Scars from Past Injuries to this Republic: How Past Events (Like 9/11) Lead to Kabul

Informed by his staff that a Russian satellite had just observed a missile being fired from a Navy ship off the coast of Washington at the Pentagon, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, tried to contact his US counterpart. He was unable to do so. Not because the telephone networks had broken down, but because George W. Bush was temporarily no longer president.

History is of supreme importance. History is the foundation of a proper CSI to determine root causes for this republic’s injury or death.

Whether it is the Treaty of Versailles that became the root issue that led to the rise of the Third Reich, to the 8-Point McCallum Plan that led to the attach on Pearl Harbor, it is imperative that to really know what is happening requires one to understand real history. Only then can one be prepared for the daily onslaught free men and women from this and succeeding generations will face in the weeks, months and years to come.

Reflecting on the shock event of our time, Thierry Meyssan reveals his own predictions from 20 years ago in the shadow of the 9/11 event:

The problem is not how the attacks were committed, but why the US reacted that day by violating its own Constitution, why it implemented in the following days very deep reforms of its institutions that changed its nature. Thierry Meyssan had predicted the transformation of the American Empire that we are seeing with the planning of the fall of Kabul. Everything he predicted has been confirmed over the last twenty years.

One needs to know that the spin of 9/11 and the reaction to that event mortally impacted our republic, at least whatever remained after Lincoln gutted what was formed in 1781 and partially corrupted in 1787 with his reaction to seven states constitutionally leaving the republic in 1860/1861.

Subtle details had emerged back in late 2001 just like the details emerged post Covid-Lockdown in early 2020 only to be buried by MSM (Main Stream Media) and Big Tech.

If we are asked what happened on 9/11, we will all visualise the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. We have forgotten many other things, such as the insider trading in the shares of the affected airlines, the fire in the Old Eisenhower Building, or the collapse of a third tower in the World Trade Center.

What is most astonishing is that almost no one remembers that at 10am, Richard Clarke triggered the ’Continuity of Government Plan’. At that very moment, President Bush and Congress were suspended from office and placed under military protection. President Bush was taken to an air base in Nebraska where the CEOs of the upper floors of the Twin Towers had been since the previous evening; and Congress to the Greenbrier megabunker. Power fell into the hands of the “Continuity Government”. It was in the Raven Rock Mountain megabunker (’Site R’). Power was not returned to the civilians until the end of the day.

This reaction was NOT accomplished because certain key government officials were now dead. The procedure implemented on September 11, 2001 was designed by President Eisenhower at a time when nuclear war was feared. If he, the Speakers and a majority of Congress were killed, there would be no constitutional powers. The military would logically have to assume the continuity of government. This was NOT the case in 2001, HOWEVER, this plan was executed anyway.

It was strictly speaking a coup d’état with an impact just like another coup d’etat that occurred in 1787 with the US Constitution’s creation and subsequent adoption. The republic can only take so many critical wounds.

The people who perpetrated this crime wanted to create a shock comparable to Pearl Harbor, as the members of the Project for a New American Century wrote earlier, so that they could change the way the United States lives and functions. So they told us a tall tale that we swallowed without flinching. But :

• To this day, there is no evidence of the 19 designated hijackers on board the hijacked planes. They were not on the lists of passengers on board the planes released by the airlines on the same day. The videos of the hijackers at the airport were not taken in New York, but at other airports where they were transiting.

• To date, there is no evidence that the 35 telephone communications between passengers on the hijacked flights and the ground existed. This applies both to the conversation attributed to the brave passenger who allegedly attacked the hijackers on UA 93, and to the conversation testified to by US Solicitor General Theodore Olson with his wife on AA 77. In contrast, at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui (accused of being the 20th hijacker who would not have boarded the plane), the FBI testified that none of the planes had phones in the armrests, that passengers should have used mobile phones, that cell phones at the time could not work at altitudes above 5,000 feet, and that the records provided by the phone companies did not show any of the communications mentioned – including that of Attorney General Olson.

