excellent on lockdowns, masks, vaccines and vaccine passports. Both have pushed back against Fauci. Were it not for Rand, we probably wouldn’t know a thing about gain-of-function research and Wuhan.
Ain’t no way a product of the GOP establishment was going to come out swinging like Rand.
Mitt Romney standing up to Fauci? Don’t make me laugh.
John McCain standing up to Fauci? This is the guy who assured us he was learning about economics because he bought Alan Greenspan’s book — an indication of utter hopelessness if ever there were one.
Most Republican governors were horrendous through this ordeal.
But Rand Paul and Thomas Massie? A+ throughout.
Yup .. just two guys influencing public opinion and government a little at a time. Quite the up-hill battle.
Rand Paul challenges Tony Fauci with the truth ..Thomas Massie listening to Tony Fauci’s lies
Tom goes on to identify the source of their inspiration:
The key: both are products of the Ron Paul revolution.
Now let’s recall: when Ron Paul himself was running for president, both the media and the Republican establishment — and, to their eternal shame, some “conservatives” — ridiculed him. He’s a “crank”! We demand someone who will flatter us and speak in platitudes we recognize!
It was embarrassing.
Here was the man who, on the House floor in 2001, predicted exactly what would happen with the housing boom and bust. He said the Federal Reserve was replacing the dot-com boom with a real estate boom, which would surely unravel.
He knew Fannie and Freddie’s days were numbered.
Not one other person running for president in 2008 or 2012 had had the first clue about any of this.
And of course he was right: when the market tried to send people red lights in 2000 and 2001, the Fed turned them all green. So people persisted in the same bad investments, making the eventual crash all the worse, and perpetuating the myths that “housing prices never fall” and “a house is the best investment you can make.” (The 2001 recession is the only one on record in which housing starts actually increased.)
Dr. Paul was withering on the U.S. warfare state, and this of course turned “conservatives” against him. The idea was: we favor limited government, but exporting feminism to Afghanistan and running a world empire? Sign us up!
Not exactly the conservatism of yesteryear, that.
Now, after COVID, perhaps some conservatives are willing to entertain the idea that the whole regime is dangerous and rotten and run by liars, and that that just might also include the people who run the foreign policy.
Incidentally, has anybody been checking in on where Rick Santorum stands on lockdowns? Or the utterly forgettable Tim Pawlenty, whom Sean Hannity promoted? Or any of the other empty suits?
Ron created something lasting. Unlike the suits, he took on rather than aped the establishment. He raised issues like the Federal Reserve that no focus group told him to mention, simply because he considered it urgent for the American public to know about them.
Ron Paul weathered Washington DC and the swamp for many years, but always brought his humble attitude with his truth-bombs with him everywhere he went .. EVEN if what he said would lose him votes!
“He told a Florida audience that free trade with Cuba was the morally correct position, even though he knew that meant a lot of people would never consider voting for him.
Who else does that?
Who else just honestly tells us his views, and is consistent in those views over a 40-year period?”
Great questions. The list of people is very short in this country and this society. I remember Ron being laughed at when he suggested that merely legalizing heroin would NOT suddenly cause a lot of people to “do heroin”. Truth can’t be tolerated when certain narratives are involved sadly.
I also remember Ron saying that we should treat other nations like Jesus’ Golden Rule suggested for individuals. The GOP gathering did a big LOL .. they could not comprehend treating China and Russia and especially Cuba with respect. These days both GOP and Democrats think economic sanctions (similar to what drew Japan into WWII) are a solution. Only to the elite from their safe offices in DC can they pretend that no one is hurt by a foreign policy like this.
Here is a glimpse into what life was like in 2012 when American’s had a chance to do better ..
I was gifted (thank you Captain1776) into being able to meet Ron Paul in person in 2019 at a conference near Dulles International in northern Virginia, and I can tell you he is the genuine thing, a man who is the same in public as he is in private.
A real gentleman who can speak truth to power, whether it be US Empire foreign policy or Covid-19 response.
We need more truth-tellers .. are you up to the challenge?
It was not that long ago, maybe 4-5 years, that Captain1776 and myself both found out that we each knew NO ONE who thought like us. In searching for like-minded individuals in our circles, we could not even name ONE name of a friend or associate who saw society and government for what they really were. Few had the combination of moral principles along with impassioned sharing with others the many ways government has failed the people.
We tried at guessing percentages, not just in our state (only one of 50 so-called “united” States) but just in our county of 200K. Were there 2,000 (1%) like-minded individuals in our county that we never came in contact with? We were doubtful.
It was obvious to us that this is not the natural state of man (men or women) but something that comes from wrestling with the truths we know and the lies we see time and again. Looking into the history of government or any of its heroes tends to reveal what these actors are really about.
