When Harm is Intended by the Mob, One Possible Result is Much Good – Stay the Course!

I reflect on my posts in 2018 and 2019 and I see the danger I saw in current and possible future events. This all seemed to ramp up in 2020 and this year to a fever pitch. I also noted to myself that I have a tendency to spot the bad, the red flags, and then wrap up with a line or two of hope.

Today I want to do something different. Maybe it is because today is my last official day of my corporate career of 45 years through the US Navy, a small multi-state computer business as a field engineer, and through a few pharmaceuticals, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. It does seem that politics and the lies associated with that has invaded almost all areas of large corporations these days.

While this all sounds bad, there is much good that can come from this! Take it from someone you may know of through a story you were told, who was sold into slavery as a young boy by his brothers .. who later in his role in an empire’s leadership (a truly amazing story) helped save not just the empire from famine, but also his own nomadic people:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. – Genesis 50:20 The Bible

Evils intentions turned on its head, a great story every time.

Joseph’s own character remain true to his internal compass based on his God connection throughout the good times and bad, and in this case during his lifetime it ended on a very good note. His family, his people and the empire were all spared death.

So between a listen to Dr. Simone Gold talk (given 29OCT2021) of America’s Frontline Doctors at a Calvary Chapel church in Ventura, CA, USA yesterday (note: begins at the 25:00 min mark) ..


.. to a Catherine Austin Fitts interview (note: link expires on 02NOV2021) from Dr. Joseph Mercola ..

… the MESSAGE is that there are finally some positive changes happening as a result of this latest surge of evil.

Firstly, during a Q&A at the end of Dr. Simone Gold’s talk she had a question from a mother of a 5 year old boy whose annual well-check appointment was coming up and she was sure she would be bullied to get her son the jab and if she refused that CPS (Child Protective Services) would be called. Dr. Gold suggest that she cancel that appointment. Dr. Gold also suggested that if the child was healthy, there was little reason to follow-through with the appointment anyway BUT the next thing she said is that her organization, America’s Frontline Doctors was hoping to get in that space .. as a parallel medical services network to the existing US government-Pharma-Medical complex!

Secondly, Catherine Austin Fitts also had words of hope in her interview, see these clips:

There are signs of real change, however — positive change. Austin Fitts notes that, for the first time in her life, she’s seeing extraordinarily talented, well-educated people who have always been reluctant to rock the boat say they want out; they’d rather die than be enslaved by organized crime.

“I remember one really phenomenal scientist and doctor saying to me, ‘I’m ready to start a whole new civilization.’ There’s a wave of talent and gravitas I’ve never seen before saying, ‘I’d rather be part of the new. I’ve had it with this.’

So, I see a tremendous breakout — not just pushback — of people who want to be part of something that is civilized. They realize that corruption has reached a point where there’s no point trying to get along or be in the middle of the road or go along …

The challenge for all of us is, how can we swing our savings and our retirement savings to finance the creation of that new capacity? On one hand, you have students leaving school and needing to homeschool. On the other hand, you have teachers leaving schools because they don’t want to get the injection.

We’ve got to create businesses and networks and websites that help us find each other. If that process occurs in an entrepreneurial way, it could be very positive and very exciting.

That’s what I see in the new media. But it also needs to happen in health care and in education, and it’s going to require enough people realizing that the Titanic is sinking. There’s no way back. They might as well grab some planks and start building arks.

Without integrity, there’s no civilization. So, if you want to be part of something that has integrity, you can’t stay [in the old system]. I say it again, there’s no middle of the road … I say, say yes to science, say yes to integrity, say yes to law.

Every person’s circumstance is different, but find a way to translate that yes into something productive. Be useful. That’s what I tried to do. I had a wonderful life as an investment banker, but I woke up and I couldn’t [continue] … I did billion-dollar deals. I didn’t know how to do a financial plan for somebody who had $25,000.

So, I started by just answering people’s questions and those questions evolved into two businesses, the Solari Report and Solari Investment Advisory Services. It took many years, but I just tried to be useful. So, we each have to start there.

We have to ask, what skills do I have? What skills can I learn? What skills can I evolve? And how can I serve the people around me? What can I do to be useful? And we go from there.

But you have to choose integrity and civilization or choose being a slave of organized crime. You have to make that choice. And you know something? It’s a dangerous choice. I almost didn’t make it. But as I told my old partner, I’d rather die in the wilderness than be in the underground places with you guys.”

