Would Isolating the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Ruin the Elite/Government/Pharma Agenda? Asking for a Friend!

https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ October 2019

One does have to wonder after all the lies that abounded since March 2020 .. (preceded by an October 2019 practice event) flatten the curve with 1) masks 2) lock-downs 3) “vaccines” .. sorry, three strikes and you are out Fauci šŸ™‚

So I have heard since the beginning of this fiasco that the virus has yet to be isolated, you know, in the scientific way as Jon Rappaport said back in August 2021:

… Intelligent researchers, where they exist, do talk about isolation and purification of a new virus from surrounding material. And if they understand what those two terms mean, they know how important this process is.


In past articles, Iā€™ve detailed how large coherent studies should be done (but arenā€™t), using electron microscopy, to determine a) whether or not a new virus has been discovered, and b) how probable it is that the virus, if it exists, is causing harm to some people (whose immune systems are already compromised).

Nothing is riding on all this except the immediate future of the human raceā€”since political leaders have decided to destroy untold numbers of jobs, businesses, and lives, all based on a story about a new pandemic virus.

Talk about a sell-job. They donā€™t have to isolate the virus because theyā€™ve found its genetic sequence. Thatā€™s called putting the cart before the horse.

Yes, “The Science” says it computer generated the viral code used to develop the “vaccine” .. does that not sound like a 1st version MS Windows Bill Gates style or not? Talk about a recipe for constant virus fighting from now on that this “Operating System” is spread throughout the sheep.

This pandemic (i.e. plandemic/cult) is pure money for the connected elite here in 2021 and they will milk this for all it is worth at the expense of “we the people”.

Scientific fraud is nothing new, but the degree this fraud has been allowed to expand globally is new. It used to be that people like Rockefeller and Gates would experiment here (WWI w/ “Spanish Flu”) and there (India & Africa until now) but now this is a worldwide thing.

Chuck Baldwin laments:

We have the evidence that pure, isolated samples of the Covid-19 coronavirus do not exist: a Japanese source has provided us with responses to Freedom of Information requests showing that 10 countries, plus Pfizer itself, do not hold an isolate of SARS-COV-2.

ā€‹Thus, the virus does not exist in reality; it exists only in a computer program. For an example, letā€™s look at the paper entitled ā€œSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United Statesā€ by Harcourt et al. on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. Under the heading ā€œWhole Genome Sequencing,ā€ the authors say ā€œWe designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).ā€

Critiquing this CDC paper, Dr. Tom Cowan says:

To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud.Ā  Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. (emphasis added)

So PCR tests get a “close enough for government work” result that can detect at the cycle threshold level of 40 (for un-vaccinated per FDA) setting various coronaviruses (that are NOT novel) as well as previous cold and flu evidence and even dead virus from previous infections. When big numbers matter, the PCR test is there!

But this whole thing is not limited to the science community, it has parallels in the government world as well (if one can differentiate the difference, like the media, pharma is just another division of the government like the MIC (military industrial complex). Chuck again shares:

A 2019 federal law raises concerns that the U.S. government may be engaging in large-scale COVID-19 ā€˜drillsā€™ without alerting the public.

Previous articles mentioned that leading up to the reported COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. federal government made multiple actions on laws governing pandemics, including U.S. laws governing pandemic preparedness ā€œdrills and exercises.ā€

This article will focus on the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019, which was passed by Congress and signed into law on June 24, 2019 [by President Donald Trump], only a few months before COVID-19. That law describes requirements for the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022.

Within the 2019 U.S. Pandemic Act and other laws and documents, one may find language that can be interpreted as potential tip-offs that the U.S. government may have intended to coordinate with international governments and other entities to ā€œconveneā€ a falsified pandemic or somewhat covert pandemic ā€œdrillā€ or ā€œoperational exercise.ā€

Yup, you read this right, we are all but guinea pigs in this “exercise” by the government using tax dollars we supplied PLUS fiat money printing that our kids will be used as tax slaves to pay off. Note that the father of the vaccine, former president Donald Trump, is one who authorized this.

When if seems as though the whole world is against you and I, what can we do besides pray that God will deliver us and our children from out of this tyranny? On a practical level, Doug Casey has a suggestion:

The first thing is to become self-employed. You donā€™t want a job where youā€™re dependent on somebody elseā€”or worse, some organization. The bigger the organization, the less relative importance you have, and the more danger youā€™re in.