Fast forward those years and now we find ourselves on the other side of a “crisis” (real or imaginary, novel or planned) that showed just how far both society and government has “progressed” (regressed?). Nothing like a crisis to peel back the onion to expose the true core, condition and characteristics of our true core.
In a recent article by Winter Oak we find ten things (at a minimum) that have been learned along the way. Let us take these a few at a time and just reflect.
Item #1
Our political system is hopelessly corrupt. Virtually all politicians are hopelessly corrupt. No political party can be trusted. They all can be, and have been, bought.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, in your heart you KNOW this to be true right? I know, not that it would have really changed anything because the American political party only allows us a choice of two people of their own choosing. Come on now, think about it one second at least. You saw the rallies, you know your friends and family, and you still think this 2020 election in the US was free of trickery? Sorry to burst your bubble, this trickery has been around for ages as even JFK’s own father encouraged and financed a common laborer to run for the same office his son was running for ONLY because he had the same name as his son’s opponent thereby splitting the opponent’s vote. As FDR said:
Okay then, with #1 out of the way and seeing clearly that voting does NOTHING I do hope the next election you do not vote for the lesser of two evils BUT think about how a slew of NON-VOTING might be taken by the establishment and government. Knowing what we know now, millions of votes CAN and WILL be fabricated out of thin air just like the USD$ that are printed daily, but I digress.
The next four can be easily taken on as a group of four (items 2-5):
Democracy is a sham. It has been a sham for a very long time. There will never be any real democracy when money and power amount to the same thing.
The system will stop at nothing to hold on to its power and, if possible, increase its levels of control and exploitation. It has no scruples. No lie is too outrageous, no hypocrisy too nauseating, no human sacrifice too great.
So-called radical movements are usually nothing of the sort. From whatever direction they claim to attack the system, they are just pretending to do so, and serve to channel discontent in directions which are harmless to the power clique and even useful to its agendas.
Any “dissident” voice you have ever heard of through corporate media is probably a fake. The system does not hand out free publicity to its actual enemies.
If you have been reading my blog you should by now understand the real meaning of the word “democracy”, and that is “mob rule”. Nothing at all good can come out of this. When the s**t politicians that rise to the top in our very dysfunctional and evil political system (with two wings, one red and one blue) you can expect them to mouth words that are negated by their very actions. Watch what they do, no not trust what they say!!!
“…democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” James Madison, Federalist Papers Number 10
Do I disrespect the working class in this country for backing the orange man? No, because he said the things that connected these masses with how they were feeling. The America they knew growing up is evaporating before their eyes and their hope was this politician who like Obama, promised a whole lot before he became president and delivered little. To show how much out of touch Trump still is in his political role, he is most proud of being the FATHER of the vaccines that have saved millions of lives in this country.
“I am the father of the vaccine. It was a miracle, it saved tens of millions of lives. Pausing the J&J vaccine was stupid!” – Former President Donald Trump
But I digress yet again. Trump had the opportunity to make good on his promises but instead went down the political road ignoring the very people that put him in office. At a critical point in March of 2020 he ignored sound council regarding the pandemic/plandemic and initiated Operation Warp Speed. This operation to vaccinate” ALL of America is something he would like as his legacy. Sorry, just another politician (99%) who gives the rest (1%) a bad name.
Number 6 of this list has to do with society. There is no way you can not see this. In fact, now that mask mandates have been dropped by the CDC you will continue to see this:
Most people in our society are cowards. They will jettison all the fine values and principles which they have been loudly boasting about all their lives merely to avoid the slightest chance of public criticism, inconvenience or even minor financial loss.
I know for myself, there have been many friends, acquaintances and co-workers who had the brain-power to evaluate what this season was all about and instead believed it all as if they had drank the Kool-Aid themselves.
It was so sad to see, but also so enlightening. They acted like politicians in that you had to wait to see what they did when this crisis, and the government’s response, hit and not rely on the years of what they had said. Their principles were tossed aside so fast that I have only one word to describe them. Sheep. Now Jesus did not hate sheep, in fact, He had compassion for them but at the same time He did not expect any different behavior from them. I guess I have too high expectations then.
The balance of these (7-10) has to do with various arms of government. Yes, even science (Medical Industrial Complex) has made their bed with government .. so here we go:
The mainstream media is nothing but a propaganda machine for the system and those journalists who work for it have sold their sorry souls, placing their (often minimal) writing skills entirely at the disposition of Power.
Police are not servants of the public but servants of a powerful and extremely wealthy minority which seeks to control and exploit the public for its own narrow and greedy interests.
Scientists cannot be trusted. They will use the hypnotic power of their white coats and authoritative status for the benefit of whoever funds their work and lifestyle. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Progress is a misleading illusion. The “progress” of increasing automisation and industrialisation does not go hand in hand with a progress in the quality of human life, but in fact will “progressively” reduce it to the point of complete extinction.
