As the Elite Push Harder for Total Compliance – Be Thankful and Stay the Course!

Thanksgiving 1621 by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, 1863-1930, artist. Published by the Foundation Press, Inc., c1932. photomechanical print halftone, colour. Pilgrims and Natives gather to share meal. (Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images)

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” – Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

What really ticks them off is when people stand their ground in their own principles of trust, hope, love and faith. The New Normal / Great Reset world envisioned by the unprincipled may well be the undoing that they themselves are driving.

Tom Luongo hits another one out of the park in a followup to his Thanksgiving post .. ‘Being Thankful is the Path to Victory over Davos’:

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. It is the one day where we celebrate putting aside our differences and doing the most basic thing humans can do together, share a meal.

It is also the one holiday that does nothing to aggrandize The State in all its rotten guises. For that alone it would be my personal favorite. Ultimately this is just a story about two very different people coming together to share the fruits of the harvest and the hunt to begin the long and difficult process of building trust.

Trust, by the way, is the basis for civilization itself. Without trust there is nothing, just The Hunger Games.

Doesn’t that just about sums it up for what has been taking place? The elites NEED us all to NEED them, to “manage” us. Without us needing them their insecurities get the best of them and they will manipulate things to get our attention back on them ..

History shows us that the masses are always in doubt of what they can do to make civilization / society work .. always needing a “safety net” … always want to be safe sheep ..

Tom also shares how the cartoon-ish view of history is not accurate, but it shows the desire of the masses for a nice myth to believe in.

It doesn’t matter whether the stories of the first Thanksgiving are true or not. Only those with an obsession with demystifying the world to salve their own inner emptiness care about such historical ‘truths.’

It is the story itself that has power, like all great stories.

It’s a story that is deeply embedded in the Myth of America as the great experiment in governance and rebellion against the colonial powers of Europe.

In the end, that Myth is just that, of course, a myth.

America’s history is much more nuanced and complex, darker and lighter than the foundations of that Myth care to admit. I’m not here to white, brown or even greenwash America’s history any more than an honest British, Italian, Russian, or Chinese person would do to their own.

I’m here to discuss why it is we should be thankful for even having a world where such Myths can even exist.

Of course history is messy. It’s violent and, at times, horrific. Yes, some people suck. Wars happened and will happen. Genocides committed and are yet to be committed.

This parallels Jesus’ own words .. that wars and rumors of wars is in our future .. and the poor, we will always have amongst us. It does sound like a downer, but there is an upside:

We live in a time where those in power show their bottomless disdain for humanity by only focusing on those bad parts of it. It’s now grown to even dissing this one American tradition that is one of the last honest lessons for a world spiraling out of control.

Because that is what Thanksgiving is all about. Taking a time out from the harsh reality of existence and being thankful for what you have, not envious of or wistful for what you don’t.

To listen to the race-baiting, soulless apparatchiks screeching about how we should turn Thanksgiving into yet another opportunity to distrust each other before eating a meal devoid of nutrition, i.e. the turkey, desperately imploring us to keep up barriers between family members over COVID is revealing more of their sickness than anyone else’s.

These are people without hope or faith in anything. They are fallen, power-hungry zombies consumed with self-importance painting on a face of empathy while extolling medical apartheid and scapegoating the unvaxxed to fuel their hatred.

These are humanity’s enemies, not a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate or those brave enough to face it without the help of Big Brother.

While they are enemies, one does NOT need to obsess on them. They would love to think that you have them on their mind 24/7.

There is a way to understand the reality of the situation and yet be prepared to live life in the midst of this present storm ..

And yet, we should even be thankful for them.

Because without them as a counter-example, we have no way to gauge our own behavior. We have no mirror to look into and see our own tendencies towards ugliness. Because without that ability to see first hand what it is we do not want to be, we become as lost in our own fugue of self-importance which justifies any amount of violence as they are.