• To date, there is no physical explanation for the collapse of three of the World Trade Center towers onto their own footprints (i.e. vertically). The Twin Towers were hit by two planes, but were not shaken. However, their fuel would have run down the vertical beams and melted them. A third tower was destabilised by the fall of the first two to its side. It too would have collapsed, not laterally, but vertically. It should be noted that no explanation was given for the lateral explosions heard by the firemen and widely filmed, nor for the vertical beams that were severed and not melted; two pieces of evidence attesting not to an accidental but to a controlled demolition. It should also be noted that no collapse of skyscrapers has ever been observed, either before or after 9/11, following a large-scale fire… and that no one has learned the lessons of this attack and therefore changed the way such buildings are constructed to prevent such a catastrophe. Finally, the photographs taken by firefighters of “pools” of molten steel and those taken by FEMA (the disaster management agency) of the melting rocks in which the foundations were built are inexplicable according to the official version.

• To date, there is no evidence that an airliner hit the Pentagon. Already the next day, the fire brigade had given a press conference at the Pentagon during which they had attested that they had not found anything suggestive of a plane. The authorities, who had issued a vengeful statement against my book, announced that they had collected many parts of the plane and reconstructed it in a hangar. Then they stopped communicating on this subject. Moreover, the families of the passengers of the plane in question, after having been scandalised by my words, changed their minds when they were given back funeral urns, claiming to have identified the bodies of their relatives thanks to their fingerprints (which would have been totally destroyed during fires at those temperatures). Some refused to sign the confidentiality agreement offered to them in exchange for large compensation payments.

Our government, at least the evil portion (which gets larger by the minute) was already prepared for these things. Even the so-called Patriot Act was dusted off and placed into law:

In the days following the attacks, the Bush Administration had Congress vote on an anti-terrorist code, known as the USA Patriot Act. This is a very large piece of legislation that had been drafted over the previous two years by the Federalist Society (of which Solicitor General Theodor Olson and Attorney General John Ashcroft were members). It suspends the Bill of Rights in cases of terrorism.

Additional “enhancements” to this republic were rolled out in the weeks that followed:

In order to implement the USA Patriot Act, a new department was created, the Homeland Security Department, which brings together various existing agencies. It has a political police force capable of spying on any citizen. According to the Washington Post, which revealed this in 2011, it has hired 835,000 civil servants, 112,000 of whom are secretly employed [9], making the United States the most Orwellian country on the planet. The way this department works was revealed in 2013 by Edward Snowden. Snowden not only provided information about the NSA’s foreign eavesdropping system, but also about domestic mass surveillance in the US. He now lives as a political refugee in Russia.

The bottom line is that 9/11 guaranteed that WAR would be America’s past-time for decades with all the major players getting a cut of the trillions spent:

From now on, the United States will no longer try to win wars, but on the contrary to make them last as long as possible; this is what President Bush’s expression “endless war” means. Their aim will be to destroy local state structures so that natural wealth can be exploited without having to endure political control; as Colonel Ralph Peters summed it up: “Stability is America’s enemy”

This evil agenda is dressed up as a “War on Terror” that is actually a war of terror, both in the middle east, but also now domestically as Kabul has fallen.

The American Empire is not just a global force for evil, but is a domestic force to enforce slavery on the government plantation. If you have not understood that yet, it might be time for some serious reflection and appropriate preparation.

All my predictions have been verified over the last 20 years. Unfortunately, few people have seen how the world has changed. Most refuse to make the connection between the revelations of one side and those of the other and to see the responsibility of the Western democracies for the crimes committed in the wider Middle East.

The problem remains the same: we cannot admit that the criminal is close to us.

The criminal is in our midst, always listening, always documenting (most likely capturing even this little blog post). Keep that in mind.