While so many have gone crazy in herds, there needs to be ways for people to connect as they return one-by-one to a world that values integrity, liberty and freedom.

To summarize, I will let Dr. Joseph Mercola and Catherine Austin Fitts have the floor:

So, how can the average person resist this diabolical plan? One strategy would be to move to a state or country that has made vaccine passport requirements illegal. Another strategy is to simply refuse the passport, no matter what the ramifications.

This goes for those who have gotten one or two COVID jabs as well. To maintain a valid passport, you’ll have to take boosters. How many are you willing to take? How many times are you willing to risk your health and life? At some point, you’ll have to make the same decision as everyone who is unvaccinated — freedom or slavery.

What this means is we’ll also need to create alternate and parallel systems for everything we’ll be denied access to if we don’t have a valid vaccine passport. This includes education, food production, services of various kinds, health care and economy.

These parallel systems will be crucial anyway, as the U.S. entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — look like they’ll be out of money by 2028. And, as these programs vanish, they’ll take the drug industry down with them, as they are drug companies’ primary revenue source.

“I discovered there was a whole community of people who did RV living because they just didn’t trust any jurisdiction. They wanted the ability to get up and go, and that group has been growing steadily.

So, my feeling is we have to say no, and we have to do whatever we can do. I went through that decision process during the [government] litigation because I was absolutely convinced that if I kept saying no, chances were very high I could be killed. I was poisoned on many occasions, so I dealt with some pretty severe harassment.

All I can tell you is that saying no turned out to be the smartest thing I ever did. I’m not saying that isn’t difficult. It’s exceptionally inconvenient. I went from being a very wealthy person to having to live through periods of intense poverty. It was pretty gruesome.

But at the same time, you come out the other end and it’s a great life. It’s just a great life to be free … I don’t think there’s any way to get to a free and inspired life other than hurtling into it. You have to say no. And if we don’t say no, we’re going to be slaves. Frankly, I’d rather be dead than take these injections. God knows what’s in them.”

What the evil forces in this world intended for harm, God ………..

Stay the course friends of freedom!


You Are An Individual Created in God’s Image FIRST, Not Primarily a Communal Pawn in Society

When one thinks life could not get more difficult, government speaks again.

I do believe that non-believers and believers BOTH can be led down a road that makes them both believe that they have to power in their life to do anything but submit to the whims of either the government or the mob (even when those are both the same people).

Jon Rappaport says:

“Some people want to say that power is a neutral object that can be used for good or evil. That isn’t true. Your deepest power is alive. It’s personal. It’s stunningly energetic and dynamic. It connects with your deepest understanding of what is true and good and right. But it never sacrifices itself on the altar of what others insist is good and true and right. It never deserts you for an abstract ideology someone else has devised. That ideology was formulated, in fact, to separate you from your power.”

Government and other collective organizations do NOT want individuals to even think they have the ability to be creative in their disobedience towards proactively chosing freedom and liberty. They want a society full of people who are fearful and hesitant to do anything but comply.

Even if you are not a believer in Jesus and who He claimed to be I do think it is helpful to note how his life was shaped by the Roman Empire and what that means for us today. He did not always overtly and publicly disobeyed the empire He found Himself in back in His lifetime, but at times went into the wilderness, traveled to another part of the occupied land and at other times just disappeared until He chose to speak truth to power.

Unfortunately, many of His followers find themselves in a religion that relies on their government connection for their franchise’s validation as a “church” on record with the state/empire. This Pharisee-centric setup might work well when the government is less evil, but is ill-suited for most of the governments in the world today. From my own blog back in July 2018 I had said/quoted:

Bionic Mosquito goes on to expand [Gerald] Casey’s thoughts regarding both Old and New Testament telling of various “faith-state” moments. 1 Samuel 8 is a good “go-to” to see God’s view of earthly kings (verses the wise judge model He attempted with the theocracy Israel) followed by Hosea 8 in which shows God allowing governments while not endorsing them.  On the New Testament moments, this proves to be a “target-rich” environment to see how Jesus as well as His followers dealt with the “State” while living their “faith”:

Regarding the life of Jesus, Casey offers…

“…we can see immediately that his very life was bookended by acts of political significance, from King Herod’s murderous intentions at his birth to the final drama of his politically inspired execution.”

