BLM – The 2020 Version of the GOP’s 1860’s Version .. Prove Me Wrong

I hope by now y’all know that Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) you see today does not operate under the premise that black lives matter. This movement is only using the slogan as a front for their own purposes and agenda, since much of their violence was aimed at the very lives (Black community and persons) they claim “matter”.

This has happened before you know, even in these United States when in 1861 Lincoln reacted violently to the exit of seven sovereign states from his mythical holy “union”. You see, Lincoln’s idea of union was not the same as the founder’s view, as he said it was “a family, bound indissolubly together by the most intimate organic bonds”. Lincoln’s rhetoric helped framed this to be first a religious war to violently bring these seven states back and when that failed to motivate the masses being slaughtered on the battlefields, a religious war to “free” the slaves. Black lives all of a sudden mattered!

Lincoln’s initial effort was to transform the united States as a federated association to a monolithic and divinized entity which must be worshiped, be permanent, be unquestioned and all powerful. The zealous aspect of this narrative demonstrated itself as early as late 1861 where in Missouri, this conflict’s ramp-up had Union Brig. James H. Lane say:

We believe in a war of extermination .. I want to see every foot of ground in Jackson, Cass and Bates counties burned over .. everything laid waste ..

On 23SEP1861 his artillery opened fire on Saint Clara Country courthouse and soon the rest of the town of Osceola was ablaze as well when Union soldiers then robbing the bank and downing large quantities of whiskey.

By JAN1862 Union cavalry burned 45 buildings in Dayton, MO, 42 in Rose Hill, MO and 150 private homes in Johnson County, so do you see the pyromaniac tendencies that make BLM and the GOP-led Union terrorists so similar?

If the religious zealot led BLM movement in 2020 is allowed to continue, you will see similarities to what happened to Fredericksburg, VA in DEC1862 happen in most all urban areas of the USA. The Union Army bombed the city of Fredericksburg instead of shelling the Confederate armies that controlled the heights above the city. The Union soldiers then sacked the city itself. Sounds of screams, broken chinaware, splintering furniture was followed by the scattering of men’s and women’s clothes in the streets, letters and documents pulled from desks as the men drank liquor found and continued unrestrained in smashing doors and windows with ZERO concerns for private property. This is trademark Marxism which emphasizes that all property is collective and none is to be private. This is how BLM members today justify what they do in Portland, Chicago and Philadelphia.

This link between Lincoln’s GOP and Marx should be of no surprise to anyone who had a history class, unless the history taught was not complete. Everyone should be aware that Lincoln and Karl Marx personally communicated and had a sort of mutual admiration society. Upon being reelected, Lincoln received a letter from Marx saying, “We congratulate the American people upon your reelection by a large majority.” Lincoln responded with a thank-you letter. (If you want more background to the connection, this expensive book ($150USD) can give you the details)

As the war effort necessitated Lincoln transitioning the goal of the war from “keeping the union” to “freeing the slaves”, the atrocities accelerated.

The fires that Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman used to remove Atlanta as an obstacle to his objectives resulted in piles of corpses, black and white, women and children. But Sherman could easily look past this as he saw a “greater good” beyond this “collateral damage” in writing to his wife:

… extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the trouble, but the people [of the South] ..

Later in life, Sherman would quip, “the only good Indian is a dead Indian”. Sherman boasted in his letters to Grant that in one day he had set fires to 2700 barns, 70 flour and wheat mills and stole or killed 7000 cattle and sheep.

Gen. Phillip Sheridan with his 35,000 man army unopposed in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia pillaged and plundered, killed and burnt so that Grant’s order to make this valley a “barren waste” might be satisfied:

.. the land should be left so vacant that crows flying over would need to pack their lunches ..

If black lives really mattered, why did the Union Army destroy everything that could have been used by them to avoid starvation in the months after the war? Do note that few if any slaves went north with their “rescuers” and Sherman himself had bridges burnt behind his army to prevent the blacks from following. Black lives didn’t really matter, but the narrative inspired the masses to really behind that thought. Sound familiar?

Post war the GOP used the blacks as their political force in the south and stoked race warfare to ensure societal division not just then, but for generations to come. In 1877 when the GOP finally was caught in their web of lies, deceit and crimes within government, did they finally abandon the manipulation of the blacks for political power in the south. Used and abused, the story of Marxist / totalitarianism that relies on separating people into groups/classes for their divide and conquer schemes.

Liberty, personal property rights and the pursuit of happiness are never the order of the day when the GOP of the 1860s or the Bolsheviks of the 1910s or the Nazis of 1930s or the Democrat-aligned/BLMers of the 2020s come to town.

Time to defend yourself, your loved ones and friends from those that see no value in your life or property. The communist Kymar Rouge who ruled Cambodia for a time had a line:

Losing you is not a loss. Keeping you is no specific gain

Socialist Germany looked at Jews this way. Marxist Union troops looked at Southerners this way. Communist Soviet Union saw Ukrainians this way.

