Why I Appreciate (and Support($)) True Researchers

Holding the UN accountable is _____? Yeah, no official body of any government really holds anyone accountable for the numbers they generate .. out of thin air.

This is where Moon of Alabama and others like this website are willing to spend hours to get down in the weeds and validate (or invalidate) the claims of these bureaucracies:

Neither the OCHA map nor the UN report explain how, when or why 164,000-171,000 people are supposed to have moved the few miles towards the Israel occupied Golan Heights. There is no evidence that this claimed movement of IDPs, who may or may not exist, happened at all.

Where does the OCHA claim come from?

The nearly unreadable fine-print of the OCHA map says about the “Map Data Source(s)”:

The data of this map has a limited number of sources, including parties of the conflict. The data has not been independently verified and is subject to error or omission, deliberate or otherwise, by the various sources.

There is the explanation for the unbelievable high refugee numbers the UN is peddling around. They are based on claims made by the Islamic State, the al-Qaeda offshoot Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and various other sectarian “rebel” groups and their propaganda outlets. These claims have not be verified at all. Whoever made up that map did not even ask if the numbers were plausible or made any sense. They obviously don’t.

It is irresponsible that UN spokespersons come out and make claims of an extreme refugee flow when only some dubious ‘rebel’ sources say that these happened and no reasonable explanation exists why such a movement might have taken place at all.

There has so far only been moderate fighting during the three weeks of the Daraa campaign. Most of the affected towns reconciled with the  Syrian army without any fight. The real recent refugee flow in the whole Daraa governorate is thus more likely in the order of ten-thousands than in the order of hundred-thousands.

The UN must stop to distribute such alarming numbers that evidently can not be backed up at all. Otherwise its credibility and long term efficiency will be severely damaged.

Yeah, it has come to the point where EVER government and/or international organization is going to give data that supports their agenda but never gives the people the truth. You probably already support a government (and UN indirectly) with your tax money .. why not search out true researchers and support them as well?

US (Israel/ISIS) UNINVITED Involvement in Syria is Over?

There are signs that the long expected liberation of the Daraa region in southwest Syria is about to begin. After a month of negotiations between Russia, Israel, Jordan and the U.S. no peaceful solution has been found. The various terrorist forces in the (green) area, including al-Qaeda aligned HTS and groups loyal to the Islamic State, have rejected all negotiations. For over a month Russian negotiators tried to convince locals to give up and to reconcile with the government. But the hardliners under the rebels have killed anyone who talked with the Russians. The U.S. government has warned against a Daraa operation and threatened to intervene.

From Moon of Alabama

So things changed over the weekend since this article was written the middle of last week as demands from the US to NOT start this clean-up in southwestern Syria have diminished … and it seems that this might be one of the major agreements that John Bolton is prepping for the July Putin-Trump summit.

About 4:50 minutes into Ron’s Paul’s Liberty Report you will hear some of the great news. I would hope this signals the end to the stupid CIA move to attempt to use their ISIS forces in Syria to further the USA’s distribution of democracy which has ruined the infrastructures in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya not to mention making millions of war refugees and driving Christians from all three of these countries.

Reflecting back over 150 years ago, just imagine if the British Empire would have not only inserted rebels in the United States but then followed up with “boots on the ground” for force “regime change” to get Lincoln out of office. Yup, you got it, the same people today who says Assad has to go would not be for the first Republican president being overthrown by another nation’s rebel-backed forces or forces of their own.

Maybe someone looked at history this weekend and remembered how complicated it was then major forces are at work in areas under wartime duress. Maybe they remembered the “Trent Affair” where:

So on November 8, 1861, he [ U.S. naval officer, Captain Charles Wilkes ]steamed out into the Bahama Channel, fired twice across the Trent’s bow, sent a boat’s crew aboard, seized the Confederate commissioners, and bore them off in triumph to the United States, where they were held prisoner in Boston. Wilkes was hailed as a national hero. Congress voted him its thanks, and Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles commended him.

This triggered an uproar in Britain. Eleven thousand British troops were sent to Canada, the British fleet was put on a war footing, with plans to capture New York City, and a sharp note was dispatched to Washington demanding return of the prisoners and an apology. Lincoln, concerned about Britain entering the war, issued an apology and ordered the prisoners released.

From Fandom CSA Wiki

US Forces in Syria (Uninvited and Supporting ISIS Activities)

Southeast Syria- Where the US/Israeli/UK/Saudi backed rebels continue to interfere in an area wanted for future pipeline projects.  Personally I agree with Ron Paul in bringing US troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq AND Syria .. this is NOT our fight and this is NOT “defense” of the United States.

red: Syrian Army; green: U.S. zone around al-Tanf crossing to Iraq; grey: ISIS; yellow: U.S./Kurdish SDF

“… Another serious incident followed last night when U.S. supported Maghawhir al-Thawra “rebels” (which include ‘former’ ISIS fighters) attacked Syrian government forces:

A Syrian army officer was killed in a U.S strike on a Syrian army outpost near a U.S. base close to the Iraqi-Syrian border, a commander in the regional alliance supporting President Bashar al-Assad told Reuters.The Pentagon, said, however, that a U.S.-backed Syrian rebel group stationed in the Tanf garrison had engaged on Thursday evening an “unidentified hostile force” outside a “deconfliction zone” around the garrison, forcing it to retreat. It said there were no casualties on either side.

… The Syrian Observatory claims that eight Syrian soldiers were killed in the attack. There is some footage of a desert chase with “technicals” that is supposed to be from these clashes. They took place in al-Halba, 70 kilometers northwest of al-Tanf and only 50 kilometers from Palmyra.

The U.S. sent “rebels” it trains at al-Tanf outside its self declared 55 kilometers deconfliction zone around Tanf to attack Syrian government forces. It supported them by air strikes. U.S. special forces are said to have taken part. This is likely the case as only U.S. special forces can call in such airstrikes.

It seems obvious that the U.S. is using ISIS, U.S. trained “Maghawhir al-Thawra” rebels, and its air power in another attempt to cut the land route between Syria and Iraq…”

From Moon of Alabama