This is the lens through which all Scriptural discussion of kings and earthly authority should be viewed. Casey offers that the New Testament is a target-rich environment when one wants to find passages regarding kings and government; he limits himself to five. I will touch on only a couple of these.

As much as I want to proceed with these, I believe they would be well served to address in a future post. Romans 13, taken in isolation, has formed the bedrock belief most Jesus followers have today about their relationship with the State. This view is enhanced by the Christian Religion which in the US has identified themselves (with a few brave exceptions, please see Chuck Baldwin’s rebellion to this alliance) with financially beneficial 501C3 status as state recognized corporations. Bionic Mosquito also offers this in conclusion:

Keep in mind: virtually every one of Jesus’s disciples died in martyrdom, died in disobedience to the political authorities. Do you really believe they are all damned to hell due to their “disobedience”?

Disobedience toward government is not something I suggest lightly. Every INDIVIDUAL has the power to wisely discern when that time might come for THEM. While government is great at making communal decrees and being “surprised” by the unintended consequences, especially Christ-followers are encouraged to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves while selling a cloak and buying a sword should the situation of self-defense present itself for them and their family and their property.

One of the most interesting examples of this is the story of Francis Marion (somewhat mirrored by the movie “The Patriot” (2000) and the fictitious Benjamin Martin) who finds himself in a land that is under siege by an empire bent on enslaving the colony he found himself in during 1780. As a military veteran, he had initial allegiance to the crown but as he saw the actions of this force in his land he decided for himself that enough was enough.

The story of Francis Marion actually inspired the creation of this blog over three years ago as I saw in his life the balance between love of country and the willingness to inspire others toward righting this wrong that was thrust on him and his neighbors even though he was in the minority. One must know that during the American Revolution, one third of the people were in strict obedience to the crown, one third were indifferent and one third were inclined toward more liberty and freedom than the crown was going to allow. Even then, only 3% or less actually took up arms at this time to force the issue when it was apparent that the empire was not going to meet their demands for freedom and liberty even half way. The empire in 1780 was all in on the total control of the American colonies, a totalitarian state was their view of the future.

Again, revisiting my blog post from June 2018:

It is my hope here on this ‘SeekingLiberty’ blog, to begin to unpack the truths I found in this book that deal with a time and place where an empire was pushing hard to retain control and levy taxes to support their operations. It is in this environment where a freedom fighter is born, one with principles that balance the violence one must bring at times with compassion for those caught up in the conflict.

As promised … here is the 1st of several snippets that will give you a flavor of the caliber of this book.

1) I can’t believe how much the SC part of the revolutionary conflict was a war among themselves … Whigs (patriots) could change into a Tory (loyalist) overnight IF they were done wrong … and I thought the Israelites were fickle .. even some of the early patriots faded away in 1780 when the British humiliated the American forces in Charleston that May.

2) The character in the movie The Patriot is a combination of Francis Marion (Swamp Fox) in eastern SC, Thomas Sumter in central SC and Andrew Pickens in the northwest mountainous part of SC dealing with the indians (Cherokees sided with British, other tribes with patriots)

3) August 16, 1780 was SC’s darkest hour as former hero of Saratoga in the north (Gen Gates) fled like a pansy after he went head-to-head with the British in open field .. turns out the 5’2″ 110 pound Francis (physique of a 13 yo) [NOTE: never called the Swamp Fox in his lifetime ] got lucky 2x .. the 1st time when he injured his ankle getting out of that officer’s house in Charleston and therefore avoided capture in May 1780, he also was sent on a mission by Gates on August 15, 1780 to assist the patriots in the Williamsburg, SC area .. Scotch-Irish Presbyterians are fiercely independent and dislike external authority.

4) Francis was a French Huguenot .. but his grandfather came across with that background but by 1780 Francis was an Anglican. He was the youngest in his family .. tried being a sailor but the ship to the West Indies capsized and he was adrift for days and returned to SC. Eventually his oldest brother Gabriel sold him land adjacent to his own and Francis did the rice/indigo thing (pre-cotton) and did pretty good. He never married until he was in his mid-50s after the war.

5) August 18, 1780, Thomas Sumter’s partisan band of 800 were surprised by Banastre Tarleton’s force of 160 on horses and he like Gates escaped to North Carolina ..

