Would Isolating the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Ruin the Elite/Government/Pharma Agenda? Asking for a Friend!

https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ October 2019

One does have to wonder after all the lies that abounded since March 2020 .. (preceded by an October 2019 practice event) flatten the curve with 1) masks 2) lock-downs 3) “vaccines” .. sorry, three strikes and you are out Fauci 🙂

So I have heard since the beginning of this fiasco that the virus has yet to be isolated, you know, in the scientific way as Jon Rappaport said back in August 2021:

… Intelligent researchers, where they exist, do talk about isolation and purification of a new virus from surrounding material. And if they understand what those two terms mean, they know how important this process is.


In past articles, I’ve detailed how large coherent studies should be done (but aren’t), using electron microscopy, to determine a) whether or not a new virus has been discovered, and b) how probable it is that the virus, if it exists, is causing harm to some people (whose immune systems are already compromised).

Nothing is riding on all this except the immediate future of the human race—since political leaders have decided to destroy untold numbers of jobs, businesses, and lives, all based on a story about a new pandemic virus.

Talk about a sell-job. They don’t have to isolate the virus because they’ve found its genetic sequence. That’s called putting the cart before the horse.

Yes, “The Science” says it computer generated the viral code used to develop the “vaccine” .. does that not sound like a 1st version MS Windows Bill Gates style or not? Talk about a recipe for constant virus fighting from now on that this “Operating System” is spread throughout the sheep.

This pandemic (i.e. plandemic/cult) is pure money for the connected elite here in 2021 and they will milk this for all it is worth at the expense of “we the people”.

Scientific fraud is nothing new, but the degree this fraud has been allowed to expand globally is new. It used to be that people like Rockefeller and Gates would experiment here (WWI w/ “Spanish Flu”) and there (India & Africa until now) but now this is a worldwide thing.

Chuck Baldwin laments:

We have the evidence that pure, isolated samples of the Covid-19 coronavirus do not exist: a Japanese source has provided us with responses to Freedom of Information requests showing that 10 countries, plus Pfizer itself, do not hold an isolate of SARS-COV-2.

​Thus, the virus does not exist in reality; it exists only in a computer program. For an example, let’s look at the paper entitled “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States” by Harcourt et al. on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. Under the heading “Whole Genome Sequencing,” the authors say “We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”

Critiquing this CDC paper, Dr. Tom Cowan says:

To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud.  Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. (emphasis added)

So PCR tests get a “close enough for government work” result that can detect at the cycle threshold level of 40 (for un-vaccinated per FDA) setting various coronaviruses (that are NOT novel) as well as previous cold and flu evidence and even dead virus from previous infections. When big numbers matter, the PCR test is there!

But this whole thing is not limited to the science community, it has parallels in the government world as well (if one can differentiate the difference, like the media, pharma is just another division of the government like the MIC (military industrial complex). Chuck again shares:

A 2019 federal law raises concerns that the U.S. government may be engaging in large-scale COVID-19 ‘drills’ without alerting the public.

Previous articles mentioned that leading up to the reported COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. federal government made multiple actions on laws governing pandemics, including U.S. laws governing pandemic preparedness “drills and exercises.”

This article will focus on the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019, which was passed by Congress and signed into law on June 24, 2019 [by President Donald Trump], only a few months before COVID-19. That law describes requirements for the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022.

Within the 2019 U.S. Pandemic Act and other laws and documents, one may find language that can be interpreted as potential tip-offs that the U.S. government may have intended to coordinate with international governments and other entities to “convene” a falsified pandemic or somewhat covert pandemic “drill” or “operational exercise.”

Yup, you read this right, we are all but guinea pigs in this “exercise” by the government using tax dollars we supplied PLUS fiat money printing that our kids will be used as tax slaves to pay off. Note that the father of the vaccine, former president Donald Trump, is one who authorized this.

When if seems as though the whole world is against you and I, what can we do besides pray that God will deliver us and our children from out of this tyranny? On a practical level, Doug Casey has a suggestion:

The first thing is to become self-employed. You don’t want a job where you’re dependent on somebody else—or worse, some organization. The bigger the organization, the less relative importance you have, and the more danger you’re in.

Assess your resources and abilities and try to become an entrepreneur. The world has an unlimited desire for goods and services; an entrepreneur figures out how to satisfy them. It takes thought, knowledge, and hard work—but there’s unlimited upside. An employee, by contrast, just does what he’s told for a wage. Most are easily replaceable cubicle dwellers these days. Being an employee is both high risk and low reward.

The second thing you can do is to not support the State in any way. The State is not your friend; it’s your enemy. It takes a fat slice of your earnings and, in return, tells you what you can and can’t do. Find ways to reduce your contact with it and deny it both resources and approval. Minimize the taxes you pay so that you don’t feed the beast.

That includes participating in its elections. Your choice is almost always just the lesser of two evils anyway. Remember that people who want to be in office are desirous of controlling other people. Voters are dupes at best, voting for Tweedledee or Tweedledum while endorsing the corrupt system itself. It’s questionable whether your vote ever does any good—or even counts.

Ultimately, the best solution is the one that Ayn Rand outlined in her novel Atlas Shrugged, which is to put yourself in a position where you can just check out of the system and live in a parallel economy because the old one is going down anyway. Surround yourself with sound, like-minded people to the greatest degree possible.

I am pretty sure I have said something similar before, it is well past time to connect with other like minded people as another winter of fear-mongering from our governments becomes part of the new norm ..

