When History Helps You Know Who to Trust: 1976, 2009, 2020 .. and Beyond!

I thought it might be helpful to share just one of many instances where government related agencies have lied. Unbelievably, many people will take with a grain of salt what habitual liars say in real life, but somehow think that government can recover and accomplish the “greater good”. Sorry, no 12 step program can save our government from who they really are at their core.

I do know as a new US Navy recruit in October 1976 that most likely I received the 1976 Swine Flu shot just before nine states cancelled that US government program due to THREE deaths among the 45 million people that were vaccinated. By December 1976 the entire effort was cancelled.

This post from LifeSite news gives the play-by-play .. what follows are a few snippets:

In March 1976, President Gerald Ford announced in a press conference that the government planned to vaccinate “every man, woman, and child in the United States.”  ..

After initially facing resistance from vaccine manufacturers in rushing through the new drugs, the corporations only agreed to go through with it after the government agreed to provide them protection against any claims that the vaccine had caused adverse reactions...

Heading up the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at the time was Dr. David Senser, who helped devise the government’s immunization program and whose CDC led the public relations campaigns urging people to take the shot. ..

Lacking a sufficient number of medical professionals to advise people properly, the emergency setup required the CDC to devise a “consent form” providing people with the information they needed to know before getting the jab. Information sheets at the time informed Americans that the vaccines had been successfully tested.“What it didn’t say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine, and that was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot,” ..

Contrary to Senser’s claims [that the vax was safe], a July 1976 CDC report specifically listed neurological complications as a potential side effect of the vaccines.

After tens of millions of trusting Americans voluntarily rolled up their sleeves for the swine flu jab, hundreds developed Guillain-Barré syndrome ..

If the 1976 debacle was not enough, try fast-fowarding to 2009 in the play-by-play that we are reminded of by Jon Rappaport’s blog post this past week:

Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (‘swine flu’) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were ‘very, very, very rare.’ Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives.” ..

In the summer of 2009, the CDC was claiming there were thousands of Swine Flu cases in the US. But behind these statistics lay an unnerving secret. A major crime, considering the CDC’s mandate to report the truth to the American people:

Secretly, the CDC had stopped counting cases of Swine Flu.

What? Why?

CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, discovered the CDC secret; and she found out why.

The routine lab testing of tissue samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients was coming back, in the overwhelming percentage of cases, with: NO SIGN OF SWINE FLU OR ANY OTHER KIND OF FLU…

But that wasn’t end of it. The CDC wanted to commit another crime. About three weeks after Attkisson’s findings were published on the CBS News website, the CDC, obviously in a panic, decided to double down. If one lie is exposed, tell an even bigger one. A much bigger one.

Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon).

Lies. All the lies compounded one on another. Can you ever trust our government again? Millions of Americans still do …

Ok, now on to 2020 .. oh never-mind. You all know about those lies .. right?

The masks work right?

The 2021 jabs are “safe” right?

You still trust Fauci right?

Peace out


When Politicians Underestimate the Eminent Destruction they will Trigger

We can learn from 1774/1775/1776 as well as from 1860/1861 when politicians short term thinking causes a societal rift that most times lead to violent revolutions that result in further oppression of the common man.

The last great rift in the US’s history is none other than the victor’s name for that war, the American Civil War (War Against Southern Independence). A blog post from the Abbeville Institute by John Devanny helps unpack not only what happened in the 1860s .. but also what is happening now. Consider:

The guns of that [Civil] war have long since been silenced, slavery has thankfully ceased, and racial bigotry has waned greatly in the succeeding generations, no matter what the “woke” among us believe; we who have more years and experience know better. An older conflict, however, re-emerged. One need only consult an election map broken down by county to see this ancient Anglo-American conflict in colors of red and blue, center versus periphery, court versus country. The great metropolitan cities and suburbs, college towns, the financial centers, the techno-autocrats of the left coast, and their suburbs arrayed against the small towns and rural counties of America. Neither slavery nor sectionalism nor the two-party system obscures the conflict now. A wide and deep enmity and distrust now separates Americans and reaches its icy hands to divide colleagues, friends, and families.