It was in this pit that Francis Sumter became SC’s freedom fighter … on his own. He tried to communicate with Gen Gates (Continental Army Southern Command) but he rarely got a reply much less any support. Over the next two years SC would be the hotspot .. and at the end of the day, 20% of the Revolutionary War deaths would be in SC

Does that set the scene or what? 🙂


“This message has been intercepted by the NSA: the only branch of government that listens”

That e-mail to my sons Captain1776 and Malibu would later be transformed into a Google Blogger blog and eventually into this freedom-centric seeking-liberty blog whose mission is to always entertain thoughts (data) before accepting them while helping others to think critically towards securing freedom for themselves, their family and friends. Understanding history correctly allows people to think and act for themselves as individuals as needed for the times we are in today, and for the generations to follow.

Remember, when the empire tells you that you are just a number, and that you are small, and that you can’t make a difference and that you don’t matter in the grand scheme of things, KNOW that that is all a lie.

The individual does have power, and being made in God’s image makes that a reality. Don’t forget that!

Peace out.


A New Season Means New Priorities – Work, Family and Freedom

One must face it, things have changed. Not just in the USA, but in most countries around the world. This fact makes those who value freedom and liberty believe that they might be cornered. Let me explain.

Have you ever thought of moving to a freer state or country over the past 1.5 years? I know I have. I have dreamt of moving to FL, MT or AK while ruling out leaving the USA due to the expense of truly revoking my citizenship as well as the travel options I would have to continue to visit family that chose to remain.

A few months ago I came to the conclusion that I am cornered and that it might be time to hunker down. This past week or so I found an article by Allen Stevo that paralleled my thought processes of the past year. I plan to quote several sections below and make some comments and observations.

When you get off I-80 at Exit 13 to go to downtown Reno, your gas tank might need a quick refill after the long drive through California to the border. Right there, perfectly located, is the Chevron at Sierra and 7th, where the Nevada gas is even more expensive than in California.

A plethora of Californians see $5 gas being sold at those pumps and miss orange man and wonder when we will be done with the illegitimate regime.

Orange man wasn’t perfect. He let corona communism take root under his watch and continues to preach the vaccine. Orange man had flaws. But orange man was better.

And the ability to say no to what is easy at that Chevron and to drive a block deeper into Reno, where gas is a buck fifty cheaper, reminds one of what life was like in California when the orange man occupied the White House. A little freer, a little more money, and a little cheaper.

All it takes is for a Californian to leave California, and it’s like a time warp to the past. But the rest of the country doesn’t have that luxury. They can’t cross a border to get orange man gas prices. We are running out of places to run to. Eventually, an animal feels cornered. But man seems to have an unlimited number of stories to reassuringly tell himself about how he’s not cornered.

You’re cornered.

The first step is to admit that you have a problem. “Houston, we have a problem”. First it was lock-down, then mandatory masks and now forced vaccines. Is anyone still singing the National Anthem loudly or at all? I know I haven’t even before the ‘Rona. I have been calling this country USSA for some time .. but I digress.

FACTOID: The USA ain’t going back to 2019 anytime soon let alone pre-9/11, pre-Vietnam, pre-FDR, pre-Civil War or even pre-US Constitution .. those eras of freedom will only be revisited should regions of this country leave our existing government, and as we know from the Lincoln-like government we have, they will not let anyone go without a fight.

So if you are still with me, how are we going to prioritize things going forward? Allan Stevo suggests:

A good start is to divide your waking hours into thirds. Work. Family. Freedom.

Diligently, every day, multiple times a week, be with the patriots and freedom lovers around you building relationships, knowing how each collided with the tyrant in life that day, protecting one another in life, advancing each other’s goals, and pushing forward freedom. Every single day. Form your core of lions. Make it a tight knit unit. Social media won’t cut it.

You need to work less. You need to spend less. You need to spend more time with family. And you need to spend more time advancing personal freedom.

Forty, fifty, and sixty hour weeks at the salt mine can’t happen anymore. This is not the time for that. Different priorities are needed now. You need to figure out how to drop some hours.

Bingo. It is well past time to invest in family and freedom friends, in person. The encouragement accomplished with face-to-face time together helps to give people who value freedom the courage to take bold and calculated steps when necessary. Investing in your kid’s lives by educating them (counter to government schools education) may mean looking for alternative learning options where you as a parent are much more involved.