From ‘War on Terror’ to ‘War on Covid’ – Lessons to be Learned

01MAY2003 – GWB declares victory in the War on Terror (too soon Bush II, too soon as Kabul, Afghanistan experiences a Saigon, Vietnam moment here in 2021)

I know this is extremely OLD news, but remember when the US Deep State accused Bin Laden and his gang (of 50-200) in Afghanistan of orchestrating 9/11? Remember when GW Bush accused Saddam Hussein of possessing WMDs (WMDs that we gave Iraq during the Iraq-Iran War 1984-1988)?

The RESPONSE to these two lies was excessively over the top. The response COULD have been a strategic targeted CIA/SpecialForces mission that involved 50 men in both countries to CSI. But no, the US decides to sacrifice our troops (both physical and mental death/PTSD) in both of these countries over the next two decades, sacrifice the innocent people in these counties (their life, their livelihood making many refugees while eradicating Christianity) while spending trillions of US taxpayer’s money.

What do we have to show for all that sacrifice here in 2021? Nothing!

The greater good was never achieved. Bringing “democracy” to the Middle East only brought death, heartache, pain and poverty.

So the US elite says: “Let’s bring this to the homeland”

Now consider the War on Covid.

Headlines read: “15 Days to Flatten the Curve”, “Hospitals are Overwhelmed” and “Vaccines are Totally Safe”

The RESPONSE domestically has again been over the top. Beginning with masks which Tony Fauci rightfully said initially as being a “comfort” mechanism before he went political and suggested 2x, this crowd submission method was a placeholder until the mRNA vaccines could be delivered less than a year later (thanks “Father of the Vaccine” Trump SARCASM).

When we think of the phases toward mandating the “vaccine”, I can’t help but think of the pressure the US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan accomplished when freedom fighters in those countries were hard pressed, they became ever increasingly resistant and resilient. “Terror” groups morphed overnight sporting names like Al Qaeda, Taliban and more. Geographic boundaries meant nothing as ISIS spread from Iraq to Syria. The result was opposite the stated goals of the US Empire’s CIA/Pentagon/MIC complex.

But no one remembers years later.

So too with this latest war. Fighting an obscure enemy (COVID is ONLY a set of ever evolving symptoms that can come from SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory viruses like the flu), allows the fighters to shift their efforts while propping up their narrative, the “noble lie” (think Plato) that validates their forced mandates.

Consider the 1984 statement in the DHHS Federal Register, Vol 49 No 107 from June 1, 1984 in reference to the final rules concerning polio vaccination campaigns in the U.S.:

…any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s public health objectives.

This is why the following narrative (propaganda) is enforced on the public by government, media, big tech, big pharma and large US corporations:

  • Herd immunity is required to enable economic and social recovery
  • Vaccines are the only route to achieving herd immunity
  • COVID-19 vaccines are perfectly safe
  • COVID-19 vaccines provide protective, durable immunity

This excessive push of mandatory vaccines is counter-intuitive and has some scary long-term effects not even thinking about the vaccine’s adverse effects themselves.

Vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche explains:

As of the early days of the mass vaccination campaigns, at least a few experts have been warning against the catastrophic impact such a program could have on global and individual health. Mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants that are featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccinees and threatening the unvaccinated

The “hard press” on the virus is fueling the variants.

The “hard press” on the ‘terrorists’ fueled the variants.

I guess when you have a hammer like government .. everything is a nail.

George Washington knew this first hand when he led 15,000 troops into Pennsylvania to put down the “Whiskey Rebellion” which he and Alexander Hamilton caused due to the heavy tax (8x higher than King George’s taxes on the American colonies) on whiskey that they themselves had authorized.

A reasonable approach to this “War on Covid” would be as mRNA inventor Robert W. Malone suggests:

  • Full and complete disclosure on the vaccines
  • Comprehension of risks that the vaccines bring
  • Full voluntary participation with no coercion and no enticement

A healthy approach would follow more like Sweden’s strategy that has resulted in ZERO deaths there from COVID in the past weeks. A balanced response that allows the virus to move through the healthy younger population while protecting the older more frail population.

