When State-Run Media (Equivalent of USSR’s News Source ‘Pravda’) Thrives

You just can’t go by “state approved” sources in understanding the past OR the present. “History is written by the victors” – Winston Churchill

Lincoln closed hundreds of presses that did not agree with his agenda, jailed tens of thousands, .. FDR marginalized journalists and reporters, Wilson jailed anti-war people with the Congressional Sedition Act .. Adams did the same with the Alien and Sedition Act with people critical of government.

This article also uncovers the Clinton/Obama move of FDR and his wife Eleanor and son Elliot using the office to enrich themselves with millions of dollars.

“.. When we seek to understand the past, we must be careful to avoid drawing from a narrow selection of sources, especially if one side proved politically victorious in the end and completely dominated the later production of books and other commentary. Prior to the existence of the Internet, this was an especially difficult task, often requiring a considerable amount of scholarly effort, even if only to examine the bound volumes of once popular periodicals. Yet without such diligence, we can fall into very serious error.

The Iraq War and its aftermath was certainly one of the central events in American history during the 2000s. Yet suppose some readers in the distant future had only the collected archives of The Weekly Standard, National Review, the WSJ op-ed page, and FoxNews transcripts to furnish their understanding the history of that period, perhaps along with the books written by the contributors to those outlets. I doubt that more than a small fraction of what they would read could be categorized as outright lies. But the massively skewed coverage, the distortions, exaggerations, and especially the breathtaking omissions would surely provide them with an exceptionally unrealistic view of what had actually happened during that important period…”

From Lew Rockwell