I don’t hate the Joy Ann Reids and the Jenn Psakis of this world. I celebrate their depravity because without them there can be no opportunity to point out just how insane the world they advocate is.

So you see how easy that is? Their desperation is evident of the wrongness of their agenda and the rightness of our principles for ourselves, our families and our friends WITHOUT having to have a bad guy/group to hate. This LIFE is pretty refreshing isn’t it? What a time to be alive 🙂

And, again, I am thankful for this. Because this latest round of fear porn is the most obvious, the most over-the-top, the crudest attempt at psychological warfare Davos has engaged in yet.

That makes it easy to look at and laugh.

But this doesn’t matter to those in charge. If we laugh at them and their seriousness become even more incensed.

They could see their bonds slipping and people getting back to normal. They could see the same massive protests around the world outside their seats of power that I’ve seen and knew it was time to play their next, even more desperate card.

The only thing that I’m even remotely afraid of at this point are the people who still need to believe in all of this.

And yet, we should still be thankful for the confirmation of our knowing they have been lying to us about all of this the entire time.

This will be my last attempt to try to get through to the fearful again. Cases aren’t hospitalizations. And hospitalizations aren’t a death sentence. With the mountain of evidence out there that none of the numbers we’ve been given about COVID were ever accurate why do you think we should believe anything about NuVID?

Yes, laughter is the best Rx these days.

Find friends you can laugh with .. you will need them going forward!

Stay the course!


Will Biden Pull a FDR and Choose War to Deflect from His Own Failed Domestic Programs? Stay Tuned!

FDR Declares War on Japan and Germany (1941)

It must be tempting for the puppet in the White House to opt for war in eastern Europe rather than admit that his war on Covid and his Build Back Better plans are rubbish. All politicians look to “save face” when big mistakes are made. Any attempt to support Ukraine’s stupid-ness (something the US democrats were highly involved with when Obama was leading things in 2014) would easily shift to an all out war involving Russia.

For the geographically challenged, NATO’s promise in the early 1990s has be repeatedly broken to the point where NATO is not on Russia’s doorstep.

Moon of Alabama has an article out that outlines the latest lie around Russian build-up on Ukraine’s borders.

Ten days ago I wrote about the potential of war in the Ukraine:

There is fear in Russia that the U.S. is egging the Ukraine into a renewed active conflict with its renegade eastern Donbass region and thereby into a war with Russia.

The Biden administrations war mongering towards Russia may be seen to be free of cost. But it takes only one miscalculation in Kiev or some unforeseen incident in the Black Sea region and the situation could seriously escalate.

Moscow sees a salami slicing tactic at work that would only end with NATO directly confronting it on all its borders:

Moscow’s narrative is that the Western powers are deliberately fueling Ukraine’s revanchist instincts by arming it and encouraging President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is fighting for political survival, to believe that with Western support, a window of opportunity is opening to recapture the lost territories in Donbas and Crimea and thereby redeem his pledge to be his country’s savior.And second, as Moscow sees it, the rising tensions with Russia have become a convenient alibi to involve NATO directly in Ukraine’s security and make it a template of the West’s containment strategy against Russia.

It does seem similar to Bush II wanting to complete what Bush I did in Iraq, is being repeated now with Obama II (Biden) wanting to complete what Obama I did in the Ukraine in 2014.

Russia has stated that it would intervene in the Ukraine should Kiev decided to invade Donbass. It would be the end of the Ukraine Moscow has said. (Russia would likely end up with taking the majority Russian east and south of the Ukraine. The rest would end up as a landlocked agricultural Nazi infested enclave.)

The Kremlin has also multiple times complained about the ever increasing amount of NATO activities near its border. A U.S. study confirms those activities:

There were some 2,900 incidents between NATO and Russian forces between 2013 and 2020. The three-year moving average increased by more than 60 percent over this eight-year timespan.

Of course, NATO will accuse Russia of doing what they are in fact doing, that is what politicians do, time and again, which is why they always fail and war is always one stupid mistake away from reality.