The year 2020, perfect vision, should make it clear, crystal clear to everyone, that there is a great divide in this land. There are those that think no one should be responsible for themselves, and for the greater good allow politicians and bureaucrats dictate society’s every move who oppose those who believe in the individual, their natural right to life, liberty and property.

So in reflection, it can be seen that in 1860, the legitimacy of the newly elected government was in doubt, as it was obvious by the rhetoric of these politicians that the northern states would accelerate the wealth transfer (via tariffs) from south to north. No longer did the south give their consent to this federal compact.

The election of 1860 and the actions and policies of Mr. Lincoln called into question the legitimacy of the federal government for many Southerners. It brought to life the warnings of John Randolph of Roanoke and John C. Calhoun, the South would be governed by the North, Southern interests, and not just slavery, were put into the hazard. For Calhoun, one of the dangers to the federal republic’s integrity was the rejection of the principle that the union’s benefits and burdens were to be shared equally by the states. The Republican Party’s motto might as well have been that of every other conqueror in history, “Woe to the conquered, spoils to the victor.” The Republican Party had no intention of resisting the temptation of indulging their libido dominandi, and with John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, and Henry Clay removed from the scene after 1850, compromise was impossible. This being the case, Southern states concluded, one by one and often for somewhat different reasons, that the federal government lacked legitimacy. The resort to military force upon the part of the federal government only confirmed their suspicions.

Back in 1860, there was a great swath of Christians that allowed many military conflicts to avoid destruction to innocent civilian bystanders until later in the war when the likes of Sheridan, Sherman and Grant were desperate enough for total victory that their total war strategy would be used to exterminate the southern culture and then be used on the plains Indians to do the same.

Today, society is very post-Christian and also post-rational as the blog author points out. The years to come will not be pretty.

The great crisis of legitimacy that resulted in the War Between the States proved our country’s greatest and bloodiest war. For the states of Maryland and Kentucky, it was a true civil war, where brother fought brother, cousin fought cousin, yet these implacable foes did retain their humanity toward each other, ‘twas a more Christian age. All of America is now Maryland and Kentucky, circa 1860. The difference is the Court and the Country revile each other, and the lessons of the classics and Christianity will not provide restraint, not in a post-Christian and post-rational society. Three of our greatest statesmen: Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and John C. Calhoun could only forestall the awful conflict. Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Alexander Stephens, and Stephen Douglas, all able men to one degree or another, they and the others of their generation blundered the nation into a horrible conflict. What are we to make of likes of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Janet Yellen, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Lee, William Barr and the vast sea of mediocrities and blackguards inhabiting the foggy bottom swamp upon which the Court stands? No one can seriously entertain the notion that these persons are of the caliber of the Framers, the Great Triumvirate, or the Blundering Generation. Are they even capable of discerning the mischief their policies and negligence have wrought upon the country, or the deep mistrust they have helped to sow among their countrymen? What shall future generations make of such men and women?

We can only pray that a minority, a remnant, would rise up and give hope to those who value freedom and liberty not just for themselves, but for the generations that follow.

Peace out


BLM – The 2020 Version of the GOP’s 1860’s Version .. Prove Me Wrong

I hope by now y’all know that Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) you see today does not operate under the premise that black lives matter. This movement is only using the slogan as a front for their own purposes and agenda, since much of their violence was aimed at the very lives (Black community and persons) they claim “matter”.

This has happened before you know, even in these United States when in 1861 Lincoln reacted violently to the exit of seven sovereign states from his mythical holy “union”. You see, Lincoln’s idea of union was not the same as the founder’s view, as he said it was “a family, bound indissolubly together by the most intimate organic bonds”. Lincoln’s rhetoric helped framed this to be first a religious war to violently bring these seven states back and when that failed to motivate the masses being slaughtered on the battlefields, a religious war to “free” the slaves. Black lives all of a sudden mattered!

Lincoln’s initial effort was to transform the united States as a federated association to a monolithic and divinized entity which must be worshiped, be permanent, be unquestioned and all powerful. The zealous aspect of this narrative demonstrated itself as early as late 1861 where in Missouri, this conflict’s ramp-up had Union Brig. James H. Lane say:

We believe in a war of extermination .. I want to see every foot of ground in Jackson, Cass and Bates counties burned over .. everything laid waste ..

