FEMA? Forget About It, Get a Plan B!

Those of us familiar with the efficiencies of the USPS, DMVs/BMVs, TSA, etc., should know that what plagues these agencies also impacts FEMA efforts. To really know for sure if you and your loved ones should give in to  the appeal that government is here to help should consider that maybe in the long run it might not be a good idea .. but then it will most likely be too late. Consider this from Ready Nutrition – The Prepper’s Blueprint:

The horrors of a FEMA disaster relief camp became all too real for those who lost everything in the East Coast’s Hurricane Sandy back in 2012. Americans were literally freezing while wrapped in blankets and trash bags as they struggled to survive in FEMA tent cities such as New Jersey’s “Camp Freedom,” (the irony of that name isn’t lost on many) which reportedly “resembled a prison camp.”

“Sitting there last night you could see your breath,” displaced resident Brian Sotelo told the Asbury Park Press. “At (Pine Belt) the Red Cross made an announcement that they were sending us to permanent structures up here that had just been redone, that had washing machines and hot showers and steady electric, and they sent us to tent city. We got (expletive).” The officials “in charge” also banned residents from taking pictures and cut off WiFi. “They treat us like we’re prisoners,” Ashley Sabol told Reuters. “It’s bad to say, but we honestly feel like we’re in a concentration camp.”

You have to be honest with yourself, whenever you see new government buildings and schools, they ALL look like concentration camp worthy. That is the government mindset as the paranoia runs deep. Deep inside every agency are the tentacles that reach the federal government and the deep state. Yes, your front line FEMA personnel are people just wanting to do their jobs, at the end of the day they will obey even unlawful orders if given them. Their job, finances and even family may depend on that. Most who work for government are well aware of the politics (and sociopaths) that are hidden in every corner ..

Sotelo also said Blackhawk helicopters patrol the skies “all day and night” and a black car with tinted windows surveys the camp while the government moves heavy equipment past the tents at night. Reporters were not allowed in the fenced complex or “FEMA camp” to report on conditions either, where lines of displaced residents formed outside portable toilets. Security guards were posted at every door, and residents could not even use the toilet or shower without first presenting an I.D. to a government official.

Yes, this is standard protocol .. and many will have no options should this day come. It might not hurt your future, your kid’s future or your grandkid’s future to think about a plan B sometime in the near term. At worst case you never use it .. best case it may save your family from government abuse or worse.

One of the worst places to be when you have nowhere to go is a FEMA camp.  Don’t subject your family, especially if you have little kids, to the angry and hungry masses clumped together like cattle in those fenced in hells.  Sure, many FEMA workers mean well, but they are not well funded and incompetent.  At the end of the day, they are doing a job and getting paid for it, so their own survival trumps yours. Prepare for the worst and make sure you can survive on your own because, in the end, it may come down to having only yourself that you and your family can depend on.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” President Ronald Reagan

Personal goal by the end of 2018: Own a Plan B

Are you going to match this .. or raise me one?


Protecting Single Women With or Without Kids

To start with, the US Constitution is in fact non-binding .. like wedding vows, it has been broken so many times and in so many ways by our government that it really is “just a piece of paper” in addition to that, my being born here does not mean I gave my consent .. duh.

[Please research Lysander Spooner’s monumental essay “The Constitution of No Authority.” ]

Contracts need at a minimum two signatures:

“.. Under more appropriate and restrictive definitions, police kill more Americans in just one year than mass shooters have in several decades. Moreover, school shootings present an even smaller risk than mass shooting more generally. As a matter of fact, the American student is today safer in the classroom “than at any time in recent memory.”

Choking on your food, for example, is much more likely to end your life than is a mass shooting, to say nothing of the risks associated with activities like driving in cars or swimming. In the wake of a tragedy, no one likes to hear such facts, as they seem to minimize the pain and loss of the survivors and the families of victims.

The hypocrisy of gun control advocates is striking, or it should be; obsessed with the extraordinarily small risk presented by mass shootings, they strain at a gnat yet swallow a camel. They plead for gun control—really disarmament—for the dominated as they exempt the dominators ..”


Thinking about one position on gun “control”:

The proponents of gun control, broadly defined, seem to believe that private citizens with firearms are likely to pose a danger to society, while agents of the state (e.g., soldiers and law enforcement officers) will act justly and nonviolently, using their weapons only to protect the innocent. If we take seriously the idea that the incentive structures surrounding individuals bear on their behaviors, then this assumption appears untenable, for agents of the state, when they commit violent attacks and injustices, are rarely held accountable for their actions.