  • Provide personal risk assessment tools/apps
  • Provide clear and complete data on vaccine trials
  • Offer vaccination to high risk individuals
  • Understand that COVID is complex with different stages which means that allowing physicians to practice evidence-based medicine guided by laboratory testing
  • Use sequence-independent stage-appropriate medicines like Ivermectin, Famotidine/Celecoxib, Fluvoxamine, Apixaban, Vitamin D, etc.
  • Emphasize treating patients as soon as they develop disease in outpatient stage
  • Stop censoring and blocking repurposed drug development

Only when a healthier medical-industrial complex emerges will public confidence in healthcare rebound:

  • Public campaigns should be positive, ethical, truthful and empathic
  • People should feel empowered when making health choices
  • In both actions and words it is important to steer clear of fear, coercion and questionable ethics
  • Obey the law and be transparent about risks while not circumventing time tested processes and ethics
  • Trust, educate and respect citizens right to choose
  • Avoid authoritarian demands, information censorship and psychological manipulation via big media and big tech

I am not holding my breath. It took 20 years to unravel the “War on Terror”, so how long will it be for the truth to emerge around the “War on Covid”?


The Mask and Vax Angle – For What Purpose Elites?

The forced mask compliance and forced “vaccination” of ALL people in the US agenda by our government AND corporations (corporatism/fascism) indicate a final push towards … something.

The tyrannical and immoral attributes of this whole effort on behalf of the Trump and now Biden administrations, the medical-industrial complex and especially the progressives in the US seems to have shocked some, while others who know the history of governments, have been warning us for years.

None other than Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA effort, has outlined the immoral trajectory of this nation’s pharmaceutical industry:

I have intimate knowledge of not only the emergency use authorization legislation, the FDA policies behind it, I even know the people that wrote it, ..

.. So, we dove in, refreshed our memories on the whole history of the modern bioethics construct that briefly runs from Nuremberg Trials to the Nuremberg Code, to Helsinki Accord, to the Belmont Report in the United States, and to the common rule that exists in the code of federal regulations.

If the Nuremberg Trials does not ring a bell in your head like the Tuskegee Experiments, Thalidomide and the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine, then your government high school history teacher didn’t do you any favors.

More specifically, the path that the medical-industrial complex has come to this point in their sordid history (here is looking at you billionaires Rockefeller and Gates) where parallels between 1918’s “Spanish-Flu” and 2020’s “Covid-19” abound. (yes, if your high school history teacher did not mention the Rockefeller Institute’s meningitis vaccination program at Fort Riley adopted by the millions of fresh recruits in the US military, it was your loss) Today, we have quite the scenario playing out with calling the “vaccines” SAFE .. again a quote from Malone:

So, it’s a clear federal policy going back to 1984,” Malone says. “This is the way they’re going to handle things. And they’re going to handle it with the noble lie of saying, ‘No, there are no risks and what we’re doing is fully justified’ …

I don’t think we have to go to imagining some grand conspiracy at Davos between certain individuals. I think this is an emergent phenomena of the intersection of old-school thinking about information management and new-school capabilities and technologies.

I think the CDC, HHS, WHO, and Wellcome Trust or Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, etcetera, have just grossly misread the population, certainly in the United States. And so now we’re in a position where before, according to Del Bigtree, there was about 1% to 2% of people that self-identified as anti-vaxxers, and we’re now [above] 40%. Clearly, about 40 to 50% of the population are just dug in. They’re not going to accept these vaccines.

The White House now finds it necessary to have a special group to identify and target 12 American citizens for what they believe to be vaccine disinformation, and to make a big public press announcement about it. Don’t they have anything else to do? It seems like the world has got bigger problems than Dr. Mercola, but what do I know?