Assess your resources and abilities and try to become an entrepreneur. The world has an unlimited desire for goods and services; an entrepreneur figures out how to satisfy them. It takes thought, knowledge, and hard workā€”but thereā€™s unlimited upside. An employee, by contrast, just does what heā€™s told for a wage. Most are easily replaceable cubicle dwellers these days. Being an employee is both high risk and low reward.

The second thing you can do is to not support the State in any way. The State is not your friend; itā€™s your enemy. It takes a fat slice of your earnings and, in return, tells you what you can and canā€™t do. Find ways to reduce your contact with it and deny it both resources and approval. Minimize the taxes you pay so that you donā€™t feed the beast.

That includes participating in its elections. Your choice is almost always just the lesser of two evils anyway. Remember that people who want to be in office are desirous of controlling other people. Voters are dupes at best, voting for Tweedledee or Tweedledum while endorsing the corrupt system itself. Itā€™s questionable whether your vote ever does any goodā€”or even counts.

Ultimately, the best solution is the one that Ayn Rand outlined in her novel Atlas Shrugged, which is to put yourself in a position where you can just check out of the system and live in a parallel economy because the old one is going down anyway. Surround yourself with sound, like-minded people to the greatest degree possible.

I am pretty sure I have said something similar before, it is well past time to connect with other like minded people as another winter of fear-mongering from our governments becomes part of the new norm ..

Time to brain-storm with friends and family and try to keep insurgents identified and off your track!

Stay the course friends!

Peace out all ..


The Elite’s Great Reset OR the Great Spiritual Reset?

While most Americans put their faith in their their “king” (21st century equivalent – government “democracy”), there is an underlying aspect that eludes most people as they deal with the “crisis” of their lifetime (or so the media spins it as such). Most Americans have been ‘schooled’ into thinking that their government will keep them safe, and those that control the political puppets that the masses see, desire a way out of this global financial dead-end via a Great Reset.

However, Chuck Baldwin’s article calls into question whether this is a Great Reset OR a Great Spiritual Reset and concludes with this thought:

As long as Christians look to government organizations (Americaā€™s corporate ā€œchurchesā€), the longer it will take for God to bring spiritual restoration to our land.

The pulpits and churches of Colonial Americaā€”the churches and pulpits that led the colonies in a mighty awakening of both faith and freedomā€”were pulpits and churches that were unencumbered and unfettered with the chains of government dictation.

Before God can again raise up that courageous, independent voice, He must bury the rotting corpse of the enslaved, silent skeleton of these government organizations, formerly known as churches.

Yes, the Covid conspiracy has all but crushed the work ethic in this country. But thisā€”as with everything associated with the phony Covid narrativeā€”could not have happened had not the pulpits in this country abandoned the fearless, uncompromising preaching of Godā€™s Holy Word.

But faint not, dear Christian friend: The great spiritual reset has begun.

Scary but exciting time to be alive, no? I would only add that the preaching of God’s Word needs to be accompanied by Jesus’ true followers loving others enough to share their hearts with those around them, to share how their relationship with their Creator gives them peace in the midst of the storm.

Hang on y’all .. surf’s up .. be wise as serpents and harmless as doves!


The Hole That is In the SS United States – Why It Seems We Are Always Bailing Water

Simple thinkers see water coming into a ship, and they start bailing and KEEP bailing saying the water is the problem. But some may be aware that the root issue is actually the hole in the hull in the ship, the water in the ship is actually the symptom of the problem.

The United States of America has a huge hole in it. Now some may claim that it is (one or more of the below):

  • Liberal Democrats
  • Muslims
  • Russia
  • Iran
  • China
  • Racism
  • BLM/Antifa
  • Trumpsters
  • (fill in the blank)

Nope, all of these are symptoms of the problem according to Chuck Baldwin’s August 2018 message, and I agree!

Today in 2020 we have a whole generation of truth-avoiders and no one, especially a business or a corporation wants to tell them the truth. The media and even churches take part in spreading some of the latest propaganda and manipulations that the evil elites have given light to .. to distract the masses like Marxist Democrats, Anti-Constitutionalists (anti-Electoral College, etc) and the belief that global wars and interventions are essential for the USA’s safety. Feelings are the rule of the day.