The data speaks for itself. Those with badges have a conviction rate in the extreme single digits.

The non-conservative, radical advocate for gun rights contends that the normative questions surrounding gun ownership are far more important than the legal questions

Far, far more as the legality of hiding a Jew in The Netherlands during WWII in German occupied Holland was indeed a crime BUT it was the right thing to do. [I hope you know the story about Anne Frank]

Unarmed people are usually slaves:

The egoist writer and publisher Dora Marsden deftly captured this point:

What profit can a labouring man feel in voicing any desire to be his own master when he sees himself at the apex of a triangle which broadens out to its base in serried rows of armed men, each with his rifle, bludgeon and lash raised threateningly at him? As the mildest-mannered policeman would tell him, to do so would be “asking for it.” That an unarmed populace under a government possessing an armed force is in a condition of slavery, is a fact which shouts. To be free is to have the power to treat on equal terms (emphasis added).

Free or slave, that is the question .. and the weakest among us are the widows, single women and single parents that find them in some rough spots in life where defending life itself, even sacrificially, is the “right thing to do” .. regardless of the “law”.

Gun control advocates who point to Parkland and say “never again” are the humanitarian with the guillotine, their misplaced righteous indignation sweeping away all other concerns. They can’t consider the dangers that inhere in their position because the position is a matter of faith, of religious certitude. Crafting policy as a response to a school shootings is a lot like crafting policy as a response to the September 11th attacks: informed more by fear than fact, scare tactics than good sense. Politicians, overeager to do something to respond to tragedy, are prone to enact “solutions” that are worse than the problems themselves. The desire for “safety” at any cost—for perfect safety of an unattainable kind—leads to policies that make us more unsafe, vulnerable to a more powerful and dangerous enemy: the security state. Because it neither appeals to emotion nor offers an easy fix, this standpoint is unlikely to grab many headlines—unlikely to compete with the righteous indignation of well-meaning high school students. When tragedy strikes, libertarians are often in the uncomfortable, unenviable position of saying that politicians and government ought to do nothing. Looking at the state without the rose-colored glasses of ideal theory, government is just an institution of violence, its actions entailing more costs than benefits. During times of tragedy, when emotions run high, it’s worth reminding oneself of this.

Bingo .. again. This article earned 2ea “bingo’s”


The Elite, The Deep State, Politicians, All Have High Percentages of These People

To really understand the politics of the world, of your community or even of your corporation where you are employed, you have to know that not everyone is like you. Not everyone is honest, not everyone is polite, not everyone is who they are to your face the same as when you are not in the room. Manipulation happens in the micro as well as in the macro, remember that!

This might help get people awake:

“.. 12. The push towards truth always starts with yourself.

You can’t out-manipulate seasoned manipulators. The main error most people make when trying to deal with a sociopath is to try and manipulate them back. Don’t even try. They have years of experience on you because they literally have done nothing else. While you were laughing and crying and worrying and connecting and relating to people, they were working out how to play humans like Garry Kasparov worked out how to play chess. And when you have literal teams of sociopaths collaborating together to amass power, you my dear child, do not have a chance. Don’t play their game. You will lose.

The only way to win this is to set your compass resolutely to “true.” Always be honest with yourself. Find all the different ways that you are manipulating others and see them and acknowledge them. Find your tribal allegiances and your desire to be right, and tip your hat to their existence. The more self-aware we are, the less levers we have to be manipulated by. If you are blindly partisan or loyal to a particular faction, that makes you gullible to propaganda because your wishful thinking and your desire to be right come into play. Get honest with yourself about who you are and what you want, and you will start to become an un-playable piece on the board.

If we can’t beat these bastards with truth, we don’t deserve to win.”

From Anti-Media

Yet Another Nice Area of the Country Ruined by Government

A few weeks ago while on travels out to the Pacific Northwest I talked to a waitress at Sea-Tac about this as taxes are going up and people leave for Wenatchee over the Cascades.

“.. the principle of Costanza, where efforts to fight a thing usually result in more of that thing ..”

Yup, unintended consequences of good intentions .. nothing like ruining a very nice environment with business-unfriendly government.

“.. You can do a lot of damage to a city if your City Hall is full of business-hating ideologues.

Seattle probably won’t end up like Detroit. It’ll end up like San Francisco, filled with billionaires and vagrants. Costanza again—efforts to fight inequality usually result in even more inequality.

The bodega owners, the cab drivers, the hot dog stand guys—those people work really hard for not a lot of money. They are the lifeblood of any large city. If you make things difficult for them, everyone’s quality of life goes down. And people leave…” – Zero Hedge
