Why Do Progressives / Yankees Hate Others So Much?

While many normal people can live and let live, it is and has been apparent that there is a breed of people that makes it their business to not just be critical of your views, opinions and culture, but to dictate to you on how you should live.

Sorry, I believe one is most loving of others when they refuse to should on their friends and attempt to should on their foes alike. You do you as long as you don’t infringe my life or agress on my body, my property or my family. PERIOD!

In addition to this, these people routinely accuse others of doing the very thing they have actually done, but point the Pharisaical finger at others with religious and righteous fervor, all the while lying.

The “Yankee” is best defined by Ronald Kennedy as

I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group descended from New Englanders, who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around.  Puritans long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image.

Yes, this post has to do with the so-called “Civil War”. However, this is also about 2021 as I believe there is a similar break-up brewing where busybodies and do-gooders will comes up with some groups of narratives to paint others as evil, racists and even white-supremacist when they are actually intent on true justice being served, where right is right and wrong is wrong, not this “math is racist” nonsense!

Two facts I would like to point out today that I doubt 1% of the US population was aware of .. that is #1 the real root of “racism” and #2 the real status of Fort Sumter circa 1860:

  1. “.. Jim Crow laws predated the Confederacy and have their origins in…the North. Luxenberg [in his book Separate: The Story of Plessy v. Ferguson, and America’s Journey from Slavery to Segregation (W.W. Norton, 2019) by Steve Luxenberg ] relates this in the first pages of the first chapter, where he writes “[s]eparation had no role in the South before the Civil War… It was the free and conflicted North that gave birth to separation… One of those birthplaces was the Massachusetts town of Salem.” He goes on to recount in detail how, even though blacks comprised but one percent of Massachusetts’s population, “Jim Crow” became a “commonly understood phrase in New England’s lexicon” by the late 1830s. On September 8, 1841, Frederick Douglass himself experienced a healthy dose of Yankee tolerance when he was forcibly ejected off a white car on the way from Salem to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. .. the “free” State of Indiana had a brand new constitution in 1851 that included a clause prohibiting any blacks from settling in their State. This should remind students of history that a significant reason the North was better at avoiding racial issues than the South was that Northerners made every effort to avoid blacks altogether…” [source https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/review/separate-but-equal ]
  2. “..The first actual act of war [CSA cannon fire on Fort Sumter] was not executed in the open in response to military provocation, but in the dark as a damnable piece of subterfuge involving sabotage and the occupation of the buildings and land of a sovereign state located in a sovereign country that was not the country of the attackers involved! In the darkness of Christmas Eve, 1860, Major Robert Anderson, commandant of the federal forces at Fort Moultrie in Charleston Harbor, left that fort – his assigned post according to his government – and after cutting down the flag pole, spiking the fort’s guns and taking his contingent of soldiers together with all munitions and supplies, stealthily made his way by boat to Fort Sumter situated on an island in Charleston harbor. This was done in secret and without any notification by Anderson’s superiors in the federal government that its troops would leave [Fort] Moultrie and thereupon occupy [Fort] Sumter, a facility that had reverted to South Carolina after the the provisions of the lease held by Washington had been allowed to lapse!  The federal government under outgoing President James Buchanan – who was still in office at the time – had signed an agreement with South Carolina – now part of the newly created Confederate States of America – to make no attempt to relieve, rearm, re-supply or send more federal troops into [Fort] Moultrie in exchange for that State government’s promise not to remove the federal troops in that fort by force. Of course, there was no need to re-supply the fort as the people of Charleston sold food to the federal troops despite the fact that South Carolina was no longer in the federal union. [Fort] Sumter, however, was not part of any agreement because it was no longer a federal facility and such troops as remained in Charleston were assigned to Fort Moultrie! But by leaving Moultrie and moving to Sumter in secret and without informing the State of South Carolina or the newly established Confederate government of which that State was a part, Anderson was committing an act that can only be seen as hostile even if no shots were fired at the time..” [source https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/blog/the-first-shot-revisited ]

Digging a little deeper, because principles matter, it is apparent that Fort Sumter was purchased, initially on long lease, for the use of a fort to be constructed and then much later on a full purchase price. What the South Carolina Attorney General in 1860 pointed out that Congress had not paid that full purchase price, nor had it maintained in full the original long term lease payments part of the contracts, but had invested heavily in the construction costs of the fort. Hence the legal forms of ownership revert to SC due to failure to fulfill the contractual obligations.

Basically, South Carolina had passed full and complete transfer of property to Congress, on the understanding Congress would actually

a) pay the lease while construction of the fort was undertaken, and

b) much later, acquire full property rights after making full payment to South Carolina, along with outstanding lease payments.

The US Congress had never done so, which was why it [Fort Sumter] was not a federal post, as it was not federal property, and why President Buchanan and his US Attorney General were aghast when without orders General Anderson moved to it.

I highly doubt your high school or college American history teacher taught you the finer points of US history, but taught you that racism and Jim Crow laws originated in the southern slavery plantations and that Fort Sumter was “federal property”.  All fake news.

Peace out


It is true we are completely under the saddle of Massachusetts and Connecticut, and that they ride us very hard, cruelly insulting our feelings, as well as exhausting our strength and substance.

—Thomas Jefferson, 1798

PS Maybe next time we take on the KKK’s (2nd incarnation from 1915-1926) origin and popularity .. ain’t a Southern thing .. as Indiana’s KKK numbered 160,000 to 400,000 alone!

They [2nd Klan] represented the North Eastern Puritan ruling class historical beliefs and religious traditions almost perfectly.  If anything they spread these beliefs to people and places where they generally didn’t exist.  As to being Southern, few of the beliefs and characteristics of the 2nd Klan trace at all to the antebellum South which had a very different religious heritage from the activist North.  This argument is nothing more than looking in the mirror, not liking what you see, and claiming it’s an image of someone else. [source https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/blog/a-skeleton-in-the-yankee-progressive-closet/ ]