On 23SEP1861 his artillery opened fire on Saint Clara Country courthouse and soon the rest of the town of Osceola was ablaze as well when Union soldiers then robbing the bank and downing large quantities of whiskey.

By JAN1862 Union cavalry burned 45 buildings in Dayton, MO, 42 in Rose Hill, MO and 150 private homes in Johnson County, so do you see the pyromaniac tendencies that make BLM and the GOP-led Union terrorists so similar?

If the religious zealot led BLM movement in 2020 is allowed to continue, you will see similarities to what happened to Fredericksburg, VA in DEC1862 happen in most all urban areas of the USA. The Union Army bombed the city of Fredericksburg instead of shelling the Confederate armies that controlled the heights above the city. The Union soldiers then sacked the city itself. Sounds of screams, broken chinaware, splintering furniture was followed by the scattering of men’s and women’s clothes in the streets, letters and documents pulled from desks as the men drank liquor found and continued unrestrained in smashing doors and windows with ZERO concerns for private property. This is trademark Marxism which emphasizes that all property is collective and none is to be private. This is how BLM members today justify what they do in Portland, Chicago and Philadelphia.

This link between Lincoln’s GOP and Marx should be of no surprise to anyone who had a history class, unless the history taught was not complete. Everyone should be aware that Lincoln and Karl Marx personally communicated and had a sort of mutual admiration society. Upon being reelected, Lincoln received a letter from Marx saying, “We congratulate the American people upon your reelection by a large majority.” Lincoln responded with a thank-you letter. (If you want more background to the connection, this expensive book ($150USD) can give you the details)

As the war effort necessitated Lincoln transitioning the goal of the war from “keeping the union” to “freeing the slaves”, the atrocities accelerated.

The fires that Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman used to remove Atlanta as an obstacle to his objectives resulted in piles of corpses, black and white, women and children. But Sherman could easily look past this as he saw a “greater good” beyond this “collateral damage” in writing to his wife:

… extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the trouble, but the people [of the South] ..

Later in life, Sherman would quip, “the only good Indian is a dead Indian”. Sherman boasted in his letters to Grant that in one day he had set fires to 2700 barns, 70 flour and wheat mills and stole or killed 7000 cattle and sheep.

Gen. Phillip Sheridan with his 35,000 man army unopposed in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia pillaged and plundered, killed and burnt so that Grant’s order to make this valley a “barren waste” might be satisfied:

.. the land should be left so vacant that crows flying over would need to pack their lunches ..

If black lives really mattered, why did the Union Army destroy everything that could have been used by them to avoid starvation in the months after the war? Do note that few if any slaves went north with their “rescuers” and Sherman himself had bridges burnt behind his army to prevent the blacks from following. Black lives didn’t really matter, but the narrative inspired the masses to really behind that thought. Sound familiar?

Post war the GOP used the blacks as their political force in the south and stoked race warfare to ensure societal division not just then, but for generations to come. In 1877 when the GOP finally was caught in their web of lies, deceit and crimes within government, did they finally abandon the manipulation of the blacks for political power in the south. Used and abused, the story of Marxist / totalitarianism that relies on separating people into groups/classes for their divide and conquer schemes.

Liberty, personal property rights and the pursuit of happiness are never the order of the day when the GOP of the 1860s or the Bolsheviks of the 1910s or the Nazis of 1930s or the Democrat-aligned/BLMers of the 2020s come to town.

Time to defend yourself, your loved ones and friends from those that see no value in your life or property. The communist Kymar Rouge who ruled Cambodia for a time had a line:

Losing you is not a loss. Keeping you is no specific gain

Socialist Germany looked at Jews this way. Marxist Union troops looked at Southerners this way. Communist Soviet Union saw Ukrainians this way.

The BLM in 2020 looks at you this way.

Be on guard in these days but have hope in the One who can allow a handful of people, the “weak” to make a difference in the days, months and years to come. Train your kids well and open their eyes.

Peace out