The whole thing is mind-bending. And a lot of people, including many Europeans, are really lit up over this. They remember. European intellectuals are very aware of the dynamics that happened in Germany in the 1930s … I think this could be a turning point in a lot of things.

None of the parallels to the 1918 outbreak/deaths, 1930s-1940s Nazi medical experiments, 1950s Tuskegee syphilis experiments on Blacks ever occur to those in today’s medical-industrial complex as they all seem rather confident that the sheep will never understand as long as they are scared.

Robert Malone summarizes:

If you give that kind of liberty and power to a global multinational and absolve them of any accountability, they will serve their stockholders,” Malone says. “They are not geared to serving the rest of us, whatever they may say in their press releases.

That’s just how big pharma behaves, and we’ve chosen this model. Messaging having to do with alternative treatments and the importance of wellness, those are not consistent with the ‘Take this pill, pay your price and shut up’ kind of business model.

Personally, I think that Mr. Gates and his foundation have done enormous irreparable harm to world health community through his actions and his own personal biases. He has really distorted global public health. At some point, there will be books written about this, and I’m sure an enormous number of Ph.D. theses will be granted. But meanwhile, we all have to live with it.

I am guessing that if you can mandate pills and shots, you really do not have to worry about marketing your products.

Another writer, Brandon Smith, takes on the possible incentives that the elites and their puppet politicians have in store for us:

The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100% vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner. And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent. We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.

To control means to be able to manage the variables, and one way to do that is to reduce the number of variables. Independent free men and women, independent free small businesses both stand in the way of the elite’s total control of this world on a global basis.

We have been targeted ..


Keep An Eye on South Africa – The USSA is Following a Similar Road

Volunteer John Badersire cleans the streets after several days of looting following the imprisonment of former South Africa President Jacob Zuma in Durban, South Africa, July 15, 2021. REUTERS/Rogan Ward

One has to stay wise these days. One needs to decide for themselves how proactive to be as well as to self-educate in the ways of protecting one’s self, family and property.

While it may not be natural as a US citizen to pay attention to what the innocent people in other countries are going through to learn from their wisdom AND mistakes, I contend that y’all give it some thought in the days and weeks to come. A lot of history has happening very fast these days and having the wisdom to see the red flags can help.

An article from Alt. Market US by Brandon Smith helps us fast-track today’s learnings .. here is his summary:

South Africa is a warning to Americans: Do not get too comfortable. Do not get complacent. Be ready for the next shoe to drop. Prepare accordingly, and understand that a fight is coming.

The establishment will place its bets that the unrest and economic disaster will create manufactured consent. They believe that the public will be sufficiently desperate and will beg for totalitarianism as a solution. Do not find yourself among the desperate, and if you can, organize your community to weather the storm.

Finally, always remember who the people are that caused this mess in the first place. Rioters and looters are going to be a problem, but they are not the true enemy. The people behind the curtain need to be dealt with if we are ever going to find peace again.

If you haven’t seen the pictures and videos from South Africa .. you might want to acquaint yourself:

Just know this is not a recent occurrence. Back before Covid in 2018 the ANC (African National Congress) was already “legally” (by way of altering laws) confiscating land and ensuring the minority white population bore the brunt of the struggles this once prosperous country is now going through. Even then there were blacks in South Africa who understood that racial based land expropriation was not honorable:

The largest ethnic group in South Africa, Zulu, has spoken out against the racial expropriation of land without compensation in the country. Zulu is ready to cooperate with the country’s white farmers, known as “Afrikaners” or “Boers” to prevent the seizure of their land

So this past month’s violence has a familiar ring to it .. try this insight and see if you don’t agree:

South Africa’s government under the ANC (African National Congress) was already going full communist in 2018-2019 before the covid pandemic. Under proposed amendments to the constitution, they demanded that “reparations” be taken from white farmers in the form of land grabs, which would then be redistributed to black citizens.

