More On US Sanctions – Will This Knee-Jerk Reaction Lead toward USD/Empire Demise?

From Iceland (where it is much safer to say the truth), The Saker article “Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – the Final Demise of the Dollar Hegemony?” by Peter Koenig takes on this trend from all angles and states the obvious:

They [sanctions] are made to punish countries, nations, that refuse to bend to a world dictatorship.

Even ZeroHedge said back ten days ago:

… the relative surge in China’s ‘petroyuan’ futures contract overnight could suggest a shift away from the petrodollar to avoid US sanctions on Iranian oil..

A picture of USD hegemony:

.. and a picture of a significant shift:

So what is Peter Koenig saying? Here are a few interesting clips:

… Looks like everybody accepts this new economic warfare as the new normal. Nobody objects. And the United Nations, the body created to maintain Peace, to protect our globe from other wars, to uphold human rights – this very body is silent – out of fear? Out of fear that it might be ‘sanctioned’ into oblivion by the dying empire? – Why cannot the vast majority of countries – often it is a ratio of 191 to 2 (Israel and the US) – reign-in the criminals?  ..

You see, sanctions ARE effectively the first strike in most every war, from Gulf War I and II back to WWII with both Germany and Japan. It is rare when sanctions do not result in war because of the stress it brings on a nation’s people that causes politicians to panic into “doing something”.

Now doing something might not mean specific military actions, but maybe just imprisoning some criminals (US’s CIA) that are in various countries:

What if Iran, Venezuela, Russia, China – and many more countries not ready to bow to the empire, would jail all those spies embedded in the US Embassies or camouflaged in these countries’ national (financial) institutions, acting as Fifth Columns, undermining their host countries’ national and economic policies? – Entire cities of new jails would have to be built to accommodate the empire’s army of criminals.

Interesting times ahead for sure. But when a bully empire operates on lies, the patience of these nations will be tested. What of the American people? Well, the last line of this paragraph shows what we have become:

Imagine Russia – more sanctions were just imposed for alleged and totally unproven (to the contrary: disproven) Russian poisoning of four UK citizens with the deadly nerve agent, Novichok – and for not admitting it. This is a total farce, a flagrant lie, that has become so ridiculous, most thinking people, even in the UK, just laugh about it. Yet, Trump and his minions in Europe and many parts of the world succumb to this lie – and out of fear of being sanctions, they also sanction Russia. What has the world become? – Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, would be proud for having taught the important lesson to the liars of the universe: “Let me control the media, and I will turn any nation into a herd of Pigs”. That’s what we have become – a herd of pigs.

Actually, I have known pigs, and they are even smarter than dogs. Suffice it to say, the American people in general are sheep .. stupid and aimless, scared to be without someone telling them what to do every day or every hour (daddy / mommy government and its media).

So if the American people are dumb, what about its leaders? Well, there is a history there .. and if you knew it all you would NEVER trust the US government again. Consider just one parallel, Venezuela = Chile:

… Venezuela is struggling to get out of this dilemma which has people suffering, by de-dollarizing her economy, partly through a newly created cryptocurrency, the Petro, based on Venezuela’s huge oil reserves and also through a new Bolivar – in the hope of putting the breaks on the spiraling bursts of inflation. This scenario reminds so much of Chile in 1973, when Henry Kissinger was Foreign Secretary (1973-1977), and inspired the CIA coup, by “disappearing” food and other goods from Chilean markets, killing legitimately elected President Allende, bringing Augusto Pinochet, a horrendous murderer and despot to power. The military dictatorship regime brought the death and disappearance of tens of thousands of people and lasted until 1990…

I think the CIA would love to get back into South America this way .. as they are getting back into Africa after too much attention has been drawn to its Middle East collusion with Israel, Saudi Arabia and UK with ISIS. Peter Koenig goes on to state the facts about Iran, North Korea and China and the inability for the US to ever abide by treaties it is involved with for any real length of time .. just ask the American Indians:

The bottom line is a rot that is the swamp:

… What is really transpiring is that Washington is isolating itself, that the one-polar world is moving towards a multipolar world, one that increasingly disregards and disrespects the United States, despises her bullying and warmongering – killing and shedding misery over hundreds of millions of people, most of them defenseless children, women and elderly, by direct military force or by proxy-led conflicts – Yemen is just one recent examples, causing endless human suffering to people who have never done any harm to their neighbors, let alone to Americans. Who could have any respect left for such a nation, called the United States of America, for the people behind such lying monsters? ..