Mainstream media’s history (Project Mockingbird vintage 1950s) should be known even pre-Covid, and the police issue (tied to politicians they can never be focused solely on public safety done correctly) the same and surely should have come as no surprise.
The rather new item is that of the science community that I belong to but am highly embarrassed by. While I have seen the corporatist leanings for some time (I actually left the military in the 1980s thinking that private business would be different, but I was wrong for the category of large businesses) I found that especially beginning with Pharma’s backing of Obamacare that pushed mandatory insurance and associated premiums on our youth who were NOT sick, as a very sick and selfish move towards their own long-term profits. While they claim there heart is with patients, they are actually most in love with big government and this past season has solidified that allegiance.
The “progress” that government has brought society has been laced with awful side-effects that can easily taint one’s own soul if one is not careful. Although I am fond of automation myself, I do know that any tool used wrongly can be manipulated to be an enemy of humankind.
As I wrote in this blog the last time, the Great Spiritual Reset is underway and the positive of this is that maybe the ‘church’ (ekklesia – the people who really follow Jesus) can impact with their love of others in. As this past 14 months have given us all new eyes to see others and government with, we are all wiser to those who might pretend to embed themselves in our circles as insurgents to report back to elements of the state.
The so-called progress has brought us all into a technocratic police state that is obsessed about geting real-time data on all subjects in the homeland called America. The 1st century church based in homes operated very well in the presence of the Roman Empire’s police state. We shall see if America’s new tools will allow them to be better oppressors of the people. Time will tell.
As I have explained for decades, a Tower of Babel has no common ground. There are no shared values, no shared culture, no shared holidays, no shared history. In their place is the cultivated hatred taught in public schools with critical race theory, the NY Times 1619 Project, and reinforced with sensitivity training in corporations, universities, and the US military. This means there is no basis for law. Whatever law exists is seen as a tool of the ruling race, not as something to respect.
One consequence is that the public interest disappears because there is no public interest—only the interests of the races, genders, classes. As has been clear throughout history, the lack of ethnic homogenuity means multicultural states are dysfunctional. They have no common basis.
White liberals will dispute this even as they live in an increasingly dysfunctional multicultural state that is thoroughly disunited and themselves spread disunity with their screams for death to Trump supporters.
The American people had a good thing going, and they stupidly let it be taken from them.
Yes, the masses are stupid and the twelve year indoctrination that most of us have in government schools seems to seal the deal on that, but this too can be used for good as well going forward. There are plenty of people that can be approached to see things for what they really are.
After having protected themselves while working class were exposed to the virus, the vaccinated Zoomers now want Vaccine Passports where immunity from prior infection does not count, despite stronger evidence for protection. One more assault on working people.
So the American Empire does what Robert E. Lee prophesied about ..
To the empire whose previous 70+ years of global intervention has accomplished, these are all coming home to roost. In this unfolding environment, anyone seen as opposed to the state will be seen as a threat. Hang on y’all .. and trust and hope that God can get us through the next season of this nation and this world.
Find your like-minded friends and cultivate those relationships for the days to come.
While most Americans put their faith in their their “king” (21st century equivalent – government “democracy”), there is an underlying aspect that eludes most people as they deal with the “crisis” of their lifetime (or so the media spins it as such). Most Americans have been ‘schooled’ into thinking that their government will keep them safe, and those that control the political puppets that the masses see, desire a way out of this global financial dead-end via a Great Reset.
However, Chuck Baldwin’s article calls into question whether this is a Great Reset OR a Great Spiritual Reset and concludes with this thought:
As long as Christians look to government organizations (America’s corporate “churches”), the longer it will take for God to bring spiritual restoration to our land.
The pulpits and churches of Colonial America—the churches and pulpits that led the colonies in a mighty awakening of both faith and freedom—were pulpits and churches that were unencumbered and unfettered with the chains of government dictation.
Before God can again raise up that courageous, independent voice, He must bury the rotting corpse of the enslaved, silent skeleton of these government organizations, formerly known as churches.
Yes, the Covid conspiracy has all but crushed the work ethic in this country. But this—as with everything associated with the phony Covid narrative—could not have happened had not the pulpits in this country abandoned the fearless, uncompromising preaching of God’s Holy Word.
But faint not, dear Christian friend: The great spiritual reset has begun.
Scary but exciting time to be alive, no? I would only add that the preaching of God’s Word needs to be accompanied by Jesus’ true followers loving others enough to share their hearts with those around them, to share how their relationship with their Creator gives them peace in the midst of the storm.
Hang on y’all .. surf’s up .. be wise as serpents and harmless as doves!