Letting your family raise themselves can’t happen anymore. You need to add some hours to that effort. If things get bad, family will literally be all you have. And if you haven’t put in the time, that kid who you thought could “raise himself” will become the stool pigeon in your home. He didn’t raise himself. Lenin raised him.

Lenin was oft quoted in the communist lands with advice for students. “Učit sa, učit sa, učit sa,” is the abbreviated version of one famous saying accredited to Lenin that was written on a Slovak pin given to a young “pioneer,” a communist in training. It is often translated as “Learn, learn, learn,” but I find that an inaccurate translation, for learning is far too independent-minded of an action for anything hagiographically attributed to Lenin. I prefer to translate that into English as “Study, study, study.” School has always been where the next generation of communists are built. “The socialist man,” is what generations of communists theorized they could build from children if they could just get into their head early enough. The socialist man is to be the soulless building block of the communist utopia. They knew only with the most thorough brainwashing and the virtual alienation of family influence could that be accomplished.

When I reflect on the 95% compliance rate to the mask mandate, I can only think how proud Stalin would be to see that happen in America. Your existing leaders, many of whom are Marxists, are proud too!

How can all this be countered? With intentional investment of time, you can’t outsource this:

Dear reader, an hour by your side, watching you negotiate the trials and tribulations of life is worth more to a child than all the benefit that 40 hours of instruction and study under the tutelage of the academy will bring to your child. Don’t let the teachers union tell you otherwise. Don’t let that know-it-all in your life tell you otherwise. Don’t let Lenin tell you otherwise.

Can your kid connect with people? Can your kid string a few sentences together? Can your kid read? Can he or she write a five paragraph essay? Can he or she do math? Great! Keep them above grade level in those tasks and keep them with you the rest of the time. Make the kids your wing men. I really mean this. It’s not going to be their life who you navigate around, running them willy nilly to this and that activity. That’s not at all what I mean. It is your life that they are the wingman to. You guys are suddenly going to be spending a lot more time together, just doing the duties of your life in each other’s company. That’s the opposite of what the lie of “quality time is.” This is quantity time, the kind of time that builds unshakeable bonds. It’ll move more slowly at first. There’s no question about that. There may be resistance. Stay the course. Focus on the bond. Play the long game. Enjoy each others company. Eventually you guys will settle into the rhythm together. Have them walk through your life next to you.

Stay the course. Well that resonates with me, as that was a frequent line I told my own kids in their journey to and through adulthood. Play the long game, have a strategy, be intentional and ultimately have fun together.

When in March of 2020 with news of lock-downs rippled across the USA, quickly the critical thinkers say this as a ploy to divide and conquer. Note how successful the government was in dividing the home and family. The home and family are man’s last refuge from an evil world:

There is literally no other place that you can feel at ease than inside your home. The list of countries in which that has been the case is very long. In some of those countries, even decades after totalitarian rule has stopped, people still don’t smile or show other positive emotion in public. The home really becomes the only refuge for some people.

And then the government tries to get at even that. They come with gifts. They come insisting they will help. They bulldoze your family home of 300 years, flood the entire river valley for a hydroelectric project, and gift you a modern apartment in the city. Of course, it happens to be in a building in which no one knows you and every neighbor can hear whispers through your paper thin doors, through you meticulously placed vents for perfect eavesdropping, and even through your concrete walls that never seem to form perfect right angles with each other and always leave small crevices of space between you and the neighboring apartment. It’s not unheard of in post communist lands to be able to see from your bedroom into your neighbor’s bedroom through such a crevice. Is it poorly made or intentional? I don’t know.

At a moment like that is when you suddenly realize it sure would have been nice to spend ten fewer hours a week with your boss and ten more hours a week with your kid.

Because at a moment like that, you suddenly realize you’ve got Lenin’s mole living with you.

So not only 95% of people masked up when told, all the people who have the gene that sees themselves deputized in enforcing “mask rules” showed how many people would truly rat you out in a communist USSA.

The USSA is here whether you want to believe it or not. Corona 1.0 was a successfully waged campaign by the regime who are busy planning to roll out Corona 2.0:

Corona communism worked so well that the 2.0 version is ready for release. The graduation from communism to totalitarians is being planned. Each autumn the flu season moves into full swing, and the sniffles become common place. They can, at a moment like that, shove every untested, data-barren, nonsense theory about colds and flus at you. And it’s coming. Attempts at controlling you that you’ve never imagined are weeks away.