Back in 1775 there was a spark from what was the compass of this country, an entity that would help to set this country’s course from Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the Articles of Confederation adopted in 1781 during a pandemic while fighting the most powerful empire on the earth.

The spark of independence came from men like Jonas Clark, a pastor in Lexington, Massachusetts colony of the British Empire. He and almost 100 of the men from his congregation did an amazing thing that day, 19APR in 1775 as told by Chuck Baldwin in a Renew America article in 2015:

.. Being warned of approaching British troops by Dr. Joseph Warren (who dispatched Paul Revere to Lexington and Concord with the news), Pastor Jonas Clark alerted his male congregants at the Church of Lexington that the British army was on its way to seize the colonists’ weapons and to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock. Both men had taken refuge in Pastor Clark’s home with about a dozen of the pastor’s men guarding the house. Other men from the congregation (around 75-80 in number) stood with their muskets on Lexington Green when over 800 British troops appeared before them at barely the break of day.

According to eyewitnesses, British soldiers opened fire on the militiamen without warning (the British command to disperse and the British opening salvo of gunfire were simultaneous), immediately killing eight of Pastor Clark’s parishioners. In self defense, the Minutemen took cover and returned fire. These were the first shots of the Revolutionary War. Again, this took place on Lexington Green, which was located in the shadow of the church-house where those men worshipped each Sunday. The men that were guarding Adams and Hancock escorted them out of harm’s way shortly before the troops arrived. Without a doubt, the heroic efforts of Pastor Clark and his brave Minutemen at the Church of Lexington saved the lives of Sam Adams and John Hancock. And eight of those brave men gave their lives protecting two men who became two of America’s greatest Founding Fathers. But, mind you, Jonas Clark and his men are as important to the story of America’s independence as any of our Founding Fathers.

Can you see this happening today? Is there any church out there in the US that would go gun-to-gun with Redcoats (local/state police, DHS agents, etc) to physically protect the cause of liberty?

.. two elements of American history are lost to the vast majority of historians today: 1) it was attempted gun confiscation by the British troops that ignited America’s War for Independence, and 2) it was a pastor and his flock that mostly comprised the “Minutemen” who fired the shots that started our great Revolution.

Let’s hear some more about the caliber of pastors we had in the 1770s:

James Caldwell:

James Caldwell was called “The Rebel High Priest” or “The Fighting Chaplain.” Caldwell is most famous for the “Give ’em Watts!” story.

During the Springfield (New Jersey) engagement, the colonial militia ran out of wadding for their muskets. Quickly, Caldwell galloped to the Presbyterian church, and returning with an armload of hymnals, threw them to the ground, and hollered, “Now, boys, give ’em Watts!” He was referring to the famous hymn writer, Isaac Watts, of course.

The British hated Caldwell so much, they murdered his wife, Hannah, in her own home, as she sat with her children on her bed. Later, a fellow American was bribed by the British to assassinate Pastor Caldwell ā€“ which is exactly what he did. Americans loyal to the Crown burned both his house and church. No less than three cities and two public schools in the State of New Jersey bear his name today.

John Peter Muhlenberg:

John Peter Muhlenberg was pastor of a Lutheran church in Woodstock, Virginia, when hostilities erupted between Great Britain and the American colonies. When news of Bunker Hill reached Virginia, Muhlenberg preached a sermon from Ecclesiastes chapter three to his congregation. He reminded his parishioners that there was a time to preach and a time to fight. He said that, for him, the time to preach was past and it was time to fight. He then threw off his vestments and stood before his congregants in the uniform of a Virginia colonel.

Muhlenberg was later promoted to brigadier-general in the Continental Army, and later, major general. He participated in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, and Yorktown. He went on to serve in both the US House of Representatives and US Senate.