Moon of Alabama outlines the lie below:

The U.S. for its part has claimed that Russia is assembling more troops at its borders with the Ukraine. The claim is false. The Ukrainian defense intelligence chief recently provided a map with a table which shows that Russia has current only 40 Battalion Tactical Groups (ATG) at the ready while during the last ‘Russia invades’ scare in April it had 53 BTGs ready to go. How 25% less troops at the ready are supposed to a new danger is not clear to me.

There is hope that Biden (Obama) will come to his senses and save face by choosing this off-ramp …

The Saker detects signs of secret negotiations between Washington and Moscow that may be at the core of the announced Putin-Biden summit:

Since a Presidential summit is only organized once both sides have already come to a general agreement, at least in principle, on at least some issues, if Putin and Biden do meet, that means that both sides have worked out at least the outlines of some kind important deal (not just empty statements, as was the case the first time around, at least officially).

In his recent speech Putin said “it is imperative to push for serious long-term guarantees that ensure Russia’s security in this area, because Russia cannot constantly be thinking about what could happen there tomorrow“.  If Biden is willing to not only give guarantees (the Russians, understandably, have *zero* trust in western promises, written or oral) but also to actually take actions, probably mutual, coordinated and verifiable actions by both sides, then a war in Europe could be avoided, rather easily in fact.

Will Biden undo the total mess created by Obama and Trump and their Neocon handlers?


This is all blow-back of typical US intervention in places where it puts the American Empire’s nose .. seems that you can’t fix stupid.

Peace out all!


Global Billionaire Tyrant Masquerading as a Medical Doctor – Get Ready for Vaccines 3.0

The definition of a self-centered moron is Bill Gates .. listen to his latest adjustment from raving about the success of Vaccine 2.0 (mRNA version) toward saying that it ain’t cutting it .. (source is the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity)

We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission,” said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots significantly block transmission. “We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission,..

DUH Bill .. did you read the frickin’ trial data? Transmission blocking was not a measured endpoint .. because it DIDN’T WORK that way!

Jordan S. says:

Gates is correct about the fact that the shots aren’t blocking transmission. With record COVID numbers coming out of Europe, it’s become obvious that the mRNA shots are doing little, if nothing at all, to stop transmission. Moreover, the impact these shots have in preventing a positive COVID test appear to expire after 6-9 months.

Now Bill Gates says Vaccine 3.0 will be needed:

We need a new way of doing the vaccines.

In addition to that .. he LOVES how totalitarian Australia and New Zealand lock-downed their countries to make their subjects guinea pigs for Gates .. Gates claims:

At least Australia and New Zealand showed that competent management could keep the death rate down pretty dramatically, ..

Jordan S. says

He did not mention that both countries have been under lockdown for significant portions of COVID Mania, with citizens facing massive restrictions of their rights for almost two years. And on top of that, both countries, despite their heinous lockdowns and mRNA deployments, are currently facing massive outbreaks on an unprecedented scale.


  1. Gates wants to play with a Vaccine 3.0 since Vaccine 2.0 (mRNA) is a failed product
  2. Gates loves tyranny as it is easier to round up billions of people for his experiments on the human race.

The yuck-factor on this particular human is off the scales with me .. he obviously needs to get another hobby that does not kill other people.

Peace out.


A Reflection When Government and Society Were Most Corrupt and Immoral

Nero looks at the burning Rome. The Great Fire of Rome was an urban fire that started on the night between 18 and 19 July in the year 64 AD. It is believed that Emperor Nero ordered the fire. He made the Christians responsible for it. Woodcut engraving from the book “Rom – Anfang, Fortgang, Ausbreitung und Verfall des Weltreichs der Römer , 3. Band (Rome – Beginning, progress, expansion, and decadence of the World Empire from the Romans, Volume 3”) by Dr. Wilhelm Waegner. Published by Otto Spamer, Leipzig in 1864.

