When Russia (Not the USA) Fights for Peace

From Russia Insider

Russian intervention on behalf of Mideast Christians has pricked the conscience of many American evangelicals. Long conditioned to Cold War enmity, the question is entertained: Are they the good guys in the cradle of Christianity? Or are persecuted Christians just a handy excuse for political interests?

“The news tells us Russian troops are bringing peace to the region, said Vitaly Vlasenko, ambassador-at-large for the Russian Evangelical Alliance. “Maybe this is propaganda, but we don’t hear anything else.”

Yes, the Middle East Christians have been more than patient, waiting decades for the US to bring peace. However, there are millions less Christians in the Middle East since the USA convinced other countries to topple Saddam in Gulf War I and II and spread this regime change to other countries as well.

Thanks to Russia we have a model of what really works for all people including Christians. Being INVITED into a country to fight rebels that have an evil worldview (either intentionally or misguided). Peace is being realized in Syria and the tears of appreciation flow!

One example is Sergei Riakhovskii, lead bishop of the Pentecostal Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith.

A member of several governmental councils to help convey the concerns of religious citizens, his church has forged strong connections with Syrian Protestants and organized several food convoys to aid the displaced.

I still don’t understand the actions and statements of some American politicians,” said Riakhovskii. “If it were not for Russia, Christians in Syria might not have survived at all.”

Vlasenko cited local polls which show two-thirds of Russians view the United States as their enemy. Evangelicals are more open, believing Americans want peace.

But the US, viewed widely as an evangelical country, leaves them very confused.

“American policy has created chaos, giving oil to the fire of Islamic terrorism,” he said. “It is hard for Russian evangelicals to understand this.”

Rightly so. There is NO understanding of US foreign policy in light of a policy of peace that is desired by all REAL Christians!

Russia, in many Christian eyes, is a balancing power to Israel-focused American interests, Munayer said. But local believers should not align too closely with either.

“Otherwise, we will bind ourselves in the trap of political interests, getting manipulated by one side or the other,” he said.

Very wise insight, and yes, the US Empire’s sole interests in the ME seems to align directly with Israel’s.

Without Russia, Syria would have been yet another nation overrun by rebel groups that would kill all Christians if they had the opportunity.