They know if they can fill you with nonsense about the details of each variant, and fill you with fear about their inflated harm to you, and distract you with solutions that do not work, then they can get you to do almost anything.

Most people will fall in line, most people will get in boxcars as that is the true DNA of the masses. We can pray for them but that does not mean we have to follow them. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves UNLESS you are defending yourself and your family, THEN sell your coat and buy a sword.

So what does it come down to and what is the bottom line?

It comes down to your personal decision.

When are you going to say no? When are you going to stand against the nonsense?

This is the last free summer they have planned for you. Are you going to spend it in frivolity, or are you going to spend it making sure their plans for you are ruined? 

We don’t have to stop there. We can make sure their plans for you are ruined so badly and they end up so burned in the process, that some of them decide to never try to make a plan for you again.

Come the start of flu season in October, the future will have been set in stone. Either we have seen our last free summer, this summer, the summer of 2021, or we will have bought ourselves another free year.

And don’t belittle that extra year. Because whether they realize it or not, every free society in the history of civilization has done exactly that: bought themselves another free year. They engage in the behaviors that keep the tyrant out of their own lives and enough of them do it so that the tyrant is kept out of many lives. One year at a time, freedom progresses, under constant vigilance. Absent the vigilance, freedom wanes.

This is the year to turn this around. The three phases have passed, lock-downs, masks and now “vaccines”. The success encountered so far has encouraged the political elites toward a final push this fall by leveraging all big business to push to complete the vaccine push so that annually, your software can be updated.

You need to never wear the face mask again. You need to push back on every mandate in your life. You need to accept the pain that comes with that. The near term pain is far easier than the years of pain that will come from handing your country and your home over to these people. You need to prioritize between necessary and frivolous in your life. Family, freedom, and work need your attention and work cannot be the priority.

Not telling y’all, just saying this is a choice you need to make for you and your family.

Stay the course.


Evil, Sheep and the Lions

It does seem that the world is seriously out of balance having so many evil, so many sheep and not enough lions. It is disheartening, but only to those who critically think. The masses are oblivious and always will be in their search for a leader to inspire them even if it leads to a boxcar or a yellow star on their coat.

This latest season towards a Great Reset needs a Greater Reset. There needs to be as Allen Stevo says in his recent piece:

What is to be obsessed over is this exactly: the steel-spined, the lions, the righteous, those who know good from evil, those who cherish that line between good and evil as boundaries and values, who seek to live a righteous life, who of course screw up from time to time, who of course make mistakes, but who will defend and advance what is right and do the important work against that which is wrong …

… I am here to wake the lions, to rouse them from their slumber, because once that’s done, I know how masterfully they will stand up and breathe freedom into the world around them through their every free breath, through their every free action. It is impossible for a roused lion to avoid rippling freedom and goodness into the world around him. They are not perfect, but they are pretty good at that ..

…All you really need to do, in order to end this all in victory, is to live life as truly free as you can…

Live life as freely as you can, and you will naturally inspire other sleeping lions to do the same. Stay the course!

Those of us that can see through the state’s BS should see the recycling of old ideas is the only thing evil has. Reflecting on the whole Iraq War I to 9/11 to Iraq Invasion (WMDs) with millions impacted, trillions USD spent and US debt/veteran suicides the end result SHOULD prompt us to see this military industrial complex’s agenda has now been hijacked by the medical industrial complex’s.

As Laurie Calhoun states in her recent piece:

In the build up to every new war, many people who do not stand to benefit from the intervention and may even be harmed by it often succumb to the propaganda and enthusiastically take up the cause. In the current crisis, the false dichotomization into two exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories, the enlightened science lovers and the anti-vaxxers, is also a part of a propaganda campaign. The persons who have declined vaccination, either because they already survived Covid-19, or because they prefer to wait for longterm safety data and do not believe that the possible benefits outweigh the unknown risks, are dismissed as crackpots, when in fact they are simply being prudent. Yet the media persists in propagating a misleading depiction of vaccine hesitancy in this specific case as proof of hostility toward science. This sort of polarization of the populace is, needless to say, on display during wartime as well, when anyone who dares to oppose a military intervention is depicted as a supporter of a tyrant abroad or an irrational pacifist or, when all else fails, a simple traitor.