This is the classic critical race theory argument – That because colonialism once existed, all beneficiaries and their supposed descendants owe dues to the descendants of indigenous people who lost their lands. The problem is, only the descendants of WHITE colonists are required to pay dues.

So how is this Antifa/BLM-like violence in South Africa supposed to make a difference here in the USA?

This is on top of South Africa’s already high poverty level and the fact that, unlike the US with its world reserve currency, South Africa does not have the same ability to print stimulus checks from thin air to placate the masses and hide the damage.

Not surprisingly the ANC refuses to acknowledge that the primary cause of the riots has been their own lockdown policies. Instead, they have blamed the the crisis on the arrest of former president Jacob Zuma for contempt of court charges as the trigger. This may have added gasoline to the fire, but it was not the cause. When the government is actively sabotaging the ability of millions of people to work and feed their families the only other option left for most is theft, or revolution.

Supply chains in the country have been completely disrupted and the only retail outlets with stock are those protected by the military or those protected by business owners armed with guns and baseball bats. Only 6% of the population is allowed to own firearms under South Africa’s gun control bureaucracy and red tape. The government has a near monopoly on force and it is unlikely that the mobs will change much in terms of policy, but they do make life hell for the rest of the population.

The civil unrest in this region is, in my opinion, a preview of what is to come in the US and other western nations. We have already seen riots in France, Italy and other parts of the western world over legislation that would make the experimental mRNA vaccines mandatory through vaccine passports.

The unrest the US saw in the summer of 2020 will return. Time will tell what components of our various societies will take part in the city streets and beyond.

Personally, I do hope that the concept of nation-states reemerges like it did with the original 13 colonies became sovereign and came together in a confederation in 1781 against the British Empire. The efforts by those who love ONE nation/empire to wage war on the 7 southern states in 1861 will initially make people think to split the US is a pipe dream. But there is nothing like loss of property and life to transition one’s thinking to this realm of thinking ..

Stay tuned .. and keep an eye on South Africa!


A New Season Means New Priorities – Work, Family and Freedom

One must face it, things have changed. Not just in the USA, but in most countries around the world. This fact makes those who value freedom and liberty believe that they might be cornered. Let me explain.

Have you ever thought of moving to a freer state or country over the past 1.5 years? I know I have. I have dreamt of moving to FL, MT or AK while ruling out leaving the USA due to the expense of truly revoking my citizenship as well as the travel options I would have to continue to visit family that chose to remain.

A few months ago I came to the conclusion that I am cornered and that it might be time to hunker down. This past week or so I found an article by Allen Stevo that paralleled my thought processes of the past year. I plan to quote several sections below and make some comments and observations.

When you get off I-80 at Exit 13 to go to downtown Reno, your gas tank might need a quick refill after the long drive through California to the border. Right there, perfectly located, is the Chevron at Sierra and 7th, where the Nevada gas is even more expensive than in California.

A plethora of Californians see $5 gas being sold at those pumps and miss orange man and wonder when we will be done with the illegitimate regime.

Orange man wasn’t perfect. He let corona communism take root under his watch and continues to preach the vaccine. Orange man had flaws. But orange man was better.

And the ability to say no to what is easy at that Chevron and to drive a block deeper into Reno, where gas is a buck fifty cheaper, reminds one of what life was like in California when the orange man occupied the White House. A little freer, a little more money, and a little cheaper.

All it takes is for a Californian to leave California, and it’s like a time warp to the past. But the rest of the country doesn’t have that luxury. They can’t cross a border to get orange man gas prices. We are running out of places to run to. Eventually, an animal feels cornered. But man seems to have an unlimited number of stories to reassuringly tell himself about how he’s not cornered.

You’re cornered.

The first step is to admit that you have a problem. “Houston, we have a problem”. First it was lock-down, then mandatory masks and now forced vaccines. Is anyone still singing the National Anthem loudly or at all? I know I haven’t even before the ‘Rona. I have been calling this country USSA for some time .. but I digress.