The environment for the 1st century Jesus-followers in the Roman Empire was most interesting. How their love and their lives set themselves apart from those most broken … yet, they would not hate the broken, for most realized they had been most broken before Jesus’ love changed them from the inside out over time and were still “in process”.

Even when they were hated, blamed for everything and even killed they had a heart for others while taking up the sword as needed to protect self, family and property.

This all proved to positively impact the empire for generations to come.

The source for the quoted material below is from Bionic Mosquito talking about Tom Holland’s book Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World

“Some [pagan priests] would work themselves up in a lather of prophecy, indulging in “spectacular orgiastic rites.”

But copulation was not possible for the most celebrated of these:

“The Galli, men dressed as women, were servants of Cybele, the Mother Goddess who sat enthroned amid the highest peaks of Galatia….”

Next time someone claims to be transgendered, ask them if they take their belief this seriously:

“…and the mark of their submission to this most powerful and venerable of all the region’s gods was the severing with a knife or a sharp stone of their testicles.”

This is how Holland introduces the chapter entitled AD 19: Galatia.

But wait, there’s more!

… Then we come to Rome. Paul did not found this church, but perhaps his most influential letter was written to it. It was the Rome of Nero – who killed his mother, kicked his pregnant wife to death. Dressed as a woman, he married a man.

“In the summer of AD 64, a great street party was thrown to celebrate the new order of things

..A lake filled with sea monsters, brothels lined along the edge – staffed with a wide array of whores, ranging from the cheapest streetwalkers to the most blue-blooded of aristocrats. For just one night, all were fair game – open to both the slave and the free man.”

According to Dio, Roman statesman and historian:

Now a minion would take his mistress in the presence of his master; now a gladiator would take a girl of noble family before the gaze of her father.’

Why was this so? How was this possible? In the words of Holland, “…the potency of a Roman penis.”

“..Sex was nothing if not an exercise of power. …to be penetrated, male or female, was to be branded as inferior….”

Can this be celebrated?

Look around you here in 2021 … you can’t say this is not celebrated as being the new normal.

Paul in his letter to his friends in Corinth back in the first century reminds Jesus-followers how they are different …

Demonstrating the clear distinction of Roman and Greek identity from that of the Christian (and from our sense of morality), Paul would offer, instead, that our bodies are members of Christ Himself. This is taken from 1 Corinthians 6, where Paul writes:

15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.


In the summer of 64, a few weeks after Nero’s notorious street party, a deadly fire broke out in Rome. For days it raged.

Perhaps a third of the city was reduced to rubble. The Christians were blamed. Some, dressed in animal skins, were torn apart by animals; others lashed to crosses and used as torches.

Among those put to death, so later tradition would record, were two famous names. One was Peter. The other – beheaded, as befitted a Roman citizen – was Paul.

Shortly thereafter, the second temple was destroyed. ..”

We in 2021 are in similar times …

Four-Star Admiral Rachel Levine, U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

.. be prepared!

Quite the mission field .. a dangerous one as well.

Stay the course.


History (Partial) of US Government Experimenting on its Citizens – No One Should be Surprised by Today’s Events!

I will only hit some notable highlights of government experimentation on the people over the last 100 years .. we truly are seen as guinea pigs.

The first blatant even occurred during Prohibition 1.0 when alcohol was made illegal across the USA, and to punish those who found “workarounds” …:

In 1926, President Calvin Coolidge’s government decided to turn to chemistry as an enforcement tool … By mid-1927, the new denaturing formulas included some notable poisons … The Treasury Department also demanded more methyl alcohol be added — up to 10 percent of total product. It was the last that proved most deadly...In 1926, in New York City, 1,200 were sickened by poisonous alcohol; 400 died. The following year, deaths climbed to 700. These numbers were repeated in cities around the country. (In 1926, the population of the United States was about 117 million people.) Officially, the special denaturing program ended only once the 18th Amendment was repealed in December 1933.