So the hunt for WMDs and all the collateral damage (innocent lives lost/adversely impacted) have now morphed into the hunt for SARS-CoV-2 origin, when in fact, in BOTH cases the USA itself was the ultimate source.

Ultimately, it is the evil sociopaths that see the $ USD as the focus of the path forward. Just like once Iraq had been invaded, this served as the pretext for sacrificing even more blood and treasure as the quagmire intensified and spread to other countries, so too when the Covid-19 virus arrived on the scene, it became the pretext for a massive and abrupt transfer of wealth.

Just as the daily suicide rates for vets are ignored by the media, so too will the fallout from the ongoing lab trial of the recent set of experimental biological agents on the millions who see their ticket back to “normal” though this act of service.

Just as the 20-30 year war on terror required a “booster shot” of a new enemy from time to time .. so too will this war on a virus require new enemies to keep the narrative alive and the people frightened. Just know that the blending of these two wars is always possible and that Iran, Russia and China are each in the evil elite’s mind as the next cash cow to sustain their wicked ways.

To again divert from the consequences of politician’s decisions in this “Covid-Season”, the state will again turn to war as mentioned by Chuck Baldwin in his recent piece:

War is always Plan A for Western globalists, especially when it comes to distracting people from the crimes the Western elite have committed against their own people and creating a shadow economy for the war profiteers.

All the talk we are now hearing from both Trump and Biden and from both Republicans and Democrats about Covid being a bio-weapon from China will make that country the next monster that Washington, D.C., must pretend to destroy.

Of course, it’s all a façade, as the globalist elite in DC, London and Tel Aviv have been propping up the communist regime from the beginning—and still are. The war with China will be as bogus as America’s War on Terror.

So remember, live life as truly free as you can … and stay the course!


Divorce is Inevitable: Bring It!

When a spouse goes full-crazy, initial attempts to resolve differences are attempted, even with the assistance of neutral parties, but many times the only solution is divorce. The God-given positive in this world of having two stand as one against the world to help bring another generation life towards the hope of a better future is fractured by human brokenness.

While myself (SF1) has been as a child through the divorce process, I can see clearly that there are times that a positive future can emerge that would be better than the strife caused by continued struggle. However, scars will remain, not just for years or decades, but for generations as this human failure of two people no longer being able to work together takes its toll on the kids every time.

So just like the option to dabble in the mRNA experimental biological agents, one has to count the cost and compare the risks with the benefits at an individual level.

This all is a metaphorical intro to the ‘marriage’ of 50 states, federated into one republic as designed by the generation alive in the 1780s. There is no way any intelligent founding father thought that this marriage would ever be permanent let alone last over 200 years. From my post two years ago “Pre-Covid” it was very apparent that we (USA) just have to get this separation and divorce underway ASAP. Without secession, the 50 states will all suffer under tyranny and totalitarianism for decades to come, and our kids will suffer the most.

The first of two articles I would like to draw your attention to is one by James Bovard on how the fixation on the “treason” accusation leveled at those who don’t bow to the current political narrative that rips u and re-writes history while violating natural law at almost every step will actually tear up the nation at a much faster pace. One might think that the Left is trying to trigger the so-called Right in this post-Trump fog of war here in America’s fly-over country.

While the founders learned from England in their political struggles of the 1600 and 1700s and defined treason very narrowly .. :

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

These words were written in 1787 and yet within only a decade, John Adams as the second president of the US signed the Alien and Sedition Act that made it a crime to be critical of the US government. How about that! The temptation to accuse betrayal on the other party in a marriage is at the ready as a tool to undermine the character of the real victim in the relationship.

Fast forward to the 1950s where there was a Communist everywhere in the US, it was not until the Vietnam war when the masses revolted against this stupid expedition based on lies (typical off all wars since the American Revolution) that the calls for identifying traitors domestically were silenced.

Fast forward another 50 years and we find the Left attempting to label Trump a traitor with accusations of his alignment with Russia for over three years of his term until the next crisis could be launched, Covid-19. As a final nail in Trump’s political coffin arranged by the Left was the myth around the 06JAN2021 Capitol Building “insurrection” .. accomplished without weapons. Only in 2021 can feelings alone constitute an insurrection against a triggered section of society, but here we are.

To see how clearly this “treason” accusation can rip apart a nation and launch calls for secession would be the success of a propaganda campaign in 1861 to label all the states that seceded from the union as traitors.