The BLM in 2020 looks at you this way.

Be on guard in these days but have hope in the One who can allow a handful of people, the “weak” to make a difference in the days, months and years to come. Train your kids well and open their eyes.

Peace out


Immigration: Why Adding Government to the Equation Makes it Difficult

I have long had a heart for those men who risked leaving family for a season to make good money with hard work to provide their family a better life. I too had to leave one state with my wife and kids and be employed in another necessitating weekend commutes and double housing expense.

I too know that the current distribution system of taking money from those working and giving a percentage of it to others who don’t work is fundamentally flawed, and then add on to that the giving of this money also to those that cross an imaginary line called a “border”.  What most people do not understand that inside this line are other lines that reflect private property. The US footprint is not all government land, and, all government land is essentially, the people’s. But I digress.

The bottom line is that governments do not really care about people, they just want to be the middleman in all the transactions. They actually prefer that families break up so that they can be the “father” who provides for the kids. When you come to terms with the dysfunction of the government you then know why our society is getting increasingly dysfunctional. Government has become people’s god. For a good book on this, try Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s “Democracy – The God That Failed” (there may be free PDF versions available).

The following Mises article from 2006 highlights the conundrum:

  • The philosophy of individual rights and capitalism implies that foreigners have a right to come and to live and work here, i.e., to immigrate into the United States. The land of the United States is owned by individuals and voluntary associations of individuals, such as private business firms. It is not owned by the United States government or by the American people acting as a collective; indeed many of the owners of land in the United States are not Americans, but foreign nationals, including foreign investors. The private owners of land have the right to use or sell or rent their land for any peaceful purpose. This includes employing immigrants and selling them food and clothing and all other goods, and selling or renting housing to them. If individual private landowners are willing to accept the presence of immigrants on their property as employees, customers, or tenants, that should be all that is required for the immigrants to be present. Anyone else who attempts to determine the presence of absence of immigrants is simply an interfering busybody ready to use a gun or club to impose his will.
  • … the philosophy of individual rights and capitalism implies that the immigrants do not have a right to be supported at public expense, which is a violation of the rights of the taxpayers. Of course, it is no less a violation of the rights of the taxpayers when native-born individuals are supported at public expense. The immigrants are singled out for criticism based on the allegation that they in particular are making the burden intolerable.

To satisfy both of these rights, one has to undo what the US has done since the 1930s when the welfare state was brought on the scene “for the common good”

What we see today is a reflection of a principle that Mises himself proposed, as George Reisman from this Mises article points out:

This is a classic illustration of Mises’s principle that prior government intervention into the economic system breeds later intervention. Here the application of his principle is, start with the Welfare State, end with the Police State. A police state is what is required effectively to stop substantial illegal immigration that has become a major burden because of the Welfare State.

Our government loves it that people are divided along this continuum since it is viewed as an innocent bystander to this hot-button issue.

Government is 99% of the problem. Those educated, inoculated and propagandized by the state will never see it.


How Understanding History Helps Understanding the Present and the Future

Lew Rockwell today shared his reflections of a recent book released by Hans-Hermann Hoppe called ‘Getting Libertarianism Right“. In it, Hans shares an insight he himself learned from Murray Rothbard, which is …:

never to trust official history, invariably written by the victors, but to conduct all historical research instead like a detective investigating a crime. Always, first and foremost and as a first approximation, follow the money in search of a motive

It is only by knowing the true history can one form the proper frame of mind to understand current issues as well as the future state for our kids and grand-kids.

I have to be honest, when I read how this was not talking just about a libertarian approach to life as being fundamentally and logically correct, but that the word “right” also meant as opposed to left, I hesitated. But in true Hoppe form, Hans can take the logical route and prove that in the long-term, the left as it is defined today is a destructive course. Not because the right, as it exists today, has a great record, it doesn’t, but there is a fundamental aspect of the right that is essential in understanding life.

“Knowing libertarian theory — the rules of peaceful interactions — is like knowing the rules of logic — the rules of correct thinking and reasoning. . . just as every logician who wants to make good use of his knowledge must turn his attention to real thought and reasoning, so a libertarian theorist must turn his attention to the actions of real people. Instead of being a mere theorist, he must also become a sociologist and psychologist and take account of ’empirical’ social reality, i.e., the world as it really is” says Hans

OK, but what about right verses left thinking? Lew summarizes Hans’ thoughts:

The Right accepts the reality of human differences but the Left does not. Because Leftists try to make everyone equal, they favor massive interventions by the State to abolish human differences.

So true. Anyone alive today has to eventually see through the left’s agenda. True equality is not what they want, because they would be out of a job. Their effort is the “process”, which can never be successful, of making everyone equal. This is so very similar to the progressive path that came out of the 19th century and flourished toward building some utopia, that of course had government as a key initiator and sustainer in.  You know, like a god!