Our national character is mud. Our legacy means once the empire starts dying there will be a piling on of other countries demanding revenge on this nation who by then will be led by our kids and grand-kids. We will not have followed Thomas Paine’s advice:




When Will “the People” React to US War Crimes? – Where is the Anti-War Crowd?


CONFIRMED: laser-guided MK 82 bomb made by Lockheed Martin that killed 40 children while they were riding inside a school bus in northern Yemen over a week ago

So, is anyone upset by this? When the atrocities of drone strikes on funeral processions hit the news under the Obama administration, a very large sub-section of the anti-war movement didn’t even blink. Under Trump, I thought this might change, HOWEVER, my guess is that the anti-war Obama supporters have found out how powerful and profitable one can be  in this country as a neo-conservative. There is no war not to like, as their hero Hillary might say. The left’s anti-war effort evaporated and aligned with John McCain, Mike Pence and other war hawks. War is indeed the health of the state, and when trade is disrupted, soldiers are next. Get ready for the draft (of boys and girls) since the US is ill-prepared for a conflict of this size with its volunteer forces.

Actor John Carrey has released the following cartoon what brings this truth home:

John Carrey is referencing the US-Saudi coalition in Yemen responsible for dropping the 500-pound bomb on the bus as it made its way through a crowded market in Dahyan in Saada province on August 9th, which both the US State Department and the Saudis had defended as a “legitimate military operation”

Maybe, just maybe this will spark an honest assessment of the foreign policy of the American Empire as it wages its war of destabilization across the globe .. from its ally Israel waging war on Palestinians to its ally Saudi Arabia waging war on Yemen, it is an epic wave of violence that is birthed and enabled from an empire desperate to keep its grip on this world.

The sanctions against Russia, China, Iran are an economic first wave strike in a war to maintain total control, and anyone ignorant of history are oblivious to this fact. Japan in WWII reacted out of ECONOMIC desperation that was facilitated by the US that directly led to the NON-surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. Ever since Lincoln, the US has loved getting “the other country” in firing the first shot so the US could act as the white knight in coming into the war.

The Bible – Ecclesiastes 1:9 – author Solomon:

“What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”

“Turn! Turn! Turn!” by the Byrds

To everything – turn, turn, turn
There is a season – turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything – turn, turn, turn
There is a season – turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together

To everything – turn, turn, turn
There is a season – turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing

To everything – turn, turn, turn
There is a season – turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late!

When Russia (Not the USA) Fights for Peace

From Russia Insider

Russian intervention on behalf of Mideast Christians has pricked the conscience of many American evangelicals. Long conditioned to Cold War enmity, the question is entertained: Are they the good guys in the cradle of Christianity? Or are persecuted Christians just a handy excuse for political interests?

“The news tells us Russian troops are bringing peace to the region, said Vitaly Vlasenko, ambassador-at-large for the Russian Evangelical Alliance. “Maybe this is propaganda, but we don’t hear anything else.”

Yes, the Middle East Christians have been more than patient, waiting decades for the US to bring peace. However, there are millions less Christians in the Middle East since the USA convinced other countries to topple Saddam in Gulf War I and II and spread this regime change to other countries as well.

Thanks to Russia we have a model of what really works for all people including Christians. Being INVITED into a country to fight rebels that have an evil worldview (either intentionally or misguided). Peace is being realized in Syria and the tears of appreciation flow!

One example is Sergei Riakhovskii, lead bishop of the Pentecostal Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith.

A member of several governmental councils to help convey the concerns of religious citizens, his church has forged strong connections with Syrian Protestants and organized several food convoys to aid the displaced.

I still don’t understand the actions and statements of some American politicians,” said Riakhovskii. “If it were not for Russia, Christians in Syria might not have survived at all.”

Vlasenko cited local polls which show two-thirds of Russians view the United States as their enemy. Evangelicals are more open, believing Americans want peace.

But the US, viewed widely as an evangelical country, leaves them very confused.

“American policy has created chaos, giving oil to the fire of Islamic terrorism,” he said. “It is hard for Russian evangelicals to understand this.”

Rightly so. There is NO understanding of US foreign policy in light of a policy of peace that is desired by all REAL Christians!

Russia, in many Christian eyes, is a balancing power to Israel-focused American interests, Munayer said. But local believers should not align too closely with either.

“Otherwise, we will bind ourselves in the trap of political interests, getting manipulated by one side or the other,” he said.

Very wise insight, and yes, the US Empire’s sole interests in the ME seems to align directly with Israel’s.

Without Russia, Syria would have been yet another nation overrun by rebel groups that would kill all Christians if they had the opportunity.