To all those who are waking up to the present realities, “welcome aboard”. Hang on now, and as I said in my last blog post, prepare for the following:
Empires and collectives will never want freedom as they promise you various utopias. Get smart, recognize a PsyOp, and blend into the woodwork locally while connecting with like minded-people for the road ahead.
2020 has been a reality check as you have seen mass compliance with orders from tyrants that make absolutely no sense, you have seen people in general become snitches overnight, and you have seen the general fear and distrust in all parts of society as the government with all its tentacles (Deep State, CIA, FBI, BigTech, BigPharma, Big(fill in the blank)) attempt to paint everyone into various collectives as war is waged on small business and individuals across this land.
As Becky Akers points out, this is nothing new:
From the beginning of this electoral charade, I never understood why patriots believed the Court would rule in favor of decency and fairness. Does it ever? The Supreme Dorks are Leviathan’s creatures and always have been—all of them. Whether they’re conservative or Marxist, they don’t descend to that level without cooperating and even enthusiastically endorsing the State’s wickedness. They’ve declared abortion, Obummercare, and all manner of other evil “Constitutional.” Heck, way back in 1905, their demonic decision that states may require vaccines and punish those who refuse paved the way for our current hell.
Other options besides secession are also on the table. We are still armed and can defend ourselves from these tyrants. And we can pray. Join me in asking the Almighty to destroy these His enemies and ours.
Yes, Lysander Spooner alread educated us back in the late 1800s about the true nature of the US Constitution protecting “we the people”:
We need to know that no political force, no part of the US government (congress, executive or judicial) is aligned with the people. It has come down to some rather simple places to put our faith for the future generations .. going into one’s prayer closet (whether that be one’s bunker/war room or the middle of 100 acres in the woods) and implore our Father to address the evil in this world while connecting with like-minded community families (be wise as serpents in your selection, insurgents are everywhere) and quietly plan for a future that will be much different that the past.
In Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s classic “Democracy – The God That Failed“, the utter weakness of this form of government is laid bare, as all non-principled people pursue the “free” things government can provide, from the poorest in the street to the upper class CEO, government becomes the vehicle of theft:
With a [democratic] government anyone in principle can become a member of the ruling class or even the supreme power. The distinction between the rulers and the ruled as well as the class consciousness of the ruled become blurred. The illusion even arises that the distinction no longer exists: that with a public government no one is ruled by anyone, but everyone instead rules himself. Accordingly, public resistance against government power is systematically weakened. While exploitation and expropriation before might have appeared plainly oppressive and evil to the public, they seem much less so, mankind being what it is, once anyone may freely enter the ranks of those who are at the receiving end. Consequently, [exploitation will increase], whether openly in the form of higher taxes or discretely as increased governmental money “creation” (inflation) or legislative regulation.
The Right accepts the reality of human differences but the Left does not. Because Leftists try to make everyone equal, they favor massive interventions by the State to abolish human cdifferences.
I am not saying that the so-called Right is honest, honorable or trustworthy, it is just that it seems to be a few degrees away from evil in admitting that no entity can “make” everyone equal, except in slavery.
One must note that the so-called Left, who politically years ago were aligned more with Thomas Jefferson, has drifted very far from the thoughts of the founding document the US Declaration of Independence which says in part:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it ..
Are we really created equal. No way, no how. However, what is equal is the rights as humans created in the image of God have under natural law, that is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness retaining all the personal property we acquire honestly with our work along the way. Government was supposed to see us equal under the law. As it turned out, most in government, Democrats and Republicans, see themselves above the law.
The bent humans develop overtime can be used for good but also for evil. We should by now see start evidence of how this plays out in crisis events, tyrants and snitches at every level of society come out of the woodwork. People we have known for years seem to have abandon common sense and have a cult-like zealous look in their eyes as they argue the latest fad built on half-truths, either from the masses or from government.
Hans points out that it is not only the masses, but the elites that are on-board with this agenda:
The egalitarian worldview of the Left is not only incompatible with libertarianism, however. It is so out of touch with reality that one must be wondering how anyone can take it seriously. The man-on-the-street certainly does not believe in the equality of all men. Plain common sense and sound prejudice stand in the way of that. And I am even more confident that no one of the actual proponents of the egalitarian doctrine really, deep down, believes what he proclaims. Yet how, then, could the Leftist worldview have become the dominant ideology of our age? At least for a libertarian, the answer should be obvious: the egalitarian doctrine achieved this status not because it is true, but because it provides the perfect intellectual cover for the drive toward totalitarian social control by a ruling elite
The United States has been on this path at least since the War Against Southern Independence from 1861-1865 when the state crushed those who were following the Declaration of Independence when it said:
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ..
The seven secession documents outlined that these entities were taking back the powers it had given to the federation formed in 1787 with the US Constitution as they no longer consented! What, pray tell, will happen to us in the future when we lay claim to that founding principle? With the masses, the elites and the state in partnership, those that understand what is going on will be surrounded.
It has to be noted again that Lincoln’s centralizing of power was admired by Karl Marx, who correctly understood that:
So in fact it was the Republicans that led the United States down this road that the Democrats have fully embraced. How stupid is that.
Late 1930s American Communist convention
So today in 2020 we have the masses that are enthralled by “bread and circuses” while not being able to critically think what the end-game is here that the elites have for us all. Seems that most college graduates only see the first consequence of any action or decision, and rarely if ever see that the second and third consequences will be disastrous to them. But the masses are generally asses .. they go insane together in large groups and only then do some come back one at a time.
The other thing that democracy has done to society is to make it immoral. Few in society today think it is wrong to take with others have honestly earned and give it to the government to redistribute. Theft via government is honorable in their mind. Personal property of others means nothing as well.