Hosts (Taxpayers) and Parasites (Government): Simple Example of How Parasites Suck

Back in the day, even being employed in a private corporation (publicly traded), the joke  went like this:

  • Q: How many people work here?
  • A: About half

From this article on The Burning Platform comes a very simple example of how the parasite always increasingly feeds on the host … (and you know when the parasite leaves right? When all the blood is gone!)

1860: 60% of American’s people are farmers

1862: Centralizer’s (A. Lincoln’s) response, during wartime, create the USDA:

In 1860, about 60% of America’s population lived/worked on farms. Farmers had many needs, and the nation needed a steady reliable source of food, so in 1862 president Lincoln created the Department of Agriculture.

Central control of yet one more part of society and yet further away from the Articles of Confederation political philosophy that depended more on STATE level options, where some states would want that kind of control, and others would not. This key aspect allowed farmers to more to another state IF the state controls became counterproductive (which they always do when people attempt central planning verses allowing the market to adjust to the real time supply, demand and technological changes). Today, your options are:

  • Move to Somolia
  • Move to South Africa (not recommended if you are of the white race)
  • Move to Russia

In typical US government style, add 150 or so years and now we see the following:

  • 2% of people are farmers (1.2M)
  • USDA employs 105,000 people, in 15,000 locations, in all 50 states AND in 80 foreign countries with a $150B budget

So 11 farmers per USDA employee, so much for farmers being the “independent” type, seems like these relationships are highly CO-DEPENDENT!

Government LOVES these relationships, remember, they are parasites!

So what have we gained. Don’t tell me that it was government that introduced higher technology to allow less farmers to produce more food, that was the market. However, with this government link, there were many shortcuts encouraged along the way. Can someone say Round-Up, GMOs and other non-ethical ways for certain companies (i.e. like the sugar industry) to monopolize the US food supply? The result (humorous) is that:

In 1862 there were about 650 obese Americans, most of them in Kentucky — due to fried chicken. In 2018, more than 150 million Americans couldn’t fit their fat asses in fifty-bushel basket even with a case of Vaseline and the jaws-of-life. Thank you, USDA.

This article’s next target is the Department of Education. Thanks to Jimmy Carter, in 1979 he formed the DOE. The results:

When Jimmy Carter formed the DOE in 1979 about 95% of high school students knew that Australia was an island continent. Today, the same percentage think it’s a small country in Europe!

OK .. you get the picture. Just like the War on Poverty (which was put in motion when poverty was at its LOWEST in the US), the War on Drugs and even the War on Terror (plus all those three lettered agencies that keep that myth going), it is just a matter of time that like the Roman Empire, with its currency devalued, would slowly unravel and implode.

The US Government has been able to still spin all this into a big PLUS in its marketing campaigns via mainstream media, so well that:

Americans want even more government! A stunning 62% of American agree with this (here) — ” “we need a strong government to handle today’s complex economic problems”. Only 35% want less government.

There you have it. Americans want what they want:

This is not sustainable .. but might go on for years or even decades longer. Hang on!