I guess that is slightly better than the “no jab, no job” consequences, but still!

in 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, a 1945 recipient of Legion of Merit, infected people with cancer cells while working with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations in Puerto Rico, under the auspices of studying hookworm-caused anemia and tropical sprue anemia

Just some “safe” research on an unsuspecting people .. no wonder by 1946-1948 there was a worldwide support of the Nuremberg Code following the information release of what the Nazi regime did to Jews from the 1930s until the end of WWII.

A year later after Dr. Rhoads’ experiments, the famous Tuskegee Experiments started on 600 black men who were not afforded informed consent, and they were experimented on from 1932 until 1972!

In 1932, the USPHS, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began a study to record the natural history of syphilis. It was originally called the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male” (now referred to as the “USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee”). The study initially involved 600 Black men – 399 with syphilis, 201 who did not have the disease. Participants’ informed consent was not collected. Researchers told the men they were being treated for “bad blood,” a local term used to describe several ailments, including syphilis, anemia, and fatigue. In exchange for taking part in the study, the men received free medical exams, free meals, and burial insurance.

By 1943, penicillin was the treatment of choice for syphilis and becoming widely available, but the participants in the study were not offered treatment.

In 1946, during the Nuremberg Trials, the US itself continued experimenting on unsuspecting people in another country .. is this similar to “off-shoring” GOF (Gain of Function) research to China? … :

… fourteen years after the Tuskegee experiment started, the U.S. also conducted syphilis experiments in Guatemala, purposely infecting Guatemalan men and women with syphilis ..

After the Nuremberg Trials, I am guessing that the researchers in the USA believed they were exempt from the natural law that they punished German leadership for in 1948 with both hangings and incarceration:

.. during the 1950s, MIT researchers and the Quaker Oats Company fed the mentally disabled children at the Walter E. Fernald School in Waltham, MA, doses of radiation in their cereal ..

After this event it seemed that our military wanted to test even more things in the 1950s on the citizens they swore to “protect”:

They conducted the following air strikes/naval attacks:

  • The CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, using boats, and so caused a whooping cough epidemic. 12 people died.
  • The Navy sprayed San Francisco with bacterial pathogens and in consequence many citizens developed pneumonia.
  • Upon Savannah, GA, and Avon Park, FL, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hopes they would spread yellow fever and dengue fever. The swarm left Americans struggling with fevers, typhoid, respiratory problems, and the worst, stillborn children.

Even worse was that after the swarm, the Army came in disguised as public health workers.

Beyond this the known experiments were like:

  • Project MKULTRA’s Subproject 68 which involved a CIA project that subjected patients to electro-convulsive therapy at 30-40 times the normal power to put patients into a drug-induced coma for months on-end and playback tapes of simple statements or repetitive noises over and over again. The victims forgot how to talk, forgot about their parents, and suffered serious amnesia.
  • The injection of Vietnam War prisoners with Agent Orange
  • Operation Midnight Climax where LSD experimentation was accomplished by CIA brothels

Then there was this 1960s experiment:

Between 1960 and 1971, the Department of Defense funded non-consensual whole body radiation experiments on mostly poor and black cancer patients, who were not told what was being done to them. Patients were told that they were receiving a “treatment” that might cure their cancer, but the Pentagon was trying to determine the effects of high levels of radiation on the human body. One of the doctors involved in the experiments was worried about litigation by the patients. He referred to them only by their initials on the medical reports. He did this so that, in his words, “there will be no means by which the patients can ever connect themselves up with the report”, to prevent “either adverse publicity or litigation”

While there were many revelations of these past experiments in the 1970s, do not suspect for a moment that these experiments did not continue. The deep-state and other forces only desired a more covert way to accomplish this type of research on unsuspecting individuals, like Event 201 in October 2019 and beyond.

Do you trust your government yet?

The experiments continue ..

Stay alert my friends!