Hans points out that even the most ardent leaders of the left’s agenda deep down knows the truth. I mean, even the common man on the street knows the honest truth. Hans does not mince words .. he too knows that this agenda benefits some and not others:

“The egalitarian worldview of the Left is not only incompatible with libertarianism, however. It is so out of touch with reality that one must be wondering how anyone can take it seriously. The man-on-the-street certainly does not believe in the equality of all men. Plain common sense and sound prejudice stand in the way of that. And I am even more confident that no one of the actual proponents of the egalitarian doctrine really, deep down, believes what he proclaims. Yet how, then, could the Leftist worldview have become the dominant ideology of our age? At least for a libertarian, the answer should be obvious: the egalitarian doctrine achieved this status not because it is true, but because it provides the perfect intellectual cover for the drive toward totalitarian social control by a ruling elite”

So in the present state (no pun intended), many people are caught up in this dream world for the future that they will never see. By the time they realize this, it will be too late for them to enjoy the freedom of every person, being uniquely created and uniquely gifted to accomplish their unique work in this world that can make societies and communities a better place.

So what does Hans attribute this drift and now free-fall away from libertarian principles? The keystone seems to be a supreme judicial authority that quickly became politically aligned. I suggest, and Thomas Jefferson agreed, that America from the get-go was an experiment. The tweak in this experiment from the Articles of Confederation in 1781 to the Constitution in 1787 broke it even more. By the 1790s, Americans were paying more in taxes than they were in 1775!

Hans shares his insight:

“Predictably, the monopolist will use his position as ultimate decision-maker not only to resolve conflict between contending property owners, but increasingly also to initiate or provoke conflicts with private property owners, in order to then decide such conflicts in his own favor, i.e., to expropriate the just property of others to his own advantage on the basis of his own made-up laws. And on the other hand, the price to be paid for justice will rise. In fact, the price of justice will not simply be a ‘higher price’ that justice seekers may or may not be willing to pay (as would be the case for any other monopoly), but a tax that justice seekers must pay whether they agree to it or not.”

With this capstone, the effort that most people assume is that the drive is to control the state apparatus as history shows political struggles becoming at times physical wars (War of 1812, War Against Southern Independence, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, etc. * I got tired of typing all the wars the US has fueled). However, Hans turns this thought on its head as well:

“Only with democracy, however, i.e., the free and unrestricted entry into the State, are all moral restraints and inhibitions against the taking of others’ lawful property removed. Everyone is free to indulge in such temptations and propose and promote every conceivable measure of legislation and taxation to gain advantages at other people’s expense. That is, whereas in a natural order everyone is expected to spend his time exclusively on production or consumption, under democratic conditions, increasingly more time is spent instead on politics, i.e., on the advocacy and promotion of activities that are neither productive nor consumptive, but exploitative and parasitic of and on the property of others.”

More time spend on politics, that are not productive, but exploitative and at its root, parasitic towards the property of others! Ain’t that the truth. Everyone these days wants government money (the government has no money of its own, just the power, the sword, the gun to extort money from you). This is not sustainable, but the average politician is in this only for short-term gains. They have zero concerns about our kids and grand-kids. ZERO! Speaking of politicians, Hans has a few things to say:

“If measured by the standards of natural law and justice, all politicians, of all parties and virtually without any exception, are guilty, whether directly or indirectly, of murder, homicide, trespass, invasion, expropriation, theft , fraud, and the fencing of stolen goods on a massive and ongoing scale. And every new generation of politicians and parties appears to be worse, and piles even more atrocities and perversions on top of the already existing mountain, so that one feels almost nostalgic about the past. They all should be hung, or put in jail to rot, or set to making compensation.”

The very people who lied us into the Iraq War (and other wars) walk free today and yet the very people who broke the truth about these and other wars are now behind bars and are not free (Assange, Manning, others). Justice has been turned upside-down. We are not free. The lie has been for sometime that our troops have been fighting for our freedom. This is only a convenient cover for a parasite (global elites, US Empire, Washington DC, Deep State all the way down to the local police state) sucking all it can out of its people as well as those around the world that they sanction, drone and harass for “freedom”.

I plan to read this 120 page book by Hans this weekend and will get back to you. It has come to that. We need to be very aware of the past so we can understand the red flags around us (the ‘red flag laws’ popped in my mind, that is another post), and then prepare ourselves, our family and friends for the future. Not just physically, but psychologically as well!

At the end of the day I trust that the Judge will make all things right and all things new, but even His Son who lived in this broken world knew that critical thinking would be needed to navigate life under an empire, in His case, the Roman Empire. His example was to sell a coat for a sword, but also to have hope that there is a better day coming, as the Father would present us something fantastic, not only peace in the middle of the storm of this very broken world, but a future home where there would be no tears.

Signing off
