Secession Talk by the GOP? 2020 is a Crazy Year

Considering how little most Americans know about previous secession attempts in America, starting with the effort in 1776 to secede from the British Empire, I hold very little hope that any political solution can be hoped for in the months and years to come for where this DEMOCRACY bordering on a MARXIST nation will be in the future.

It is not enough that you know the history our government has taught us, because most of it are half-truths and outright lies.

Ask Americans about secession and you will hear how this was attempted by the southern states so they could keep their slaves. So with slavery being wrong, so is secession. We have raised a nation of historical morons in the last century, there is no easy recovery from this.

An article released today by the Abbeville Institute does well at highlighting the real history, which is imperative to know to truly assess if secession can be beneficial to the US’s situation in 2020. Here are some clips:

the original states (formerly colonies) were drawn into a confederated union for defense in their efforts to secede from their covenant host in Europe—The British Empire. Their secession was not from a tyrannical king, though such nonsense is perpetrated constantly by the socialistic-styled Eric Foner historical mischief i.e. that the colonies declared a single unilateral declaration of independence as a single state. This is ahistorical and therefore rubbish.

In fact, they seceded from the British Empire which was controlled by its parliament which, in fact, was controlled by The East India Company. This was, in its time, a corporate welfare beast that was (again in its time) probably more powerful than Google and Amazon combined, today.

The Boston Tea party took place due to the East India Company’s arm twisting of parliament which allowed, through corrupt legislation, the EIC a monopoly on tea from The British Empire into the colonies. The colonists were not going to pay a tax that was designed around corruption.

Yes, the linking of big corp and big government always spawns s**t for the average people and huge profits to the moneyed elites, both in the 1770s and 2020s.

The colonies became THESE United States and not THE United States—the former being the factual truth. Five states had singularly seceded via each’s declaration of independence prior to the now-famous July 4th Declaration of Independence: Virginia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and South Carolina. The entirety of 13 signed the single document in July 1776 (following the Jefferson-Virginia styled document) purely as a show of strength. At the time there was no body of a single colonial government other than a Continental Congress, which had no authority other than suggestive influence through mutual consent among the independent colonies.

Got that? THESE united States .. NOT the United States. Words matter. each colony was noted in the Treaty of Paris 1783 SEPARATELY as INDEPENDENT states. It was NOT ONE nation!!!

Plus note that five states had ALREADY indicated their independence from the British Empire BEFORE July 4th, 1776, did your high school history book mention that fact? No, because they want you to believe that the nation of the US preceded the colonies, a lie that Lincoln himself tapped into during his war on the South.

Another fact not in your high school history book. There were SEVEN secession efforts BEFORE late-1860, and NONE of them involved southern states:

Secession talk was nothing new since the cultural differences across the united States from 1794-1860 begged the question about splitting the federated republic into two or more new republics.

So back to the hilarious notion that that GOP might think about secession in a positive light, after it over-reacted in 1861 killing 750K young men on battlefields around this land JUST because they wanted to be left alone from the tyrant, Lincoln.

The bottom line is this:

The only way of a successful secession would be for the truth to be told historically. That truth? That the republic was destroyed in 1865. A national government was formed and has grown into a nearly complete socialist-Marxist leviathan. Voters have no say. The unelected Washington Deep State has all to say.

The red states need to understand what freedom is. But they can only understand this if they understand what secession is. They can only understand if they truly understand what a declaration of independence means. If they can ever listen to historians who know what it meant.

The caliber of “we the people” in the USA in 2020 could never comprehend “secession” and its implications. The powerful elite will make sure that the media continues to paint secession in a bad light.

I hope I am wrong, but I do not trust the GOP at all to TALK secession, ever.

Peace out.