Joab Houghton:

Joab Houghton was in the Hopewell (New Jersey) Baptist Meeting House at worship when he received the first information regarding the battles at Lexington and Concord. His great-grandson gives the following eloquent description of the way he treated the tidings:

“[M]ounting the great stone block in front of the meeting-house, he beckoned the people to stop. Men and women paused to hear, curious to know what so unusual a sequel to the service of the day could mean. At the first, words a silence, stern as death, fell over all. The Sabbath quiet of the hour and of the place was deepened into a terrible solemnity. He told them all the story of the cowardly murder at Lexington by the royal troops; the heroic vengeance following hard upon it; the retreat of Percy; the gathering of the children of the Pilgrims round the beleaguered hills of Boston; then pausing, and looking over the silent throng, he said slowly, ‘Men of New Jersey, the red coats are murdering our brethren of New England! Who follows me to Boston?’ And every man in that audience stepped out of line, and answered, ‘I!’ There was not a coward or a traitor in old Hopewell Baptist Meeting-House that day.” (Cathcart, William. Baptists and the American Revolution. Philadelphia: S.A. George, 1876, rev. 1976. Print.)

Back to Jonas Clark:

On the one-year anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, Clark preached a sermon based upon his eyewitness testimony of the event. He called his sermon, “The Fate of Blood-Thirsty Oppressors and God’s Tender Care of His Distressed People.” His sermon has been republished by Nordskog Publishing under the title, “The Battle of Lexington, A Sermon and Eyewitness Narrative, Jonas Clark, Pastor, Church of Lexington.”

In summary, although not every pastor was able to actively participate in our fight for independence, so many pastors throughout Colonial America preached the principles of liberty and independence from their pulpits that the Crown created a moniker for them: The “Black Regiment” (referring to the long, black robes that so many colonial clergymen wore in the pulpit). Without question, the courageous preaching and example of Colonial America’s patriot-pastors provided the colonists with the inspiration and resolve to resist the tyranny of the Crown and win America’s freedom and independence.

When I look around today, I don’t even see 1% of US churches prepared to withstand tyranny like the churches in colonial America had back in the 1700s. Yet, truth be told, the churches today have the capability to influence the American citizens more than the mainstream media, more than the US Congress and even more than the US President! However, what we have today in churches is a leadership vacuum, no resolve, but mainly an attention to the feelings of the people while avoiding truth, the truth of the Bible, the truth of liberty (and the freedom it beings in Christ) and the truth of natural law.

The hole, the root issue in the USS United States, is the church and pastors!

The truth that needs to be told but is withheld, because of feelings is, you can’t elect us out of our current problems in the USA. No country has ever been made more free using politics! Vote all you want, get petitions out there signed as such, and you are really just bailing water.

There are six things that Chuck Baldwin attributes to the impotence of the church in the United States of America:

  1. The church in general willingly cowers behind the 501C3 (1954 law) tax-exempt status (the corporate church). The IRS employs lawyers to approach most churches on a regular basis with brochures and visits to ensure they are aware of their “license” requirements, what they can say and what they can’t say, what they can do and what they can’t do. Jesus must be so ashamed of the church that the Gates of Hell could not prevail from.
  2. The church in general is teaching an enslaving version of Romans 13 that has turned men into sniveling subjects instead of having no king but Jesus. What most preachers do not understand that in a republic, the PEOPLE are king .. so render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s is not about giving resources and allegiance to a president, congress or federal government.
  3. The church in general has abandoned “blessed are the peacemakers” and have cheered and encouraged the warfare state in everything it says and does to the detriment of many oppressed people groups around the globe. The number of Christians in two countries the US brought “democracy” to in the last 20 years have very few Christians left as they have either been killed or became refugees.
  4. The church in general has glorified the GOP and GOP presidents allowing them to violate the US Constitution the same way the previous Democratic president did (when they were “constitutionalists”). Principles DON’T CHANGE!
  5. The church in general has traded unpopular truth that might hurt feelings for success, whether that be more members, bigger staff, bigger buildings and more programs.
  6. The church in general, especially in evangelical circles, allow believers to be blinded by the Zionist Israeli program that has been used to prop up a secular state enabled by the US Empire to be exempt from following international laws while funding them with foreign aid while the US’s deficit spending causes us to go broke and our kids to become tax slaves or worse in the next 20+ years.

In summary, at a minimum, especially after it was shown how impotent the churches were when the lock-down orders were given this spring and summer, there should be a movement to uncouple the churches from the government, sacrifice the 501C3 tax-exempt status and become the compass of each state in this federal republic. After this the following five items need to be addressed by each gathering/spiritual family. Maybe it is time again for the church to go underground like they did in the 1st century when persecution came to Jerusalem and Jesus-followers were scattered all over Asia, Africa and Europe!

Get back to basics!!! This republic needs a spiritual reset to plug that hole!

Peace out