FACTOID: The USA ain’t going back to 2019 anytime soon let alone pre-9/11, pre-Vietnam, pre-FDR, pre-Civil War or even pre-US Constitution .. those eras of freedom will only be revisited should regions of this country leave our existing government, and as we know from the Lincoln-like government we have, they will not let anyone go without a fight.

So if you are still with me, how are we going to prioritize things going forward? Allan Stevo suggests:

A good start is to divide your waking hours into thirds. Work. Family. Freedom.

Diligently, every day, multiple times a week, be with the patriots and freedom lovers around you building relationships, knowing how each collided with the tyrant in life that day, protecting one another in life, advancing each other’s goals, and pushing forward freedom. Every single day. Form your core of lions. Make it a tight knit unit. Social media won’t cut it.

You need to work less. You need to spend less. You need to spend more time with family. And you need to spend more time advancing personal freedom.

Forty, fifty, and sixty hour weeks at the salt mine can’t happen anymore. This is not the time for that. Different priorities are needed now. You need to figure out how to drop some hours.

Bingo. It is well past time to invest in family and freedom friends, in person. The encouragement accomplished with face-to-face time together helps to give people who value freedom the courage to take bold and calculated steps when necessary. Investing in your kid’s lives by educating them (counter to government schools education) may mean looking for alternative learning options where you as a parent are much more involved.

Letting your family raise themselves can’t happen anymore. You need to add some hours to that effort. If things get bad, family will literally be all you have. And if you haven’t put in the time, that kid who you thought could “raise himself” will become the stool pigeon in your home. He didn’t raise himself. Lenin raised him.

Lenin was oft quoted in the communist lands with advice for students. “Učit sa, učit sa, učit sa,” is the abbreviated version of one famous saying accredited to Lenin that was written on a Slovak pin given to a young “pioneer,” a communist in training. It is often translated as “Learn, learn, learn,” but I find that an inaccurate translation, for learning is far too independent-minded of an action for anything hagiographically attributed to Lenin. I prefer to translate that into English as “Study, study, study.” School has always been where the next generation of communists are built. “The socialist man,” is what generations of communists theorized they could build from children if they could just get into their head early enough. The socialist man is to be the soulless building block of the communist utopia. They knew only with the most thorough brainwashing and the virtual alienation of family influence could that be accomplished.

When I reflect on the 95% compliance rate to the mask mandate, I can only think how proud Stalin would be to see that happen in America. Your existing leaders, many of whom are Marxists, are proud too!

How can all this be countered? With intentional investment of time, you can’t outsource this:

Dear reader, an hour by your side, watching you negotiate the trials and tribulations of life is worth more to a child than all the benefit that 40 hours of instruction and study under the tutelage of the academy will bring to your child. Don’t let the teachers union tell you otherwise. Don’t let that know-it-all in your life tell you otherwise. Don’t let Lenin tell you otherwise.

Can your kid connect with people? Can your kid string a few sentences together? Can your kid read? Can he or she write a five paragraph essay? Can he or she do math? Great! Keep them above grade level in those tasks and keep them with you the rest of the time. Make the kids your wing men. I really mean this. It’s not going to be their life who you navigate around, running them willy nilly to this and that activity. That’s not at all what I mean. It is your life that they are the wingman to. You guys are suddenly going to be spending a lot more time together, just doing the duties of your life in each other’s company. That’s the opposite of what the lie of “quality time is.” This is quantity time, the kind of time that builds unshakeable bonds. It’ll move more slowly at first. There’s no question about that. There may be resistance. Stay the course. Focus on the bond. Play the long game. Enjoy each others company. Eventually you guys will settle into the rhythm together. Have them walk through your life next to you.

Stay the course. Well that resonates with me, as that was a frequent line I told my own kids in their journey to and through adulthood. Play the long game, have a strategy, be intentional and ultimately have fun together.

