Lost Natural Rights Given to Us by our Creator, While the U.S. Constitution Fails to Protect the People

If there was ever a year for Lysander Spooner’s wisdom to be proven true (yet again) it has to be either 2020 or 2021. While only a minority of historians recognize that the US Constitution was effectively a coup d’etat, it is none the less a very true statement. The only effective measure against tyranny that destroys the effective rights that God gave us is decentralized, less powerful, non-empire states or city-states. Should the 13 colonies have remained under the Articles of Confederation, what we have seen today would not have happened.

Imagine a Texas or Florida connected only to a centralized federal government by an agreement verses a financial-based web of co-dependency and you would have seen early in 2020 the withdrawal from the pact that has the states act together. Medical tyranny would have been thwarted and medical freedom would have reigned.

How does this look here in 2021? Dr. Simone Gold explains using the failed US Constitution as a reference point:

“We have lost many of our Constitutional rights.

Freedom of Religion? Only if you follow the Religion of Public Health.

Pastors, Priests, and Rabbis bowed down to the false god of government when tyrannical governors prohibited or limited in person religious events.

Free Speech? Not anymore.

Controlled and censored speech is the order of the day. Critical thinking is mocked. Doctors are threatened by the medical establishment for asking scientific questions about COVID early treatments and vaccine related illnesses.

Free Press? Wiped out.

Five corporations control 90% of America’s news outlets: Comcast, Disney, Viacom/CBS, News Corp, and AT&T. The official narrative is parroted verbatim and incessantly. Just like China. Just like North Korea. It is no wonder a recent Rasmussen poll found that over 60% of the American people view the press as: “The Enemy of the People.”

Freedom of Assembly? The government is threatening organizations who don’t “social distance,” who refuse to wear a mask, and who won’t abide by limits on the number of people who can attend rallies-groups like America’s Frontline Doctors.

Freedom to Petition the Government? I am, for all practical purposes, under house arrest with no formal charges brought against me. Why? Because I petitioned my government—and now I have lost my Constitutional rights. And I am not alone.

Fourth Amendment: Right to bodily integrity. This is essentially gone, through coercive tactics to force Americans to accept an experimental treatment they don’t want and don’t need.

Fifth Amendment: Due process. Don’t get me started. There are good people, Americans who are languishing in jail as I write you – pretrial – based upon accusations only!

Sixth Amendment: Speedy and Public Trial. Gone. No longer will the US government promise to give us our day in court, much less before a jury of our peers for all to see. So-called secret courts.

Seventh Amendment: Trial by Jury. Due to lockdowns, the accused are held without a trial by jury for weeks or months.

I always thought I lived in the United States of America, not in some communist dictatorship.

And what are the excuses for erasing our Constitution? Medical safety, economic security, and religious duty.

But we cannot afford to overlook the underlying theme to all three: TYRANNY.

The reason the communists decided to use medical tyranny is because it is the most effective: it is silent, stealth, and insidious. It causes great fear, cowardice, and a hyper-reliance on authority. It also distracts people from the REAL enemy: the tyrannical overlords who seek to divide us.

The tyrannical overlords pit black against white, male against female, rich against poor. Vaxxed vs. normal is just another exploitable division…”

The US citizens trusted the government in 15 days to flatten the curve, gave the consent to mask up (95% at its peak), to social distance (the magical six foot) and to get the jab (approaching 70% if you can believe government statistics). The learning curve is pretty steep for sheep!!!

Stay the course. Be a lion.
