What is Up With the UK and Brexit?

From Armstrong Economics, some truth!

I have to say that Boris Johnson’s comment that Britain is headed for the status of a “colony” is absolutely correct. There are “remainers” who have simply ignored ALL the economic data and will seriously end Britain as any sort of viable economy. Britain has ALWAYS been treated as a second-class European culture and it will end up subservient to that of the EU. It may simply be too much to expect rational political leadership any more from Britain.

Exactly, first there were people with vision and reality that continued allegiance to the EU was not a healthy thing for the UK in any way shape or form, but again, fear of the unknown terrifies people and politicians. Sheep and sociopaths love safety over freedom every time.

The forecast is that the pressure in the system reaches a state of change. The PM simply has been afraid to leave Europe listening to all the propaganda and the pleas from European politicians who will lose their jobs if the EU collapses.

There are people now calling for Nigel Farage to return. Quite frankly, Nigel is probably the ONLY hope for Britain. Unless they cut the umbilical cord to the EU, Britain cannot possibly survive. Its economy has been sucked dry. Much of continental Europe secretly resents the UK and the USA for having to save them in two wars.

Yes, UK moving to a colony status is commensurate to their level of leadership .. a path most empires take in their last days. The US is not far behind!

Martin then goes into depth on the history of the Tories and Labour parties in the UK and laments that London, a city he lived in for five years, is dying along with the country.