When in March of 2020 with news of lock-downs rippled across the USA, quickly the critical thinkers say this as a ploy to divide and conquer. Note how successful the government was in dividing the home and family. The home and family are man’s last refuge from an evil world:

There is literally no other place that you can feel at ease than inside your home. The list of countries in which that has been the case is very long. In some of those countries, even decades after totalitarian rule has stopped, people still don’t smile or show other positive emotion in public. The home really becomes the only refuge for some people.

And then the government tries to get at even that. They come with gifts. They come insisting they will help. They bulldoze your family home of 300 years, flood the entire river valley for a hydroelectric project, and gift you a modern apartment in the city. Of course, it happens to be in a building in which no one knows you and every neighbor can hear whispers through your paper thin doors, through you meticulously placed vents for perfect eavesdropping, and even through your concrete walls that never seem to form perfect right angles with each other and always leave small crevices of space between you and the neighboring apartment. It’s not unheard of in post communist lands to be able to see from your bedroom into your neighbor’s bedroom through such a crevice. Is it poorly made or intentional? I don’t know.

At a moment like that is when you suddenly realize it sure would have been nice to spend ten fewer hours a week with your boss and ten more hours a week with your kid.

Because at a moment like that, you suddenly realize you’ve got Lenin’s mole living with you.

So not only 95% of people masked up when told, all the people who have the gene that sees themselves deputized in enforcing “mask rules” showed how many people would truly rat you out in a communist USSA.

The USSA is here whether you want to believe it or not. Corona 1.0 was a successfully waged campaign by the regime who are busy planning to roll out Corona 2.0:

Corona communism worked so well that the 2.0 version is ready for release. The graduation from communism to totalitarians is being planned. Each autumn the flu season moves into full swing, and the sniffles become common place. They can, at a moment like that, shove every untested, data-barren, nonsense theory about colds and flus at you. And it’s coming. Attempts at controlling you that you’ve never imagined are weeks away.

They know if they can fill you with nonsense about the details of each variant, and fill you with fear about their inflated harm to you, and distract you with solutions that do not work, then they can get you to do almost anything.

Most people will fall in line, most people will get in boxcars as that is the true DNA of the masses. We can pray for them but that does not mean we have to follow them. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves UNLESS you are defending yourself and your family, THEN sell your coat and buy a sword.

So what does it come down to and what is the bottom line?

It comes down to your personal decision.

When are you going to say no? When are you going to stand against the nonsense?

This is the last free summer they have planned for you. Are you going to spend it in frivolity, or are you going to spend it making sure their plans for you are ruined? 

We don’t have to stop there. We can make sure their plans for you are ruined so badly and they end up so burned in the process, that some of them decide to never try to make a plan for you again.

Come the start of flu season in October, the future will have been set in stone. Either we have seen our last free summer, this summer, the summer of 2021, or we will have bought ourselves another free year.

And don’t belittle that extra year. Because whether they realize it or not, every free society in the history of civilization has done exactly that: bought themselves another free year. They engage in the behaviors that keep the tyrant out of their own lives and enough of them do it so that the tyrant is kept out of many lives. One year at a time, freedom progresses, under constant vigilance. Absent the vigilance, freedom wanes.

This is the year to turn this around. The three phases have passed, lock-downs, masks and now “vaccines”. The success encountered so far has encouraged the political elites toward a final push this fall by leveraging all big business to push to complete the vaccine push so that annually, your software can be updated.

You need to never wear the face mask again. You need to push back on every mandate in your life. You need to accept the pain that comes with that. The near term pain is far easier than the years of pain that will come from handing your country and your home over to these people. You need to prioritize between necessary and frivolous in your life. Family, freedom, and work need your attention and work cannot be the priority.

Not telling y’all, just saying this is a choice you need to make for you and your family.

Stay the course.