.. the Civil War illustrates the catastrophic damage that can result from broad-brush definitions of treason. Northern politicians quickly persuaded their supporters that all Southerners were traitors — a capital offense. In 1864, Gen. William Sherman wired the War Department in Washington, “There is a class of people — men, women, and children — who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order.” Union armies in Virginia, Georgia, and elsewhere late in the war intentionally devastated civilian populations who were considered collectively guilty of secession and treason.

The Left is channeling William T. Sherman in calls to exterminate a “class” of people here in the USA. The Trump-right in the meantime is calling for the summertime reinstatement of his presidency. So in my metaphor, the whole political bird (with red and blue wings) is the crazy spouse, and the more innocent party is “we the people”.

The only way to get crazy out of the equation is to reduce their sphere of influence by splitting up the USA into 15 republics like the USSR did in 1990 (or “democracies/communist countries” should those regions desire).

The fact is as James Bovard wraps up his thoughts is:

American politics is increasingly becoming toxic because presidents nowadays are elective dictators.

From federated republic to democracy to the totalitarian state, it should be clear to the casual observer that this nation is no longer a place for liberty and freedom.

For decades and possibly for centuries there has been a consistent effort for “new people” to fix all this from the inside. Elect the right people and we can turn this ship around. Sorry, that ship has sailed and the swamp is all encompassing. There is so much corruption that the foundation is gone. Consider the second of two articles in this piece from Jim Quinn:

It has been somewhat baffling to me why the masses have been unable or unwilling to acknowledge the existence of a ruling cabal/invisible government who are the true ruling power in our world. Any impartial assessment of facts, recognition of historical events confirming the observations of Bernays and Quigley, and knowledge of human nature, should unequivocally convince a critical thinking individual what they are told to believe by politicians, media and financiers is entirely false.

For decades, calling anyone who questioned the approved and sanctioned narrative about how our “democracy” supposedly operates has been called a conspiracy theorist. Of course, this term gained widespread use after the CIA used the term about anyone questioning the JFK assassination. CIA Director William Casey could not have been any clearer about the true nature of our government than his statement in 1981.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

We have arrived. Everything the media says is indeed false, just 40 years after the CIA director predicted.

Your government and the financial interests who operate the puppet strings of their politician, media and central banker puppets do constitute a malevolent Deep State, designed to enrich themselves, while subjugating, controlling, and manipulating the masses. If anyone was in doubt about this fact, what has transpired in the last fifteen months should have convinced them of their error. The criminal ruling cabal have virtually perfected Bernays’ propaganda techniques through collusion with Big Tech and the traitorous surveillance state apparatus.

They have consciously and intelligently manipulated the ignorant masses regarding a non-lethal – to healthy people under 80 years old – annual flu, in order to test how far they could push their authoritarian un-Constitutional masking and lockdown measures upon us before we pushed back. To their delight and astonishment, the vast majority of Americans proved to be cowardly, easily manipulated, fearful, and begging to be enslaved by their superiors. It has truly been a depressing display of spinelessness, supplication, and subservience.

In addition to full out lies, the expansion of the national debt secures in my mind that the evil elite desire to enslave the next generations of Americans as the political structure collapses on itself:

How can anyone believe there are reasonable methods of solving the problems of this country through democratic means, when the entire system is captured, corrupt, and concealed from visibility by a criminal cabal of sociopathic billionaires and their highly compensated lackeys? The Deep State, or whatever you want to call the ruling oligarchy controlling the levers of society, have been able to deflect responsibility for the current state of affairs by having their captured media mouthpieces deny their existence and classify those of us who call out their misdeeds as conspiracy theorists.

As this denial of reality loses credibility, and every conspiracy theory is proven to be true, these Deep State co-conspirators have stepped out of the shadows and showed their cards during this fake pandemic crisis. I am not sure whether this change in tactics is an act of hubris or desperation.

The empire’s legs can’t sustain this direction, and those in control do hope that they can capitalize on this with a world totalitarian government that US large corps (Tech, Medical, Finance, etc.) all what to be a part of.

Since I am old, I will repeat myself and use Robert E. Lee’s quote a second time in a week:

The ruin has arrived only 150 years after this honorable man’s prophecy.

Time to think local and act local to keep our sanity in these days, hug your kids and your parents and partner with the like minded in your communities.