Time to brain-storm with friends and family and try to keep insurgents identified and off your track!

Stay the course friends!

Peace out all ..


When a Passionate Search for Utopia Becomes Violent: Religion, Cult or What?

It seems that the current state of American society can’t escape the political forces of the so-called left and the neo-con right. Both are addicted to the power of the state to satisfy all their desires for all the dreams they have, and they are willing to force people into this “good world”.

The use of the state for groups, religions, cults and such are nothing new. Jesus himself was trapped by the religious leaders of the day into the state’s snare, and as an innocent man was executed for it. This should give each one of us pause, as it has been said:

“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police

In the history of the United States there has been many times where groups have convinced the state that certain people or groups were to be violently purged from the “union” violently. 

Before Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 there was a fringe group that the Republican’s courted for votes but they gave little traction to, the abolitionists. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that slavery of any type is proper, however, the method by which you employ to remove this condition from people best be the one that works the best for the oppressed themselves, not for the political operatives themselves.

These abolitionists waged a moral war (in their minds) as early as the 1830s in the attempt to get the South to free the negro slaves. The problem was, these people would NEVER want these 3-4 million Negroes in the north, no sir, no ma’am. They wanted to remain apart from the fray that would follow and not want to have any skin in the game themselves. These Yankees always felt better when  they could put other people down. It was this attitude early on that actually caused the southern efforts to emancipate the slaves to slow down, stall and then stop. Constantly ridiculed for never doing enough to right the situation yesterday, the single digit percentage of southerners who actually owned slaves just attempted the status quo while the slave industry was dying a slow death on its own.

Just a few years into the war to force the eleven southern states back into the union (actually, Abe would never say that, he just was ending an insurrection .. as VIOLENTLY as possible), Lincoln was fighting for his political life, and with the vision to “save the Union”:

.. failing to continue to motivate politically and emotionally, he turned toward emancipation to rescue his war effort. (It should be noted that this emancipation freed ONLY the slaves that Lincoln had no control of.  All the slaves in the areas the Union Army had control of would have to wait until a constitutional amendment was passed in December 1865 to be free) Lincoln mentioned to an associate that this was only in fact, a “war effort”. Violence to the tune of almost 800,000 soldiers dying and many more maimed physically and emotionally for life PLUS tens of thousands of civilians killed and the rest experienced ravaged farms, property and businesses either by Union troops OR by the Reconstruction years that followed. The South would be “dirt poor” for decades. The najority of the Negroes stayed in the south and were hurt by the very means of privation that the north forced on the south, as penance for wanting to leave the “marriage”.

Today, there are another couple groups that are attempting to use the state for their sword of righteousness yet again, similar to how the progressives zealots of the 1920s rolled in prohibition. From this Lew Rockwell article by Thomas DiLorenzo comes some truth-bombs of today’s reality:

The nonstop avalanche of hatred spewing from the hearts of the leftist and neocon political classes in America has the appearance of religious fanaticism on steroids, the kind that must have fueled the Spanish Inquisition.  It is not real religion, of course, but the “religion” of statism, that has replaced religious faith in the minds of these nonstop spewers of hate because their “sainted” Hillary Clinton lost the election.  To them, Hillary Clinton is more “moral” than the Pope, Mother Theresa, or any other religious figure because to them, “morality” stems not from faith in God or living by the Ten Commandments but from one’s support for leftist ideas, rhetoric, and policies.  For socialism, in other words — even if they refuse to call it socialism.

The drive for this utopia has been tried for ages, and still is found wanting. I have yet to find an example of any people group / nation / country that took this road and allowed the common man, woman or child to flourish as a result.

Thomas DiLorenzo continues:

When this first cropped up, about five minutes after Hillary Clinton’s non-concession concession, it reminded me of a run-in I once had a decade or so ago with an acquaintance who I’m sure has been exploding with Trump hatred for the past two years now.  He was a senior vice president of a television network and a lifelong Washingtonian.  A typical D.C. liberal who lived in Chevy Chase, MD all his life, well inside the Washington orbit.  All of his friends, neighbors, and co-workers were just like him, politically speaking.  I made the offhand remark that I don’t vote because it “only encourages them” and besides, most of what government does is blatantly unconstitutional (not to be found in Article 1, Section 8). Therefore, voting just helps to legitimize this unconstitutional regime.

The man went completely nuts, shouting that I had attacked his most cherished of all beliefs — voting and “democracy.”  He really, really lost it and had no interest whatsover in any civilized discussion of the matter.  As far as he was concerned, anyone who expressed such views should be imprisoned for treason, if not hanged.  I had attacked his “religion” which, to a lifelong Leftist who has spent his entire adult life declaring his moral superiority over any and all non-Leftists, this was the ultimate insult. To him and millions of other Leftists, Trump’s first inaugural address in which he denounced the entire Washington establishment, as most of it sat right next to him, was a declaration of war on their “religion.”  And, in the spirit of their patron “saints” Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, they demand unconditional surrender. 

Both the left (who desires another X decades in power so they can “help the poor” some more) and the neo-right (who desires another X decades of military spending) need the one thing that the “right” won’t give them, legally anyway, and that is some good drugs to calm down (as theey desire another X decades of the war on drugs and corporate welfare).

You see, this political turmoil is being brought into every home so all eyes can be on the State, which every religion earnestly wants, to make people dependent on their every move.

‘Nuff said.

-SF1 out